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Erasmus+ ICM

A competition for studying abroad within the framework of academic mobility among first and second year bachelor students is being announced 

Dear Deans of higher schools and first and second year bachelor students! 

A competition for academic mobility is announced within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme among first and second year bachelor students of educational programmes: 6В01730 Foreign language: two foreign languages; 6В01720 Russian language and literature; 6В01750 Russian language and literature in non-Russian language schools; 6В01900 Special pedagogy; 6В01110 Pedagogy and psychology; 6B01310 Pedagogic and methods of primary education; 6В01520 Physics; 6B01522 Physics-Mathematics; 6В01521 Physics-Computer Science; 6В01420 Physical Culture and Sport; 6B01422 Physical Culture and Sport (IP).

 Main criteria for participation in the competitive selection:

-                     The average transcript performance for the entire period of study is at least 3,0 GPA.

-                     The level of knowledge of the English language is not lower than level B1 (not lower than level B2 for students of the educational programme 6B01730 Foreign language: two foreign languages).

Students who wish to participate in the competition collect documents in a file folder, according to the List of documents for participation in the competition for study abroad within the framework of academic mobility and submit them to the Internationalization Office at the following address: 60 Olzhabay batyr street (main building of the University), office 330.

Based on the results of the competition, the selection committee will select one student who will go to study in the framework of academic mobility to the University of Rzeszów (Rzeszów city, Poland) in the autumn or spring semester of the academic year 2024/2025. Studying is free of charge. Upon arrival at the University of Rzeszów, the student will receive a refund for travel expenses, as well as a scholarship of 800 euros per month, which the student will receive in the amount of 90 % for all months of stay (the remaining 10 % upon completion of studies).

 For students belonging to the group of people with disabilities, the programme provides a higher scholarship.

 Detailed information about the University of Rzeszów can be found at the following links: https://www.ur.edu.pl/en/home , https://www.ur.edu.pl/en/university/multimedia

 The deadline for submitting documents is March 31, 2024.

 Please read in detail the document Rules for selecting applicants from among students to study abroad in the framework of academic mobility of the Erasmus+ programme.

 For any questions, please contact the Internationalization Office, phone number 8 (7182) 65-16-09 (internal 374).