Higher school of natural science

Higher school of natural science
The mission of the higher school is to maintain the social order in the field of education to provide highly qualified teachers who meet international standards.
The strategic goal of the higher school is a respectable representation of natural science education of PSPU in the national and international scientific and educational space, participation in the development of the regional segment on the basis of innovative activities, including providing personnel support for the updated content of school curricula and technologies.
Priority directions for the development of the higher school
- training of teachers in the natural sciences, meeting the needs of the domestic labor market and international requirements;
- scientific support for the accelerated diversification of science and education;
- creating conditions for the development of students of the higher school, as well as their involvement in the socio-economic development of the country;
- Development of human capital and advanced training of teaching staff at the faculty.
The faculty includes five departments: mathematics and physics; computer science; general biology; anatomy, physiology and defectology, geography and chemistry.
Dean of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, PhD
Gabdullin Ermek Serikovich
- 3-39
- Phone
- Toraigyrova street 58, building No. 5
- Address
- 107
- classroom
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Academic degree: Doctor (PhD) of philosophy
Higher education
2001 – 2005 Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute,
Specialty: Chemistry and Biology
2005 – 2007 Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute magistracy
Specialty: 6M060700 – biology
Topic "Taxonomic features and lifestyle of slugs Deroceras agreste and Deroceras laeve"
2012 – 2015 Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova doctoral PhD
Specialty: 6D060700 – Biology
The topic "Biological control of the number of blood-sucking midges in the middle reaches of the Irtysh River"
Work experience: "Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute"
from September 2006 to August 2008 lecturer at the Department of General Biology
from September 2008 to September 2012 Deputy Dean, Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Biology
from September 2015 to July 2017 Senior Lecturer of the Department of General Biology
"Atyrau State University named after H. Dosmukhamedova "
from September 2017 to July 2019 Head of the Department of Biology and Agricultural Disciplines
"Pavlodar Pedagogical University"
since September 2019 Associate Professor of the Department of General Biology, Deputy Dean of Natural Science for Science
from November 2019 to October 2021 Vice Dean for Academic Work of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences
since November 2021 Dean of the Graduate School of Natural Sciences
Vice Dean for Educational and Social Work
Serzhan Madina Yerlanovna
- 287
- Phone
- Olzhabay batyr 60
- Address
- 209
- classroom
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Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, PhD
Kisabekova Asemgul Agibaevna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-78 (327)
- Phone
- Toraigyrov street, 58, building No. 5
- Address
- 107
- classroom
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- 2004. - S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University. Specialty: Mathematics and Physics
- 2004-2005. - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Master's Degree in Mathematics
- 2015-2017. - S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University. Master's Degree in Physics
- 2014-2016. - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Second higher education: Foreign language (eng)
- 2018-2021 – L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University - doctoral studies in the specialty “Technical physics”.
- In 2021, a PhD degree was awarded in the specialty "Technical Physics"
- 2019 – internship at the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland)
- 2019-2020 – internship at the University of Tartu (Estonia) under the grant of the European Union and the Government of Estonia Dora Plus.
- 2022г. – Cognitive-communicative technology of bilingual teaching of natural sciences, Altynsarin National Academy of Education
- 2022 – Educational Leadership (150ч), Nazarbayev University
- 2024 - Engineering School of New Production Technologies (Tomsk, Russian Federation)
- 2024 - Formation of the Future of Learning: Artificial Intelligence in Education (PPU)
Scientific profile in Scopus:
Kissabekova, A. - сведения об авторе - Scopus
Scientific profile in Web of Science:
Assemgul Kissabekova | Publons
Participation in scientific projects:
- 2019-2021 Grant obtained from Estonian Research Council - Personal research funding: Team grant PRG619 "Effects of doping and nanostructuring on radiation resistance of spinelstructured optical compounds".
- 2019-2022 Estonian-Polish Joint Research Project under the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Sciences "Promising Bi-doped phosphors for white LEDs".
- 2022-2023 "Research of phosphor materials for white LEDs"
Teaching disciplines: Mechanics, Molecular physics and thermodynamics, Additional chapters of general physics, Actual problems and research methods in physics, etc.
- Winner of the contest "Best university teacher - 2023" grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Best paper award in «21st International Conference on Defects in Insulating Materials (ICDIM) 2024»
- 2023 Letter from the Minister of Science and Higher Education
- 2022 Holder of the “Ustazdar Ordasy - 60 years” badge for significant contribution to the training of teaching staff and the development of the university, 2022.
Associate dean for science and internationalization
Nukenov Aibar Saparovich
- Toraigyrov street, 58, building No. 5
- Address
- 107
- classroom
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Ibrayev Daulet Oralbaevich
- 8 (7182) 65-16-78 (320)
- Phone
- Toraigyrov street, 58, building No. 5
- Address
- 107
- classroom
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