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Training plan for preparing for the research competition at the GF

Training plan for preparing for the research competition at the GF


Topic of the lesson/training

ZOOM, group trainings

Independent work and / or consultation


Requirements for scientific supervisors, a research group. Staff and payroll planning

(1 hour)



Defining the topic. Formulation of the concept, goals and objectives of the project. Planning of work on the implementation of the project.

(2 hours)



Expected results. References. Clarification of the calendar plan, taking into account the planned publications

(1 hour)
Akshulakova Bibigul Kairatovna


Justification of the requested funding. Calculation of the requested funding. Updating the calendar plan taking into account the project budget

(3 hours)



Scientific novelty and significance of the project. Research methods

During April



Research group and project management. Research environment. Search for a private partner for applied research, with the exception of projects in the field of national security and defense, the use of atomic energy, social, humanitarian and social sciences, foreign partners for international collaboration projects.

During May



Registration of the tender application (abstract, explanatory note, calculation of the requested funding).

4th week of May



Final version of the tender application

4th week of May



Translation of the tender application into two other languages

1st week of June



Preparation of a cover letter and other attached documents

1st week of June



Support when uploading a tender application to the electronic portal www.is.ncste.kz.

Within the terms of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan



Summary and expected results of classes (trainings)


Topic 1: Requirements for scientific supervisors, a research group. Staff and payroll planning

Summary: The main and additional staff of the project is formed, the profile of the scientist (all members of the research group) is created or edited on the portal https: //www.ncste.kz/, the availability of the e-signature of all performers is ensured, the roles in the project are distributed (including for the preparation of a tender application), the availability of a reserve is determined, information about the main publications and available patents, copyright certificates and other security documents is collected and systematized, the expediency of attracting foreign scientists is determined, two articles of the budget application are formed: the 1st article “Payroll” and the 10th article “Taxes and Other Mandatory Payments to the Budget”, Table 1 is filled in.

Expected result: a ready-made subsection of the Explanatory Note of the competitive application “Research Group”, a completed Table 1, two articles of the budget application.


Topic 2: Defining the project topic. Formulation of the concept, goals and objectives of the project. Planning of work on the implementation of the project.

Summary: The features of research goal-setting are discussed, the relationship between the introductory part and the goal, goals and objectives, tasks and the calendar plan of the project is provided, Table 14 is filled in.

Expected result: ready-made subsections of the Explanatory Note of the tender application “2. The general concept of the project. 2.1. Introductory part. 2.2. The purpose of the project. 2.3. Tasks” and “"8. Project implementation plan”. Completed Table 14 (initial version).


Topic 3: Expected results. References. Clarification of the calendar plan, taking into account the planned publications

Summary: The expected results are formulated, their compliance with the goals and objectives of the project is justified, quantitative and qualitative characteristics are indicated, as well as the kinds of implementation in the form of publications in the open press, security documents, etc. The scope of application and target consumers are determined, the impact of the expected results on the development of the main scientific direction and related fields of science and technology, the possibilities of commercialization, the expected social, economic, environmental, scientific and technical, multiplicative and (or) other effect of the project results are predicted.

Expected result: ready-made subsections of the Explanatory Note of the tender application “9. Expected results” and “10. References”. Completed Table 14 (updated version).


Topic 4: Justification of the requested funding. Calculation of the requested funding. Updating the calendar plan taking into account the project budget

Summary: An EXCEL table is filled in for all items of expenditure, Article 1 is specified (Article 10 is edited automatically), supporting documents are searched (as a rule, price lists, price offers, screenshots, etc.) for those items of expenditure that require documents to be attached, taking into account the justification of finances, the project calendar plan is specified.

Note: Before the lesson, an EXCEL spreadsheet will be sent out with the specified forms and calculation formulas for each item of the budget application.

Expected result: A ready-made subsection of the Explanatory Note of the tender application “7. Justification of the requested financing”, ready section of the Tender application “3. Calculation of the requested financing” (initial version). Completed table 14 Work schedule (final version).



Every lesson ends with homework, the completion of which is mandatory (this is a guarantee of successful preparation for the competition) for the next lesson to discuss difficulties and emerging problems.