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Educational program "Geography" and "Chemistry"

Currently, there are five educational programs: "Geography", "Chemistry", "Geography-History", "Chemistry-Biology" and " Natural Science". According to the educational program "Chemistry", training is carried out at the level of master's and doctoral studies.

The main purpose of educational programs is to train a highly qualified teacher who has a high social and civic responsibility and is able to carry out professional activities.

Within the framework of the educational programs "Geography"," Geography-History", the following special disciplines are studied: general land studies, cartography with the basics of geoinformatics, physical geography, methods of geographical research, methods of teaching geography, country studies, economic geography and others.

Within the framework of the educational programs "Chemistry"," Chemistry-Biology", the following special disciplines are studied: chemical structure and functions, chemistry of elements of the periodic system, chemical analysis and diagnostics, solving problems in chemistry, methods of conducting a school chemical experiment, chemical technology and others.

All the subjects studied are related to the updated content of the school curriculum in chemistry, geography, biology, natural science and history for the training of a qualified, modern teacher.

Teachers and students of the OP participate in the following international, regional and republican scientific and practical conferences, the examples of which are given below:

- VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Geographical Science, Tourism and Education: modern problems and prospects of development". Novosibirsk.

- "Innovations in the educational space: experience, problems, prospects", Krasnoyarsk.

- International scientific and practical conference "Pedagogical innovations: a resource for the development of the modern education system" dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the scientist-teacher Imzharova Zauresh Ubaydullovna.

- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization". - Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky, Ukraine.

- International Scientific and Practical Conference " Actual problems of continuing education»

- International Scientific and Practical Conference "Irtysh basin: current state and problems of steady development".

- International scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of natural science knowledge in the context of the updated content of education".

- XVI All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation " Organization of the territory: statistics, dynamics, management "

- IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Ecology and Nature Management: Applied aspects".

- International scientific and practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XVII Satpayev Readings".

- VI All-Russian scientific and Practical conference "Modern geographical education: problems and prospects of development".

- V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Topical issues of Earth Sciences in the concept of sustainable development of the Republic of Belarus and neighboring States" Gomel, Belarus.

The system of research work of students is an integral part of the training of qualified specialists who are able to solve professional, scientific, and social problems individually and collectively by creative methods, and apply the achievements of scientific and technological progress in practical activities. Research work with students at the OP is carried out according to the plan, starting with junior courses. At senior courses, they are given the opportunity to express themselves individually, participating in work on projects and making presentations at scientific and practical conferences.

One of the priority activities of educational programs is cooperation with organizations and universities of the near and far abroad, research work of teachers and students. Within the framework of educational programs, cooperation with the following organizations has been established:

- Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemical and Biological Direction;

- Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after Akmulla (Russia, Ufa);

- University of Kragujevac (Serbia, city of Kragujevac);

- University named after Shakarim of Semey;

- Toraigyrov University of Pavlodar;

- Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky;

- Secondary schools of the city and region of Pavlodar.


Graduates of the OP will be able to work in the following areas:

- in organizations of secondary, technical and vocational education of all types and types, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination.