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Concept of Operations


Concept of Operations

of the Center for Pedagogical Research

Pavlodar Pedagogical University


The basis for the development of the given document is understanding of the Concept as a system that expresses a certain way of representing, understanding, interpreting objects, phenomena, processes and presenting the leading idea, a certain idea in a particular field of science or practice.

Based on this, the given Concept is a document reflecting the purpose and objectives, the main activities of the Center for Pedagogical Research of Pavlodar Pedagogical University (hereinafter – CPR PPU).

The purpose of the CPR is the development, implementation and coordination of scientific projects in the field of psychological, pedagogical and other sciences (in accordance with the scientific directions and interests of scientists).

The objectives for implementing this purpose are:



1) research (including interdisciplinary) in the field of pedagogical and other sciences;

2) research of internal processes of the university.

In the first case, the object of research is the pedagogical reality (actual problems of pedagogical science and educational practice), in the second – the quality of academic, scientific and educational processes, as well as the quality of the university management.