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Scientific activity

A modern educational program means not only high educational standards, an updated educational trajectory, advanced educational methods and technologies, but also a strong research base that is successfully integrated into the educational process. The educational programs "Pedagogy methods of primary education "and" Pedagogy of Preschool education and Training " strive to meet these requirements.

The research base of the educational programs "Pedagogy methods of primary education" and "Pedagogy of Preschool Education and Upbringing" has a traditional research infrastructure, including the accumulated research fund of works and works of leading scientists and an established organizational system of research and cooperation.

Teachers of educational programs implementing these educational programs published 8 monographs from 2016 to 2020:

In October 2018, teachers Kudusheva G. K., Kalimova A.D., Smailova D. E. took part in the regional competition "The best young Scientist".

For 2017-2019 school year, the teachers have the training and received certificates of:

• on the basis of MTC NICHES (Astana) Kenenbaev, M. A.;

• on the basis of ETU (Almaty) – D. Smailova E.;

• on the basis of "Orleu" (Pavlodar) – Sakenov, D. Zh., Kalimova A. D.

• on the basis of PSPI – Bayandina S. J., Osipova S. V., Akmaldinova A. N., Ospanova G. R., Videlina E. A. , Sarybaev B. J., Kalimova, A. D., G. K. Kudusheva

Within the framework of academic mobility, Professor Bayandina S. Zh. gave a course of lectures at Kazumoimya named after him. Abylai Khan in the discipline "Comparative translation/comparative analysis of translation equivalence" in the amount of 1 credit (March 19-20, 2018)

Doctor of Ph. D., Professor Zhumasheva A. Sh. took part as a lecturer for students of Kainar University (Almaty) in virtual mobility.

At the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, the main direction of the research activity of the department is the work on the general university research topic "Pedagogical approaches, methods, technologies of organizing the educational process in primary school in the conditions of the updated content of education".Every year, each teacher publishes at least 2 articles in the collections of conferences of various levels held in Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, and Turkey.

In 2017, Doctor of Ph. D., Professor Zhumasheva A. Sh. became a co-author of the textbook of the Russian language for the 3rd grade of the publishing house "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools".

Special attention is paid to the professional development of the teaching staff. So, in 2013, Aspanova G. R. entered the doctoral program of KazNPU in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education". According to the order of the Chairman of the Committee No. 767 of May 16, 2018 "On awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)", she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D010200 - "Pedagogy and Methods of primary education".

In 2017, senior teacher Sergazina Zh. Zh. completed her training in the form of a competition in the specialty 13.00.01 - "General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and education" at the AltGPA (Barnaul, Russian Federation).

In 2018, the teacher Kalimova A.D. entered the doctoral program of the KarSU named after E. Buketov in the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education".

At the expense of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for five years, the following funds were allocated:

the program of courses of additional professional education for students of final courses of higher educational institutions that train teachers, developed on the basis of level programs of advanced training of teachers – 5 people (Zhumasheva A. Sh., Asenova N. S., Botalova O. B., Bakhralinova A. Zh., Sakenov D. Zh., Kenenbayeva M. A., Zhaparova B. M.);

• on training of trainers on the educational program of professional development of pedagogical personnel in the initial classes in the framework of updating the content of secondary education, developed by the Center of excellence AEO "Nazarbayev intellectual schools" is 5 (Z. E. Zhumabaeva, Spabekov D. K., D. Smailova E., Kenenbaev M. A. Assenova N. S.);

• for courses in scientific and production center "Orleu" is 7 (Kenenbaev M. A., training center and a B. A., Osipova S. V., Sakenov, D. Zh., botalova O. B., D. Smailova E., E. A. Videlina);

* for English language courses in Almaty – 3 people (Botalova O. B., Bahralinova A. Zh., Smailova D. E.).

Along with visiting the student scientific circle, students of the specialty take an active part in international and national Olympiads.

In 2018, students Musabek Gulbakyt, Babatai Aizhan, Laura Autaeva, Laura Musatila under the guidance of Ph. D., Professor N. S. Asenova, senior teacher A. N. Akhmuldinova took the 2nd team place in the Republican student Olympiad in the specialty "Pedagogy and Methods of primary education" in Almaty, Kazgoszhenpu.

In 2019, students of Tatish Sh, Lesbek D, Azbebayeva A, Temirzhanova A under the guidance of Master of Pedagogical Sciences Baizhunusova G. K in the Republican student Olympiad in the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing" in Ust-Kamenogorsk, took the 3rd team place.

In addition to participating in Olympiads, students of the specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" participate in the republican scientific competitions "ZIAT" (at least 10 participants), the annual student intra-university conference, publish articles in scientific journals and collections of scientific and practical conferences. From 2016 to 20120, there are more than 50 publications of students of the specialty " Pedagogy and methods of primary education»