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60s years… Pavlodar is a young, promising industrial city, the development of which required the training of highly qualified specialists, including in the field of education. On December 1, 1962, Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute was opened. As the years passed, the institute developed, and new specialties appeared that prepared highly qualified teachers for various levels of education. One of them was the specialty «Methods of primary education», which opened in 1986, providing training for primary school teachers. The head of the department «Pedagogy and methods of primary education»  is appointed Ph. D., Associate Professor Matkin V. V. and invited teachers of MPE: Ph. D., Associate Professor Monastyrenko Z. A., Ph. D., Associate Professor Denisova T.I., Ph. D., Associate Professor YagodinaZh. Sh. ), music teachers: Kokumbaeva B.D., Kondrushina T.I. It is with this department that the history of the department «Theory and Methods of Music Education» is inextricably linked.


The first teachers-musicians are Kokumbaeva B.D. and Kondrushina T.I. They were at the origins of the future development of an independent department «Theory and Methodology of  Music Education»  and made a huge contribution to its development. Kokumbaeva B.D. was after graduating from the Alma-Ata Conservatory. In 1986, she was invited to the Department of «Pedagogy and Methods of  Primary  Education». A young, promising teacher, she teaches classes on a musical instrument (accordion, piano, accordion), works with the choir as an accompanist. 


Kolumbaeva B.D. with a student at the event dedicated to the Teacher’s day.


In parallel with the active work at the Department of PMPE, Baglan Dzhienshaevna, having developed her own author's concept, has been teaching the course «History of Culture of the Kazakh SSR» for students of the Faculty of Philology since 1988. Being at the center of advanced ideas of actively developing Kazakh science, Baglan Dzhienshaevna became a bright propagandist of comprehensive study and revival of the enduring cultural values of the Kazakh people. It was at this time that the future scientific path of the young scientist was finally determined, and a broad cultural paradigm of B. D.'s research activity was formed. Kolumbaeva, and also determined the direction of scientific research of its numerous disciples-followers.

The activity of Tatyana Ivanovna Kondrushina was marked by a bright creative orientation. Working at the Department of PMPE as a teacher of musical instruments and choral singing, she gave all her strength and energy to the education of aesthetically developed, cultural, creative personality of future primary school teachers.

The department is expanding; in 1988 new teachers-musicians come: Obiskalova L. R., Izmailova N. S., Tolmacheva T. V., KapashevaZh. D., Denisova N. I.

In 1989, on the basis of the Faculty of primary classes, a new specialty «Methods of primary education and music» was opened (Dean – Ph. D., Associate Professor Matkin V.V., Head of the Department of PMPE – Ph. D., Associate Professor Denisova T.I.). Teachers of MPE are invited to work: Bazarbekova L. G., Korovaiko I.V.; music teachers: Knyazeva I.N., Negmanova U.K., Lichman E. Yu., Majenova G.B. In the same year, Kokumbaeva B.D. defends her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Art History.

1990 can be considered the year of birth of the independent Department of Music. The Department of Primary Education is divided into two: the department of «Methods of primary education» (Head of the department, Ph. D., Associate Professor Denisova T.I.), and the Department of "Pedagogy and Music and Aesthetic Education" (Head of the Department, Candidate of Art History Kokumbaeva B.D.). Teachers Makarenko A.D., Sechin N.M., Shcheglov G.I. are invited to work at the Department of MPE-Toropova T.M., Imatova S.K., Toropova E.G., Abdikarimova O.Z.

Since 1991, the training of students in the specialty «Methods of primary education» is carried out in the state language. Teachers of pedagogy Putintseva T. A., Nurmagambetova B. A., Satynskaya A.K., Fomina T.N., Bayandina, music teachers Kharitonova A.V., Vorobyova G.P., Talaspaev S.R., Yanchevskaya N.K. come to work at the Department of PMAE.

In 1992, the Department of PMАЕ is replenished with new specialists, invited: Khasanov I.N., Abraev M. Kh., Akhmedzhanov N. K., Shvabauer G. V.

1993 the department with kazakh language of education was opened «primary education Methodology and music», the head of the Department of PMM becoming senior lecturer Knyazeva, I.N., one of the leading teachers of the Department (for many years leads a course of musical and aesthetic disciplines), promoter of musical culture, head of folklore ensembles «Roomies» (Slavic cultural center), «Vesnyanka» (philological faculty of PPI), «Kalinushka» (students of the Department «Music and singing» PSU), «Zhemchuzhinka» (PaU), the groups of which were a creative laboratory for the study and promotion of Russian song folklore. It was she who in 1994 was entrusted with the opening of the specialty «Music and Singing», for which Knyazeva I. N. makes curricula, work programs, programs of pedagogical practices.

In 1993-1994, Ph. D. Zhumabekova B.K., Vedilina E.A., Krylova N.F. were invited to work at the Department of MPE Baizhanova S. Sh., Itemgenova B. U., Enkova L.Yu., Musabekova A.S., Rud – Volga O., Alekseeva A.I., Ermekbayuly M. were invited to work at the Department of PMAE. In the same year I.V. Korovayko defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical Sciences.

In 1995, the specialty «Music and singing» was opened, teachers of the MPE Khamzina Sh.Sh., Sarsek G. A., Kenenbayeva M.A., Zhomartov A.M., teachers-musicians Smetova A. A. and graduates of the department Akhmetova G.G. and Kudiyarbekova G.K. were invited to work.

In 1996, there was a merger of two universities: Pavlodar State University and Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, and the formation of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. The department is called the Department of «Musical and aesthetic Education». Talented young people join the team: M.P. Popandopulo, a graduate of the Almaty Conservatory, and K.M. Ermekbayev, a graduate of the department in 1997.

In connection with the change in the structure of the university in 1998, the two departments of PMPE and MAE merged, the department became known as «Methods of Primary Education and Music». Head of the department-Ph. D., Associate Professor Korovaiko I.V. Halimon V.A., Syuyumbaeva A.T., graduates of the department Gulyakina (Smirnova) N.E. Kucherova M.A., Moskvina E. I. are invited to work. In the same year Sarsek G.A. defend their dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences

In 1999, the department was named «Music and Singing». The head of the department is appointed Yermekbayuly M.I., a graduate of the Almaty Conservatory Anisheva G. M., a graduate of the department Yermekbayeva D.A., in 2000 – a graduate of the Almaty Conservatory Yermekbayeva Zh. M. are invited to work.


Staff of the Department "Music and singing": Pigovayeva N. Yu., Halimon V. A., S. S. Baizhanov, Gulyakina (Smirnova) N.E.,Moskvina, E. I., Kozhanov A. K., J. M. Yermekbaeva, Khamzina S. S., S. A. Akhmetzhanova, Yermekbaeva D.A.,Kolumbaeva B. D., Yermekbai M. I., Smetovа A. A., Denisova N. And. (Dec 2000)

In 1999, they defended their dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Art History Knyazev I. N., for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences Krylov N. F.

Since December 2000, the head of the department is the senior lecturer Smetova A.A. The department is called «Theory and methodology of music education». Invited to work with teachers Yarova M.A., Hikmatova G.M., Hammatova J.H., R.Z. Kuchukbaev, Suleymenova G.K., Otarbaev N. On., Sergienko V. F., Ganahan E., Stavskaya, A.D., Aitbaev E.T. Karimov, Doroshenko T. M. Kovenya V. N., Makulbaev G. T., a graduate of the Department Sadilova (Emelianova) A.N.

In February 2004, the Pedagogical Institute left the structure of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. Some of the teachers of the TaMME department remain working at PSU, some return to their native institute. The head of the department is appointed by the senior lecturer Dukenbai N. S., who has worked for more than 20 years at the Pavlodar Pedagogical College and has a rich experience in teaching, methodological, and research work. Under his leadership, the department created a creative laboratory to create an alternative author's program in music for primary school classes with the Kazakh language of instruction. In 2006, at the republican contest «The Best University Teacher», Nazymbek Sabitovich won a state grant from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Under his leadership, work: Ermekbayeva M.I., S.S. Baizhanov, B.U. Itemgenov, Denisova N. and ., Lichman E. Yu., Hammatova J.H., Papadopoulos, M.P., Gulyakina (Smirnova) N.E., Kovenya, V.N., Kuchukbaev R.Z., Yarova M. A., Sergienko V.F., Akilov K.K., Doroshenko T.M., Yermekbayev K.M., Otarbaev N. On., Sebekova R.A. Suleimenova G.K., a graduate of the Department Boyko M. Yu.

In 2003, a graduate of the Kazakh National Conservatory was invited to the department. Kurmangazy Mergaliyev D.M., who becomes the head of the orchestra of  Kazakh folk instruments and a graduate of the department Botaeva A. S.-the successor of the song traditions of Mayra Shamsutdinova.

In 2004, a vocal teacher, L.M.Tvorogova, worked at the department.

In 2006, the head of the department became senior lecturer E. Zhanaikhan, a graduate of the Bulgarian State Conservatory and the Sofia Music Academy, specializing in opera singing, winner of the music competition in Germany (Grand Prix, 1993), the international music competition «Shabyt»  (Grand Prix, Astana, 1999), winner of the prize «Umit-Nadezhdа» (Astana, 1999), soloist of the regional folk-instrumental ensemble.

After defending her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in 2007 Kokumbaeva B.D. returned to her native department, she worked for some time at the Department of Philosophy, Economics and Law.

With the appointment of the head of the department ZhanaikhanYerkyn, the research work of teachers has significantly intensified. During the period from 2009 to 2012, 5 PhD theses were defended (2009-thesis for the degree of Candidate of Art History by Mergaliev D.M., 2010-thesis for the degree of Candidate of Philosophy by Gulyakina (Smirnova) N. E. and thesis for the degree of Candidate of Art History by Lichman E.Yu., 2011-thesis for the degree of Candidate of Art History by Zhanaikhan E., 2012. dissertation for the degree of candidate of art criticism Denisova N. And.).

In 2007, invited graduates of the Department Beisembayeva A.K., A.R. Tulekova, in 2008 Ph. D. Azamat T., J. S. Sagitov in 2009 Kanaeva T.K., T. Siza

From 2014 to 2016 at the Department works worker of culture of Kazakhstan Karimov T.B.

In 2016 as the Director of the orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments invited master Kemalova D.Zh.

Among the teachers of the department, special attention is paid to the veterans of the PSPI – Denisova N.I. and Lichman E.Yu., who have worked in their native university for more than 25 years, having gone from teacher to associate professor. All the most important stages of the department's development took place with their active participation. A lot of work to provide the department with a documentary base is carried out annually by Denisova N. I. The ideological core of the department for the organization of scientific work of the department is Lichman E.Yu., Under her leadership, a joint laboratory with AltSU «Cultural heritage and ethno-cultural traditions of Kazakhstan, Altai and neighboring territories» was opened.

At different times work edat the Department of accompanists: Yanchevskaya N.To., Yakovlevа M.Yu., Pigovayeva N.Yu., Nepsha  T.V., Kravchuk, L.Y., Akilovа K.K., Dostawa A.A., Boyko M.Yu., But N.V., Riabovol, L.C., Ermolaeva E.V., Moskvinа E.I., Kucherova M.A., Moiseenko T.B., I.A. Kondrashov, Nizovtseva O.A., Sadilova (Emelianova) A.N. Batyrhanovа M.A., Zhumanova G. K., Karibzhanovа N. A., Dentovskaya T.Y.; technicians Khisamutdinova R. H.,   J. J. Abitova, Kovenya, V. N., Akhmetzhanova, A.S., Plakhina L.P., Alkenovа S. M., Almagambetova G., Shamshiev D., Vorobiev L., Akbaeva G.U..


Our graduates are our future

Graduates of the department successfully work in educational and cultural organizations of various regions of Kazakhstan and abroad.

Working in schools, graduates of the department have achieved high results in their teaching activities, as evidenced by numerous awards and prizes won by them and their students at competitions and Olympiads. Some graduates have organized their own studios, centers of musical creativity: Sadvakasova A. (founder and head of the vocal studio "MagicFlyAstana", Astana), Zhakanova A. (director of the Center for Children's creativity "ARUZHAN PRODUCTION", Pavlodar).

Among the graduates of the department are scientists working in universities of Kazakhstan and Russia: Akhmetova G.G. – Ph.D., Rector of PSU, Smirnova N.E. – Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of TiMMO PSPI, Azamat T. – Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of TiMMO PSPI, Uyzbayeva A.A. – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of PSU, Gordienko M.V. – Ph.D.n., Omsk.

Many talented graduates are artists of cultural institutions: the House of Friendship Cultural and Leisure center (Kovenya V.N. - head of the national Cossack choir "Irtysh Cossacks", the children's vocal Cossack ensemble "Rodnichok", Knyazev S. – head of the Cossack song ensemble "Porechye"), the regional Philharmonic named after I. Baizakov (Ermekbayev Zh., Sarkambayev N., Botaeva A., Rysbek S., Seitov N., Protskaya N., Khadanova A., Kozlov D., Knyazev S., Temirkanova S.), regional Kazakh Musical Drama Theater named after Zh. Aimautova (Nygmanov R., Sarkambayev N.), the Presidential Orchestra of the State Security Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana (Ivanov V.S., Murumbayev A.T.).

Since 2020, the head of the music education program is Gulnara Sovetovna Alinova.

Educational program Music education today and tomorrow

Currently, at the OP Music Education provides professional training for bachelors in the OP 6B01430 "Music Education"  by a teaching staff consisting of: D.philos.n., Professor Kokumbaeva B.D., Associate Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Lichman E.Yu., an expert teacher, Master of Art Studies Sagitova Zh.S., an expert teacher, Master of  Psychology Tulekova A.R., teacher, Master of Art Kisatova S.T.

Since 2021, the head of the OP Music Education is Sagitova Zhanar Serikbayevna.


Veterans of the OP Musical education: Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Kokumbaeva B.D. (has been working for the OP since 1986), teacher-expert - Doroshenko T.M. (has been working for the OP since 2000), Associate Doctor of Art History (PhD) Zhanaikhan E., Associate Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Lichman E.Yu. (works for the OP since 1989).

Leading scientists teachers: expert teachers: Itemgenova B.U. (has been working for OP since 2000), Master of Psychology Tulekova A.R. (has been working for OP since 2007), Master of Arts a Kisatova S.T. (has been working for OP since 2021).



Professor of Philosophical Sciences G.T. Alpeisova from the city of  Nursultan was invited. A young specialist was invited by a traditional singer, a master of arts Kisatova S.T., who became a prize-winner of many competitions.

Currently, since 2022, the head of the music education program is the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Azamat Tleuberdi.

Veterans of the OP Musical education: Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Kokumbaeva B.D. (has been working for the OP since 1986), teacher-expert - Doroshenko T.M. (has been working for the OP since 2000), Associate Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Lichman E.Yu. (has been working for the OP since 1989).

Leading scientists and teachers: teachers-experts: Master of Art History Sagitova Zh.S. (has been working for the OP since 2008), Master of Psychology Tulekova A.R. (has been working for the OP since 2007), Master of Arts a Kisatova S.T. (has been working for the OP since 2021).


During the speech of our students at the event dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Pavlodar Pedagogical University


The group "Samgau" won the Grand Prix at the international competition "Samga Kazakhstan" (head Kisatova S.T., Nur-Sultan, November, 2022).


In the nomination "Vocal" at the international competition in Nur-Sultan (November, 2022)


The Grand Prix was won by 3rd year students Tilek Balapan, Bayanbek Tileuzhan at the international competition in the city of Astana (head Kisatova S.T., February, 2023).


Student orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments (head Kisatova S.T.)


Currently, the educational program provides training in Music Education at the bachelor's and master's levels.


Degree awarded: Bachelor of Education in OP 6B01430 Music Education.

Forms and terms of study:

• full–time on the basis of general secondary education – 4 years, full-time on the basis of secondary vocational education - 3 years;

• full–time on the basis of secondary vocational education – 2 years, full-time on the basis of higher vocational education - 1 year.


• preschool educational institutions;

• secondary schools;

• secondary vocational institutions (colleges);

• cultural and art institutions;

• cultural and leisure centers.


Degree awarded:

• Master of Education in the specialty 7M01421 Music education – for persons who have mastered the educational program of the profile master's degree;

• Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 7M01421 Music education – for persons who have mastered the educational program of scientific and pedagogical master's degree.

Forms and terms of training:

• in the profile direction – 1 year;

• in the scientific and pedagogical direction – 2 years.


with specialized training:

• organizational and managerial activities in educational organizations;

• educational activities in colleges, educational organizations of state and non-state profile related to the fields of musical art, culture and education;

• scientific and methodological support of the educational process.

in scientific and pedagogical training:

• research activities;

• scientific and methodological support of the educational process;

• organizational and managerial activities;

• educational activities in educational organizations (in universities, colleges, educational organizations of state and non-state profile).