The department has a 50-year history and has gone through difficult stages of its development since 1963. It was opened as a department of Chemistry and Biology in the structure of the Faculty of Mathematics. Since 1973, the department has been located in a specialized educational building at 60 Mira Street, equipped with new specialized laboratories, lecture halls, and technical facilities. The demand for specialists and trust in the quality of training during that period is confirmed by the fact that in different years the competition for the 1st place was from 3 to 12 people.
The educational program "Geography" has its own separate history since 1995, when the specialty 5B011600 Geography was opened. In different years, it was reorganized, was part of the Department of Biology, the Department of History, the Department of Ecology, Nature Management and Geography, the Department of Botany, Ecology and Geography in the structure of the Historical, Natural Biology Faculty.
Repeatedly, students of the department and faculty became winners of socialist competitions and received a passing labor banner, at one time Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute was among the five best pedagogical institutes of the Soviet Union.
Optimization of higher professional education (1996-2004) led to a number of organizational and content changes: the Department of Chemistry became a structural division of the Pedagogical Institute of Pavlodar State University named S. Toraigyrov.
Since the acquisition of the independent status of PSPI, since April 2004, the Department of Chemistry has been intensively developing in the direction of informatization of education (licensed software, connection to a local network, lecture multimedia complexes), introduction of credit technology of training, development of the material and technical base of chemical education.
In connection with the optimization of the structure of the university, the department was renamed the Department of Geography and Chemistry by the order of the rector of PSPI dated September 1, 2012 by combining the two departments "Geography and Ecology" and "Chemistry". The mission of the department is to train highly qualified and competitive teachers of a new formation who are able to creatively solve emerging problems. The strategic goal of the department is to ensure the quality of training of future specialists, corresponding to the best world practice.
Today, the department is one of the educational and methodological centers of the region and provides high quality educational services. Special students are trained in the following educational programs: "Chemistry", "Geography", "Natural Science", "Chemistry-Biology", "Geography-History". Master's and doctoral studies in the field of "Chemistry".