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Scientific activity 2022

The results of the research work of teachers following the results of 2022 are:

- publication of the monograph Fine arts of Kazakhstan: traditions and innovations (Lichman E.Yu.).

In 2022, the teaching staff of the OP Music Education participated in international conferences:

Lichman E.Yu.

- in the international scientific and practical conference "Art history readings in Altai" (in memory of the professor T.M. Stepanskaya), Barnaul: AltSU, 09.12.2022 made a report;

- in the international scientific and practical conference "Modernization of pedagogical education in the conditions of new Kazakhstan: theoretical and applied aspects" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University - Pavlodar: PPU, 2022.

Kokumbayeva B.D.

- Serikbol Kondybai zhane turki mythologiyasynyn zertelui" atta III Halykaralyk gylym-teoriyalyk conference (16-17 mausym 2022 / Turkistan-Kazakhstan) – 528 p. – pp. 73-80;

- international scientific and practical conference "Traditions of oral music professionalism and modernity" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Doctor of Art History, Professor A. I. Mukhambetova – Almaty, 2022,

T. Zhurgenov Academy of Art; - the international scientific and practical conference "Philosophy: Science and Vocation" dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the prominent statesman and public figure, Kazakh scientist, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Telebayev Gaziz Turysbekovich. – Almaty, 2022,

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; - in the international scientific and practical conference "Modernization of pedagogical education in the conditions of new Kazakhstan: theoretical and applied aspects" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University – Pavlodar: PPU, 2022.

Azamat T., Tulekova A. R.

- in the international scientific and practical conference "modernization of pedagogical education in New Kazakhstan: theoretical and practical aspects" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the university-Pavlodar: PPU, 2022. Kokumbayeva B. D. in 2022 Published:

1) scientific articles in international conference: kondybay studies as a new interdisciplinary direction in the Humanities of the Turkish world// Serikbol kondybay and the study of Turkic mythology" III International Scientific and theoretical conference (June 16-17, 2022 / Turkestan - Kazakhstan) – 528 pp.-SS. 73-80; the place and significance of the concept of "education" in the New Kazakhstan (on music and pedagogical education) // collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "modernization of pedagogical education in the conditions of New Kazakhstan: theoretical and applied aspects", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University:-Pavlodar: PPU, 2022.-pp. 992 – pp. 101-107.

2) scientific articles in journals:

1) Kokumbaeva B.D., Begalinova K.K. Tengrianism as the spiritual foundation of Turkic culture and art // Greater Eurasia: Development, security, cooperation. Yearbook. Issue 5. Part 1 / RAN. INION. Scientific department. cooperation; Ed. V.I. Gerasimov. – M., 2022. – 1182 p. – ss. 646-650.

2) scientific articles jointly with students: G.K. Belgibayeva, B.D. Kokumbayeva Zhana adis-tasilderdi koldanu arkyly daryndy zhane talantty okushylardyn estetikalyk talgamdaryn arttyru // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 936-942.

Lichman E.Yu. in 2022 published:

1) monograph Lichman E.Yu. Fine arts of Kazakhstan: traditions and innovations. Monograph / E.Yu. Lichman. - Pavlodar: PPU, 2022. - 113 p.: ill.

2) scientific articles in the journals COXON - Portrait as an object of research in the works of philologists and art historians of Kazakhstan of the XXI century. // Bulletin of Toraigyrov University.

3) Scientific articles in the conference: - A brief escourse to the history of the development of art education in the Pavlodar region // "Modernization of pedagogical education in the conditions of new Kazakhstan: theoretical and applied aspects" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University – Pavlodar: PPU, 2022. - pp.820-826.

4) scientific articles jointly with students:

- A.V. Zakharov, E.Y. Lichman The system and purpose of the emotional subject environment in music pedagogical activity for the formation of skills of emotional receptivity of students // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII Student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 954-964.

- D.V. Mirzabekova, E.Y. Lichman Methodology of work on etudes for the development of piano technique of students of grades 3-7 of the DMSH // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII Student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 964-973.

- O.A. Steblyukova, E.Y. Lichman Multicultural education of preschoolers by means of musical folklore in the conditions of a mini-center of a secondary school // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 973-982.

- E.I. Temirkhanova, E.Y. Lichman The role of music in the spiritual and moral education of schoolchildren // The potential of youth in the new society:  the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII Student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 982-989.

Azamat T. A scientific article was published in 2022:

- Azamat Tleuberdi, Kokymbaeva B.Zh. Zhana Kazakstandagi "bilim" ugymynyn orny men manyzy // "Modernization of pedagogical education in the conditions of new Kazakhstan: theoretical and applied aspects" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University – Pavlodar: PPU, 05.12.2022. – pp. 101-108 (co-authored with Kokumbaeva B.D.).

Tulekova A.R. in scientific articles published in 2022:

1) in the international conference: - "The place of Kazakh ritual songs in the school children's ethno-cultural education" // "Modernization of pedagogical education in the conditions of new Kazakhstan: theoretical and applied aspects" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the University – Pavlodar: PPU, 05.12.2022. - pp. 928-934.

2) "Integrative forms counseling psychology as a technology for maintaining students' worldview knowledge" // Modern science traditions and innovations collection of scientific articles, V All–Russian Youth competition of scientific papers with international participation, Volgograd 2022, Russia. - pp. 11-18.

3) together with students:

- Tulekova A.R., Baltabai A., Orazova G., Zhanbai N. Pedagogical conditions for the use of information and computer technologies in music education // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII Student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 1019-1025

- A.R. Tulekova The formation of tolerance of schoolchildren in music lessons // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII Student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 1025-1030.

Zhanaikhan Ye . Scientific articles have been published:

1) together with the students:

- A.A. Yesenova, E. Zhanaikhan Music panin pedagogikalyk tarbiedegi alatyn orny // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – pp. 923-926.

- A.D. Talgatbekova, E. Zhanaikhan Music panin pedagogikalyk tarbiedegi alatyn orny // The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science: materials of the XVII Student International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Pavlodar: NAO PPU, 2022. – S. S. 926-930 2nd year graduate student Kayyrbekkyzy Nurilash took part in the International scientific and Practical conference "XIV Toraigyrov readings // Бастауыш сынып оқушыларына ән арқылы патриоттық тәрбие қалыптастыру жолдары. In 2022, at the annual XII student conference "The potential of youth in a new society: the quality of education and science", 19 students made presentations at section No. 3 - Preparation of creative specialties for working with the digital generation. Prizes were taken by: 1st place – Steblyukova O. DMO-32c - supervisor Lichman E.Yu.; 2nd place – Mirzabekova D. DMO-32c - supervisor Lichman E.Yu. 3rd place – Temirkhanova E. DMO-32c - supervisor Lichman E.Yu. The conference was also attended by students of the DMO-21c group Beisen A., Kizat A., Ayaganova A., Kulysheva Zh., Mukusheva I., Kanatova A., Kures A., Bolatova B., Amankeldi K. - scientific supervisor Tulekova A.R. Students of the DMO-31c group Baltabai A., Orazova G., Zhanbai N., Nurmaganbet A., Makan R., Dildabek D. - scientific supervisor Tulekova A.R. During the reporting period, 106 theses and 3 master's theses were successfully defended by students. Scientific supervisors: Kokumbaeva B.D., Zhanaikhan E., Lichman E.Yu. Of these, 24 works were carried out within the framework of the scientific theme of the OP Music Education. In 2022, students received Musical education, became winners in music competitions of various levels. Head of Kisatova S.T.: 1) Sagyndykova Amina MO-21 – 2nd place, II International Competition-festival "Samga Kazakstanym" - Astana, November 2022. 2) Temirbai Smagul MO-21c - Grand Prix, II International Competition-festival "Samga Kazakstanym" - Astana, November 2022. 3) Baidildin Elaman MO-21c- 1st place, II International Competition-festival "Samga Kazakstanym" - Astana, November 2022.  4) Wahit Alnur Mo-31C -1 location, II-International Competition-Festival "Samga Kazakhstanym" - Astana, November 2022g. 5) Kunanbay Zhaydar Mo-31 – Grand Prix, II International Competition-Festival "samga Kazakhstanym"-Astana, November 2022g. 6) ensemble "Samgau": Ablaikhan Asylbek, Saken Nazarbek sahabek Zharkyngul, Adarash tulpar Mo - 41-Grand Prix, II international competition - Festival "samga kazakhstanym"-Astana, November 2022