Scientific activity
The research work of the faculty members implementing the EP is an integral part of the strategy, mission and goal of the PPU.
Research of the educational program "Kazakh language and literature" is reflected in the General scientific topic "Actual problems of Kazakh Philology", which is revealed in the thematic plan of research and is implemented through separate scientific topics of teachers of the Department: "The Role of Kazakh-Turkic literary and cultural relations in the civilizational field"(prof. Sutzhanov B. S.), "Complexity in syntax" (prof. Sagyndykuly B.), "Spelling and punctuation of the modern Kazakh language" (Assoc. Yergaliyev K. S.), "Actual problems of linguistics" (Assoc. Shakaman Y. B.), "Turkic writing: Genesis, history of development" (Assoc. Amrenov A.D.), "Problems of literary analysis of a poem" (Assoc. Orazkhanova M. I.), "Genre and artistic features of Kazakh literature of the XIX century" (associate Professor Agaliyeva N. B.), "Artistic searches in modern Kazakh prose: genre, plot, chronotope" (associate Professor Kuralkanova B. sh.), "Stylistic features of parenthesis in a literary text" (senior lecturer Zhubantayeva Zh. K.), "Traditions and innovation in modern Kazakh poetry and the problem of its teaching in Higher school" (senior lecturer Saginayeva G. A.), "Problems of teaching professional Kazakh language" (art. teacher Akhtayeva N. K.).
The positive dynamics of the quality and efficiency of research work of teaching staff is manifested in their participation in competitions of various levels. In 2014, Zhubantayeva Zh. K. took part in the competition (competition for internship in a foreign University under the program"Bolashak"), Yergaliev K. S. (competition "Best University teacher-2014"), Amrenov A. D. (competition "Best University teacher - 2015"), Orazkhanova M. I. (competition "Best University teacher – 2017"), Assanbayeva Ye.B. (scientific scholarship for talented young scientists under the age of 35, 2017), Akhtayeva N. K. (winner of the first prize of the Republican contest "the Best approaches to creative learning of Kazakh language" among employees of universities and educational institutions, conducted by the Center for online testing UStudy and the center for creative learning the Kazakh language-JSC "KAZGUU University", Astana-2017; diploma of I degree at the international competition" pedagogical innovation" (2018).); I degree diploma in the direction" pedagogical ideas" among the teachers of the senior classes the teaching of the Republican contest" pedagogical ideas " (Astana-2018), Yergaliyev K. S. (state research fellowship, 2018). I.B.Shakaman (The best researcher – 2023), Sagyndykuky B (For services to the region, 2023).
Getting the title is another measure of the quality and effectiveness of research. In the reporting year the rank of associate Professor has Yergaliev K. S.
Editorial Board members are faculty of the Department: S. N. Sutzhanov member of the editorial Board of "Bulletin of pgpu"; S. N. Sutzhanov and A. D. Amrenov editorial Board member for 5-volume cycle of research works about the works of I. Altynsarin.
In 2019 lecturer Akhtaeva N. To.he successfully defended his thesis on "Application of competence approach in teaching Kazakh language for students of pedagogical universities of Kazakhstan" at the University of Mongolia in 2020 lecturer Sagintayeva Zh. K. he successfully defended his thesis on "Pedagogical conditions of formation of communicative competence of students" at the University of Mongolia.
Teachers EP annually publish articles in various scientific-practical conferences of International, Republican, regional levels, as well as in national journals recommended by higher attestation Commission of the MES of RK, in magazines with a nonzero impact factor.
Scientific-research work of students
Students of the Department of Kazakh language and literature take part in international, national, intra-Institute scientific conferences of the research direction. Also, under the guidance of the teaching staff of the Department, scientific articles of students are published in various scientific publications and conference materials.
The research work of students under the guidance of the faculty is aimed at the current General philological problems. From the point of view of linguistics, the questions of the theory, structure, semantics of language, cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, social linguistics, text, discourse, teaching methods, etc., affecting the actual problems of linguistics characteristic of speech, along with private and General linguistics, were considered. In literary studies, generalized topics on the history, theory, criticism of Kazakh literature and such issues as philological analysis of the literary text, structural and content aspects of the text, theoretical justification of the semantics of the text are presented. This in itself is an achievement of the Department in the current academic year, distinguishing students from topics that have become stereotyped in the scientific direction, depending on new trends in the development of Philology (linguistics and literary studies), the achievements of world Philology.
Within the framework of the XI Republican subject Olympiad of students of higher educational institutions in the Kazakh language and literature in Ust-Kamenogorsk, students of the groups Kl-41, Kl-31 A. Adilbek, A. Adamzhanova, A. Ashimov took part in the competition of scientific projects on the topic "knowledge of national reality and the seven facets of the Kazakh steppe through the image of Abylai Khan" (within the article of Elbasy N. Nazarbayev "seven facets of the great steppe") and took the SECOND place.
Also, the diploma of the III degree was awarded to A. Orazbek, who took part in the Republican contest "100 best ideas of students", which was held on the direct initiative of the Ministry of dunes of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic "Til tourism". and she was awarded a diploma of the III degree at the regional stage of the Republican contest for writing stories for children among students "Zhas Kalamger", organized by the publishing house"Astana kitap". In 2019, the traditional XV intra-institutional student scientific conference "the potential of youth in a new society: education and science" was held.
Research priorities correspond to the strategic development and mission of the University.
Qualified teaching staff of the Department provides for the development of innovative education, the training of elite and qualified experts based on the integration of academic knowledge and research in the most relevant areas of Philology, the development of fundamental research that is consistent with the mission of the University: the formation of pedagogical elite of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the development of the intellectual potential of the nation.
The mission of the PPU is reflected in the goals and target indicators of the development strategy.