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Scientific activity 2021

Within the framework of the scientific theme of the OP Music Education "Music pedagogical education in the context of Kazakhstan and world culture", the research of teaching staff is carried out in the following areas: - music science and music pedagogical education: problems of their interrelation (Kokumbaeva B.D., Lichman E.Yu.); - musical and artistic traditions: origins and modern interpretation (Kokumbaeva B.D., Lichman E.Yu.); - traditional musical culture in modern socio-cultural reality (Sagitova Zh.S., Zhanaikhan E.); - actual problems of music education (teaching staff OP). Full information about the research of the OP Music Education is presented in Appendices 5-7. The teaching staff of the OP Music Education in 2021 was published: - publication of the monograph "Uly Dalanyn sarkylmas un alemi" (Kokymbaeva B.Zh., Shavalieva Z.Sh.) (Appendix 10). - publication of articles in scientific journals and conference materials. Teachers who implement OP Music Education take part in conferences of various levels. In 2021, the faculty of Music Education participated in international conferences: Lichman E.Yu., Fradkina G.B. (International scientific and Practical Conference "Art history readings in Altai" (in memory of Professor T.M. Stepanskaya), Barnaul: AltSU, 10.12.2021); Fradkina G.B. - in the international scientific and practical conference Theory and practice of science: key aspects: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Rome, Italy, 2021. ; - in the international scientific and practical conference Scientific Collection "InterConf", (44):with the Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Research in the XXI Century" (March6-8, 2021). Ottawa, Canada; - in the international scientific and practical conference 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Horizon in The Context of Social Crises" (February 6-8, 2021). Tokyo, Japan:Otsuki - in the international scientific and practical conference Science: Theory and Practice. - Nur-Sultan «Bilim Innovations Group», 2021. Lichman E.Yu., Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): is a responsible executive of the international research laboratory "Cultural Heritage and ethno–cultural traditions of Kazakhstan, Altai and adjacent territories" (AltSU - PGPU), as well as a member of the scientific editorial Board of the international scientific journal "Cultural Heritage of Siberia", Baranaul. Lichman E.Yu. in 2021 published: 1) a scientific article in the journal Bulletin of TSU, which is included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and indexed in the database Web of Science Core Collection's Emerging Sources Citation Index - Lost religious buildings of the city of Pavlodar of the late XIX – early XX century. // Bulletin of Tomsk State University Tomsk State University Journal of Cultural Studies and Art History.- No. 44, 2021. - pp. 271-279. 2) Joint articles with students and undergraduates in the materials of international scientific conferences in the amount of 7. 1. Participation of E.Y. Lichman as a member of the organizing committee of the international scientific and practical conference "Art History readings in Altai" (in memory of Professor T.M. Stepanskaya). - Barnaul: AltSU, 10.12.2021; 2. Membership of Lichman E.Yu. in the scientific editorial Board of the international scientific journal "Cultural Heritage of Siberia", Baranaul: AltSU; 3. Publications of joint articles in foreign publishing houses: - Nekhvyadovich L.I. Fradkina G. Easel painting by Kazakhstani artists of the second half of the XX century // European Journal of Arts, 2021, No2. – pp. 3-13. 4. Publication of joint articles in collections of materials of conferences held in Kazakhstan: - Fradkina G.B. Fine art of the Pavlodar region 1960-2010/ L.I.Nekhvyadovich, G.B. Fradkin //Science: theory and practice – 2021: Collection of materials of the international scientific conference - Nur-Sultan: "Bilim Innovations Group" ortalygy, 2021. - pp.109-117.  5. Publication of joint articles in RSCI journals: - Fradkina G.B. Landscape in the work of Kazakh artists of the second half of the 20th century/ L. and Nekhvyadovia, G.B.Fradkina//Cultural heritage of Siberia. - Barnaul: Publishing House of the Altai State University, 2021. - Vol.1, issue 31. - pp.86-93. 6. Publication of joint articles in collections of materials of foreign conferences: - Fradkina G.B. The specifics of the subject-thematic painting in the works of Kazakhstani artists of the beginning of the XXI century / L.I.Nekhvyadovich, G.B. Fradkina // Theory and practice of science: key aspects: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific and Practical Conference. – Rome, Italy, 2021. – p.596- 607. – doi 10.51582/interconf.19-20.02.2021.060. – URL: https://www.interconf.top/documents/2021.02.19-20.pdf - Fradkina G. B. Landscape in the subject-themed works of Kazakh artists of the XXI century / L.I.Nekhvyadovich, G.B. Fradkina  // Scientific Collection «InterConf», (44):with the Proceedings of the 8thInternational Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific Research in XXI Century» (March6-8, 2021). Ottawa, Canada:MethuenPublishing House, 2021. – C. 377-386. – URL: https://www.interconf.top/documents/2021.03.6-8.pdf - L.I. Nekhvyadovich, G.B. Fradkina // Scientific Collection "InterConf", (41): with the Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific Horizon in The Context of Social Crises" (February 6-8, 2021). Tokyo, Japan:Otsuki Press, 2021, c. 621-626. -URL: https://www.interconf.top/documents/2021.02.6-8.pdf 7. In the framework of international cooperation with AltSU (Baranul) in 2021, in December 2021, the concertmaster of the OPERA Fradkina G.B. and the teacher Lichman E.Yu. took part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Art History readings in Altai" (in memory of Professor T.M. Stepanskaya), at which they made a report at a sectional meeting. Research work of students and undergraduates took prizes: 1st place - Abikeev Zhanat MO-32 - supervisor Lichman E.Yu.; 3rd place - Yakushevskaya Elena DMO-12B - supervisor Lichman E.Yu. Students took part: Minenko Kristina DMO-22B - scientific head Lichman E. Yu.; Kulikova Olga DMO-22B - scientific head Lichman E. Yu.; Khamitov Aidos Mo-41 - scientific head Zhanaykhan E.; Ishimova Riza Mo-41 - scientific head Zhanaykhan E. For the final period of training 30 diploma works and 3 Master's theses are protected. Scientific leaders: Kokumbayeva B. D., Zhanaykhan E., Lichman E. Yu. of which 16 works were performed within the framework of the scientific theme of music education. The educational program of musical education was published in 16 statutes in 2021. 1.zh. m. Abikeev, E. Y. Lichman musical development of young people of Pavlodar region through blogging / / the potential of young people in the New Society: quality of education and Science: International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren = potential of young people in the new society: quality of education and science: materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren / under the general public. Ed. S. V. Murzakulova; OTV. Ed. "What's The Matter?" - Pavlodar: PGPU, 2021. – 1427 P. - Kazakh, Russian, English.- S. 741-747. 2. R. E. Ishimova, Zhanaykhan Erkin musical education of the individual through national values// the potential of young people in a new society: quality of education and Science: International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren = potential of young people in New Society: quality of education and science: material of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young people, undergraduates, students and shkolnikov / under the public.  Ed. S. V. Murzakulova; OTV. Ed. "What's The Matter?" - Pavlodar: PGPU, 2021. – 1427 P. - Kazakh, Russian, English.- S. 762-769. 3. Kulikova O. A., Lichman E. Yu. the specifics of using logorhythms for musical work in a children's garden // Potential of young people in a new society: quality of education and science: young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren of the international scientific and Practical Conference = potential of young people in the new community: quality of education and science: material of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren / under the general public. Ed. S. V. Murzakulova; OTV. Ed. "What's The Matter?" - Pavlodar: PGPU, 2021. – 1427 P. - Kazakh, Russian, English.-S. 774-780. 4. K. V. Minenko, E. Yu. Lichman psychological and emotional development of pop vocals in the conditions of the center of creativity // potential of young people in a new society: quality of education and Science: International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren = potential of young people in New society: quality of education and science: materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren / under the general public. Ed. S. V. Murzakulova; OTV. Ed. "What's The Matter?" - Pavlodar: PGPU, 2021. – 1427 P. - Kazakh, Russian, English.- S. 788-791. 5. A. N. Khamitov, Zhanaykhan ways to develop listening and perception of free musical works // the potential of young people in a new society: quality of education and science: the potential of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren of the international scientific and Practical Conference = potential of young people in New Society: quality of education and science: material of the international scientific and Practical Conference students and schoolchildren / under the public.  Ed. S. V. Murzakulova; OTV. Ed. "What's The Matter?" - Pavlodar: PGPU, 2021. - 1427 P. - Kazakh, Russian, English .- S. 813-820. 6. E. V. Yakushevskaya, E. Yu. Lichman ensemble lodge: experience of work with children with individual development in children's homes// the potential of young people in a new society: quality of education and Science: International Scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren = potential of young people in New Society: quality of education and science scientific: materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren / under the general public. Ed. S. V. Murzakulova; OTV. Ed. "What's The Matter?" - Pavlodar: PGPU, 2021. – 1427 P. - Kazakh, Russian, English.- S. 821-831. 7. Lichman E. Yu., Lyakh a.m., Pavlyuchik A. N. The introduction of music in the emotional sphere of children's voice with special educational needs / / new scientific research  – 2021: international scientific conf. checkmate. = New scientific research – 2021: sat. "I don't know," he said. nauch. conf. = Proceeding sinternational scientific conference: new scientific research – 2021. – Almaty: Center "Bilim Innovations Group", 2021. – 388 P. – Kazakh, Russian, English. - P. 295-300. 8. Lichman E. Yu., Zhumash D. scriptural research of modern Kazakhstan / / priority areas of scientific research: analysis and management: international scientific conf. checkmate. = Priority directions of scientific research: analysis and management: sat. "I don't know," he said. nauch. conf. = Proceeding sinternational scientific conference: Priority areas of research: analysis and management. - Atyrau: Center "Bilim Innovations Group", 2021. – 325 P. – Kazakh, Russian, English. - P. 98 - 105. 9. Lichman E. Yu., Zhumash D. Scientific research of Kazakhstan in the Great domestic War / / priority areas of scientific research: analysis and management: international scientific conf. checkmate. = Priority directions of scientific research: analysis and management: sat. "I don't know," he said. nauch. conf. = Proceeding sinternational scientific conference: Priority areas of research: analysis and management. - Atyrau: Center "Bilim Innovations Group", 2021. – 325 P. – Kazakh, Russian, English. - P. 111-115.10. Ayapbergen A. A. the creative heritage of Yerkegali Rakhmadiyev as a musical and historical value. // Science and Youth: new ideas and solutions: materials of the VII international scientific and technological Conference of students and undergraduates.- Karaganda: Izd-Vo "Kent-LTD", LLP typography" Doszhan", 2021 G. – P. 438-440. 11. Ayapbergen A. A. methodological classification of music education.  // Science and Youth: new ideas and solutions: materials of the VII international scientific and technological Conference of students and undergraduates.- Karaganda: izd-Vo "Kent-LTD", LLP typography "Doszhan", 2021 G.-S. 441-442. 12. Belgibaeva G. K. innovative position in musical education of modern students: problem solving// school – teacher – innovation in the modern world: dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kazakhstan's Innovative Teacher, public figure, honored teacher of Kazakhstan, hero of Socialist Labor, candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Nurtazina Rafika Bekenovna. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference in the framework of the first international pedagogical readings. - Pavlodar: PPU, 2021. - pp. 791-pp. 773-776. - file PDF 2021 school-teacher-innovation 13. Belgibaeva G. K. Al-Farabi – "image of the world of the Great Steppe"// cultural space = cultural space = cultural space: Sbornik statey / intellectual Academy "Dominanta". -Nur-Sultan, 2021. – P.119-Kazakh, Russian, English. - Pp. 51-59. 14. Belgibaeva G. K. innovative approach to musical education of modern schoolchildren: the problem of postanovka// materials of the VII international scientific and theoretical Conference of students and undergraduates "Science and Youth: new ideas and solutions".- Karaganda: Publishing house "Kent-LTD", Printing House" Doszhan " LLP, 2021 P. 1118 (Kazakh, Russian)– SS. 868-870. 15.Bazarkhanova N. methods and methods of applying Kui art in schools of special music education // professional music education: history, theory and practice: international scientific-Crown. conf. materials. / Ed. A. K. Omarova, A. R. Berdibai, A. S. Sabyrova, V. E. Nedlina.- Almaty: Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, 2021. - 250 P. - P. 155-161. 16.Bazarkhanova N. B. The Importance of using the project method in the lessons of Kazakh musical literature in the system of additional education // musical art: science and education: collection of scientific and methodological articles.  Musical research: science and education: scientific and methodological literature. Musical arts: science and education: collection of scientific and methodical papers / Kurast.: M.A. Ostankovich, T.V. Kharlamova. - VII bass./issue VII / ed.7 – Nur-Sultan, 2021 269 b. – kazaksha, oryssha, agylshyn. - pp. 142-148. In 2021, students studying in the OP Musical education, who became winners in music competitions of various levels: 1) Karimova Balnur MO-12c - Grand Prix International multi-genre online competition "Zhana zhyldyk armandar" Nur-Sultan, December 2021. 2) Yklasov Kuatbek Ermuratuly - Diploma for 2nd place in the Republican online music competition "Teacher of the 21st century"; 3) Abylkair Sagynysh Aitzhanovich - Diploma of the best teacher, in the I-International remote festival-competition "Serper", Almaty, 2021; - Diploma of the 1st degree, Vocal nomination, in the International project "Energy of Spring", competition work "Nurly Zhol", 2021. 4) Olzhabai Muldir Akylbekkyzy - Diploma of the 2nd degree qualified leader in the Republican spiritual patriotic competition "Creative teacher" Almaty, 2021.