The Department of Theory and Methods of Vocational Training as part of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute was established in 2004. The department has been training personnel in the specialties of higher professional education "Vocational training" and "Labor Technology and Entrepreneurship", since 2009 in the specialty "Fine Arts and drawing". The first head of the department was M.S. Alinova, PhD.
From 2004 to 2006, the Department of Vocational Training trained undergraduates in the specialty "Vocational Training". During this period, 16 masters were defended under the guidance of Professor M.S. Alinova.
As part of the teaching staff of the department of vocational training for a number of years, teachers worked Ph.D. Abisheva S.I., Ph.D. Adilova V.H., Arsemerzaev Ch.A., Bekturganova I.Sh., Ph.D. Daniyarova A.N., Ibraeva N.E., Kabdyrova L.T., Ph.D. Karimov K.G., Cairo A.K., Koshegulova G.B., Mashrapova H.K., Ph.D. Nugmanova F.B., Professor Smaylova N.T., Smykov A.S., Ph.D. Syrymbetova L.S., Shpiev V.A.
Teaching staff of the Department of Theory and Methods of Professional Training, 2016.
Professor Alinova M.Sh., Alinova G.S., Baitanayeva M.A., Baltasheva P.N., Dauletova I.G., Dzhumataeva A.I., Izhanova R.D., PhD Kurabaeva F.A., Nurumov B.A., Trubetskaya K.I. сontinue their pedagogical activity as part of the teaching staff.
Teaching staff of the EP "Artistic work, graphics and design," 2022
In connection with the updating of the content of secondary education, the integration of two school subjects "Technology" and "Fine Art" into a new subject at the school "Artistic Work" from the 2017-2018 academic year, the introduction of the 2019-2020 academic year of the subject "Graphics and Design" in grades 10-11, instead of the subject "Drawing", educational bachelor's degree programs "Artistic labor and drawing" and "Artistic labor, graphics and design".
Since 2021, masters are being trained in the educational program "Artistic work, graphics and design".