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Laboratory of Pedagogical Innovations

The need to update educational approaches and methods in the face of rapid changes in society and technology is becoming critically important.

Main tasks

• To explore modern pedagogical practices and techniques.

• Develop and implement innovative educational programs.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of new approaches in teaching.

Areas of work

• Conducting research in the field of pedagogy and psychology.

• Cooperation with educational institutions to share experiences.

• Participation in conferences and seminars on pedagogical innovations.

Scientific projects of the teaching staff are carried out within the laboratory https://ppu.edu.kz/realizuemyie-proektyi/  

Training of a universal teacher of STEM education using massive open online courses https://ppu.edu.kz/proekt-po-stem/1  

The methodology of teaching inclusive computer science in the system of general and additional education as a condition for career guidance for children with mental disabilities https://ppu.edu.kz/asainova-almagul-zayakovnacompetition-for-grant, project website https://incinformatics.ppu.edu.kz/  

A virtual laboratory and an educational and experimental site as a means of forming the subject competence in biology of rural school students https://ppu.edu.kz/virtualnaya-laboratoriya-i-ucebno-opyitnyij-ucasto  

Training of special teachers for psychological and pedagogical support of children with disabilities in inclusive education https://ppu.edu.kz/duzelbaeva-ajtolkyin-bolatovacompetition-for-grant

Pedagogical provision of cybersecurity of the school environment using compliance management https://cyberacademy.ppu.edu.kz/  

Organization and development of an online psychological and pedagogical support service for orphaned children https://ppu.edu.kz/onlajn-psixologo-pedagogiceskoe-sluzba-soprovozden/

Formation of readiness for self-education of future teachers through project activities https://ppu.edu.kz/yusupova-guldana-kajratovnacompetition-for-grant  

Scientific and theoretical justification and methodological support for the preparation of future teachers for integrated education of primary school children https://ppu.edu.kz/kalimova-asemgul-dzambudovnacompetition-for-grant

Development of original author's pedagogical technologies in order to use the regional component in classes in biological disciplines in higher educational institutions https://ppu.edu.kz/realizuemyie-proektyi