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Educational program "Musical education"

The Department of «Music education» began its existence as part of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, which was established in 1986. The first teachers-musicians were Kondrushina Tatiana Ivanovna and Kokumbaeva Baglan Dzhienshaevna.


Veterans of the OP Musical education: Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Kokumbaeva B.D. (has been working for the OP since 1986), associate Professor, Doctor of  Philosophy (PhD) Lichman E.Yu. (has been working for the OP since 1989), teacher-expert Doroshenko T.M. (has been working for the OP since 2000).


Leading academic teachers: Sagitova Zh.S. (has been working for the OP since 2008), Tulekova A.R. (has been working for the OP since 2007), Kisatova S.T. (has been working for the OP since 2021).

Currently, the educational program provides training in the educational program of Music education at bachelor's and master's levels.


Winners of the international contest «Samga Kazakhstan – 2022»



Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in OP 6B01430 Music Education.

Forms and terms of study:

• full–time on the basis of general secondary education - 4 years;

• full–time form on the basis of secondary vocational education - 3 years;

• full-time abbreviated form on the basis of secondary vocational education – 2 years;

• full–time form on the basis of higher professional education - 2 years.


preschool educational institutions;

• secondary schools;

• secondary vocational institutions (colleges);

• cultural and art institutions;

• cultural and leisure centers.


Degree awarded:

Master of Education in the specialty 7М01421 Music education – for persons who have mastered the educational program of the profile master's degree;

• Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 7М01421 Music education – for persons who have mastered the educational program of scientific and pedagogical master's degree.

Forms and terms of training:

• in the profile direction – 1 year;

• in the scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years.



with specialized training:

• organizational and managerial activities in educational organizations;

• educational activities in colleges, educational organizations of state and non-state profile related to the fields of musical art, culture and education;

• scientific and methodological support of the educational process.

during scientific and pedagogical training:

• research activities;

• scientific and methodological support of the educational process;

• organizational and managerial activities;

• educational activities in educational organizations (in universities, colleges, educational organizations of state and non-state profile).