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EP «Law, History, Entrepreneurship» 

 In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 128 of February 3, 2004 on the reorganization of certain republican state-owned enterprises of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Pedagogical Institute was again separated into an independent university in April 2004 and became known as the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. The Faculty of History, Economics and Law was created at the Institute, which included 5 departments, including the Department of Philosophy and Law headed by Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor G.E. Otepov and the Department of Economics and Social Management was headed by Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor A.N.Silin. The departments trained students in the specialty "Fundamentals of Law and Economics".

In October 2006, in order to make the educational process more efficient, the Department of Philosophy and Law and the Department of Economics and Social Management were merged into the Department of Philosophy, Economics and Law.

In 2008, the Department of Philosophy, Economics and Law was renamed the Department of Economics, Law and Philosophy, the head of the department was Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Zhetpisov S.K.

In 2009, the Department of Economics, Law and Philosophy was headed by Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor Kasymova A.K.

In the period 2010-2012, the Department of Economics, Law and Philosophy was headed by Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Zhamuldinov V.N.

Since 2013, the Department of Economics, Law and Philosophy was headed by Candidate of Law, Associate Professor Iksatova S.T.

In 2018, the preparation of masters of education in the specialty "Fundamentals of Law and Economics" (scientific and pedagogical direction) began.

In 2019, PSPU introduced a new management model based on the experience of Nazarbayev University. The transition from a vertical to a horizontal management structure has been made. This was reflected in the structure of the university departments. All faculties were transformed into Higher Schools based on the classifier of the group of pedagogical specialties, the departments were abolished, educational programs were created instead. The Department of Social Sciences and Humanities was transformed into the EP "Fundamentals of Law and Economics".

In 2019, together with stakeholders (employers) and graduates of the EP "Fundamentals of Law and Economics", an innovative EP "Entrepreneurship in Education" was developed, which was successfully implemented.

In 2022, based on the results of the analysis of the labor market in the field of educational services, together with employers, an innovative educational program "Law, History, Entrepreneurship" was developed, PhD, Associate Professor Alpysbay N.A. became the head of the educational program.

Over the entire history of the department (EP), it is necessary to highlight prominent scientists, honored teachers who have made a great contribution to the formation and development of the department (EP): Ph.D. in Philosophy, Professor Zaguparov K.F., Ph.D. in Philosophy, Professor Rogova L.I., Doctor of History Otepova G.E.