Phraseology building bridges
On December, 5 2024, an online lecture "Idioms and phraseological units in English Economic Discourse" provided by Russian scientist G.T. Bezkorovainaya, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages No. 3 of the Russian University of Economics named after Plekhanov was held at the Educational program "Foreign Language: two foreign languages".
Galina Tigranovna told the students of the EP "Foreign language: two foreign languages" FL-31, ELLM-11.12s (as well as students of the groups FL-33, FL-32c, FL-12c, FL-11k, 13k from other buildings connected to ZOOM) about the features of economic and business idioms in English. She presented examples of such idioms, explained the connection between the language and culture of English-speaking countries. Galina Tigranovna also spoke about the need to include idioms in the business English course.
At the end of the lecture, the lecturer conducted an interactive question-and-answer session in which students of Margulan University answered the questions in English, demonstrating their listening and speaking language skills.
The moderator and organizer of this lecture was the Head of the EP "Foreign language: two foreign languages" Zholdabayeva A.S.