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Areas of work

The purpose of the Center for Pedagogical Research is to develop, implement and coordinate scientific projects in the field of psychological and pedagogical sciences. The tasks for the realization of this goal are:

- management of research in Higher Schools of the University in accordance with the leading theme of the University «Scientific and methodological support for the development of relevant professional competencies of a modern teacher»;

- expansion of cooperation in the field of scientific research of the university with educational organizations of the city and the region;

- promotion of the achievements of university scientists through the mass media;

- identification of a pool of research leaders from among university scientists, development of their potential and improvement of their research competencies;

- involvement of young scientists in the research activities of the University;

- conducting training seminars and trainings on conducting research, writing project applications.

The Concept for the Development of Higher Education and Science for 2023-2029 provides for the development of scientific and pedagogical schools based on pedagogical universities designed to strengthen scientific potential for the training of teachers of a new formation. The university has a center for pedagogical research, the purpose of which is to coordinate and develop scientific research in the field of pedagogy, psychology and methodology in the context of modernization of Kazakh education.

Research is being conducted within the framework of the university-wide research topic «Scientific and methodological support for the development of relevant professional competencies of a teacher in the context of the formation of a New Kazakhstan». 20 articles have been published in scientific journals recommended by the Science and Higher Education Quality Assurance Committee, 13 articles in foreign journals indexed by Scopus, 9 in the journal Pedagogical Bulletin of Kazakhstan, 10 certificates of intellectual property copyright (textbook, digital educational resources) have been issued, 10 textbooks have been published, 3 acts of implementation. The university conducts master's and doctoral research within the framework of a general university topic.

Research on inclusive education was conducted within the framework of the project with grant funding from the Individual registration number AP14872400 «Methodology of teaching inclusive informatics in the system of general and additional education as a condition for career guidance for children with mental disabilities». A methodological system for teaching computer science to children with mental disabilities has been developed for their further career guidance in the IT profession, an inclusive computer science course has been introduced at the center for additional education, a pedagogical experiment has been conducted in a small group with two children with mental disabilities in teaching inclusive computer science and in a group with normotypic children of 4 people, metric data of children on learning and career guidance https://ppu.edu.kz/vyicislitelnoe-myislenie-v-inklyuzivnom-klasse. The results show that children with mental disabilities (mental retardation, autism, mental retardation, etc.) successfully master digital skills using a methodological system and a specialized learning model, thanks to which students participate in robotics competitions and contests of scientific projects in computer science.

On April 18, 2023, a round table «Overcoming the problems of inclusive education for children with special educational needs in Kazakhstan and Russia» was held, attended by specialists of inclusive and special education, specialists of the Department of Education, scientists, teachers of urban and rural schools, university professors, college and university students (more than 140 participants).


Research is being carried out within the framework of the scientific project AP19678646 «Pedagogical provision of cybersecurity of the school environment using compliance management», aimed at studying cyber threats as a form of influence that destroys the foundations of social and psychological protection of the individual, and the development of preventive mechanisms to counter cyber security of the educational environment of the school using compliance management. The research group conducted cybersecurity trainings and developed a website of materials for teachers, students and parents.

The center conducts research on the development of research competencies among future teachers (students) as part of the integrated GPA implementation project. In the 2022-2023 academic year, the university introduced an integral GPA assessment model in a pilot mode in order to form a personality involved in creating a knowledge-based, research-oriented economy and with high social responsibility to society. Thanks to the integrated GPA assessment system, students have become active in organizing and participating in scientific and practical conferences and events.

The center has an anti-crisis student club aimed at creating conditions for the disclosure and realization of the resource potential of students, organizing and coordinating personal and professional centered activities, forming and creating a creative asset of students of the anti-crisis club, working with creative assets for successful building and understanding career growth in the future.

Regular training seminars with university students and career development meetings are held.


- Consultations on writing a project application are held throughout the year.

- Online seminars on the preparation of the project application were held.

- According to the results of the general university topic, 7 project applications have been prepared.