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The delegation of Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after A. Margulan within the framework of the project "Pedagogical provision of cybersecurity of the school environment using compliance management" visited the universities in  South Korea to organize cooperation in scientific activities.

As part of the research group - Associate Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, PhD Daria Abykenova and Director of the Center for Pedagogical Research, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Almagul Asainova visited Bucheon University (Bucheon) and Namseoul University (Incheon).

As a result of the visit, representatives of our university managed to agree on mutual cooperation between the universities, in particular, on joint research in the field of compliance management in the field of cyber security of the educational environment.

Korean universities expressed interest in organizing academic mobility of students, internship of professors and doctoral students, implementation of double degree programs and joint educational programs in specific areas.

During the visit, a number of official meetings with heads of departments and chairs of the universities were held, as well as excursions to the universities.

Colleagues got acquainted with the activities of IT departments, conducted a study of information security of universities and discussed possible options for cooperation. Already in November this year is planned the next meeting of employees of our university and universities of South Korea and signing of memorandums for further cooperation.

Cooperation with Korean universities will allow to develop research activities, to improve the training of future teachers in different areas, including future IT-specialists, to establish academic mobility of students and teaching staff.  Signing of memorandums between the universities are currently being processed.