For students
Professional practice allows you to discover the real results of research activities, implemented in the educational process, to initiate and develop them through research creativity, the search for new pedagogical technologies and learning tools that ensure the formation of the personality of a specialist capable of creative professional self-government and development. Consistent orientation of the future teacher to the introduction to research work in the process of passing all kinds of professional practice contributes to the mastery of classical pedagogical and innovative technologies.
Professional practice of students of PSPU is conducted from 1-4 course with a gradual complication of the student's activities in accordance with the objectives of training in each course of professional training. The content of professional practice is related to the specialty of the future teacher.
The administration of PSPU, the teaching staff of the departments and the management of the faculties are systematically working to expand the bases of practice.
As a basis for the professional practice of students are defined organizations, the statutory activities of which correspond to the profile of bachelors (in specialties) and the requirements of the educational program, with qualified personnel for the management of professional practice and material and technical base.
Bases of educational practices are educational institutions, educational workshops, laboratories, experimental farms, other educational and auxiliary units of the University.
The base of pedagogical practice is:
- preschool organization;
- General education organizations (primary, basic secondary, General secondary);
- organization of technical and vocational education.
Bases of practical training are the organizations corresponding to a profile of the trained specialty (or the related organizations).
In order to form a teacher of a new formation and improve the quality of training of graduates of the University since 2014, PSPU students have an innovative practice in the «Nazarbayev intellectual school» of chemical and biological direction of Pavlodar. For students there are seminars in the areas of research, such as «Action research», « CLIL», « Lesson study» «Approaches to Learning». For a more visual presentation in the organization of work with gifted children, a seminar is held with the coordinators of the school on giftedness and coaching for the development of divergent thinking, and acquaintance with TRIZ.
Installation conference in NIŠ HB Pavlodar
Students spend their credit lessons in the NIS HB Pavlodar
Every year PSPU students undergo various types of pedagogical practices depending on the course:
-1 course-pedagogical;
-2 course-psychological and pedagogical;
-3 course-educational pedagogical;
-4 course – production of pedagogi
Heads of practices at the Department work very closely with the head of practice of PSPU Baitanayeva M. A. and together with her carry out the following activities:
-- introductory and final conferences;
-round tables with the participation of students, trainees, executives with base practices, managers from the Department;
- participate in various activities that take place on the basis of practices.
During the practice period students master the following skills:
- - learn to study the personality of the student and the team of pupils in order to diagnose and design their development and education;
- carry out current and long-term planning of pedagogical activities (play, work and educational activities of children, etc;
- use a variety of forms and methods of management of cognitive activity of students, are able to set and solve educational tasks, collect educational material, reasonably choose and apply organizational forms and methods of training and education, etc;
- know how to organize a team of children to perform tasks.
Subject teachers and teachers from the Department assist in the planning and preparation of lessons, selection of material, educational activities, give valuable practical advice not only methodological but also psychological in nature, which helps students gain confidence in themselves as a future teacher and class teacher, as well as to obtain the necessary practical experience.
Starchenko Galina Nikolaevna – candidate of pedagogical Sciences.Professor, associate Professor of the Department of Russian language and literature is a very responsible and conscientious leader, competent mentor for students, able to instill in students the love of the chosen profession.
Students ЕP 5B011800-Russian language and literature with Starchenko G. N.
5B010500-Defectology pass pedagogical practices in specialized educational institutions such as: secondary boarding «school №1 for children with hearing and speech disorders», secondary boarding school №4, «Kindergarten №14 Pavlodar correctional type for children with speech disorders», «Kindergarten №26 Pavlodar correctional type for children with speech disorders», Rehabilitation center "Samal". It requires a lot of work and patience from the students who have chosen this specialty.
Students ЕP 5B010500-Defectology
For the development of primary professional skills students 1, 2 courses are training practice, the main purpose of which is to familiarize students with the features of their future profession. Educational practice is one of the main forms of application of the acquired knowledge, solving professional problems and organizing an independent research search of students.
This practice is organized in training workshops, laboratories, computer classes and other training and support units of the Institute, as well as in schools, organizations, enterprises, in the field. For example, students ЕP 5B011300, 5B060700-Biology in the summer time for training (field) practice went to the territory of the floodplain of the Irtysh river Irtysh district, in the 2nd branch of the village meadow.
During 11 days students of ЕP 5B01300 «Biology" and 5B06700 "Biology», being in the territory of base performed the tasks provided by the program of practice in Zoology and botany, participated in excursions which were carried out by teachers of Department of General biology, carried out independent supervision in the nature, carried out group and individual works.
Bird watching
Observations of birds ' nests
Setting traps hero for catching rodents
Study of the structure and diversity of fish in local water bodies
Students studied Pets in the village of Lugovoye. The staff of the local rabbit farm provided an opportunity to the pgpu trainees to conduct program research for writing scientific papers.
Students at the rabbit farm
In the period of practice by teachers and students of biology PSPU, as well as with the support of KSU «Lugovskaya secondary school» in the Framework of the year of Ecology was organized and held the summer project «Ecological school-2019». 17 schools of Irtysh district of Pavlodar region took part in this project. The project implements the idea of preserving the natural heritage and instilling love for the native land. The ecological forum was divided into several sections: «Ecological quiz » (responsible – Professor of the Department of General biology Tarasovskaya N.E.), «Commercialization of ecological ideas. The Startup movement» (responsible: lecturer of General biology Klimenko M. Y.), Scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists pgpu «biological resources of Irtysh area and prospects of their use» (responsible: lecturer of General biology Kabdolov Z. R
Environmental quiz
About the startup projects realized in pgpu
Letter of thanks
In accordance with the curriculum for ЕP 5B011300 - Biology training (field) practice of 1st year students took place in the vicinity of Pavlodar. For students were conducted excursions in the vicinity of the river Usolka, arboretum Dyutseit (Children and youth center of ecology and tourism), anthropogenic landscapes (horticulture Pavlodar)
Children and youth center of ecology and tourism
At the end of the practice, students under the guidance of teachers made reporting documentation, decorated collections of insects and herbaria of plants. All collected material will add to the collection of the Department, necessary for practical and laboratory work during the next academic year.
Final conference ЕP 5B01300 "Biology" and 5B06700 " Biology»
According to the academic calendar students of ЕP 5B011600 - Geography passed educational (physical and geographical) practice in the territory of Bayanaul state Park of S. Shonay. In practice, theoretical knowledge in the following disciplines was practiced: meteorology and climatology, topography, soil science, Geology and geomorphology, hydrology, landscape science. After carrying out meteorological observations, an educational excursion was organized to the natural attractions and cultural objects of Bayanaul (Kempir TAS, Nayza TAS, lake Toraigyr, S. Toraighyrov Museum, etc.). During the tour, water and mineral samples were obtained for the purpose of hydrological and geological observations of lake Toraigyr. Through the pass of Zhasybay Batyr, a Hiking tour was organized on the territory of lake Zhasybay, where meteorological control and hydrological observations of the lake were carried out. In the classroom PMPU in the off-site period was carried out processing of all collected materials. Newly checked imported rocks, soil samples, water samples. The collected materials were systematized and restored.
Tour the Museum of S. Toraygyrov in the village of Тoraygyr
Brigade number 2 when excavating. The surrounding area Bayanaul village Shonai
Travel on foot from Bayanaul through Zhasybay Batyr pass to Zhasybay lake
Burial place of Zhasybay Batyr
Participation together with Bayanaul GNPP in cleaning of the coast of Sabyndykol
Hydrological observations of the lake and excursion to the lake Toraigyr
Desk work in the classroom PGPU
At the final conference, the heads of the production practice were announced exposed assessment with explanations and further recommendations.
These activities, provided by educational practice, relate to such types of future professional activities as research and applied, and the objectives of professional activity. During the pedagogical practice, students regularly report on the work done to the heads of the practice, present the interim results of the work.
According to the results of the passed practices, interesting and informative final conferences were held with the participation of representatives of schools and organizations, where students-trainees presented their presentations on the results of the practice. Reports of students-trainees were heard, results of practices and responses of administrations of schools and other institutions on results of practices were discussed, conclusions and offers on improvement, the organization and carrying out of practices which are considered at practical training in the future were made.
Reporting documentation of students includes a written report, collected files. Requirements to written documentation are stated in the Working program of practice and Methodical instructions to it. In addition, creative forms of the report (video presentation, documentary representation of results of activity of the student, etc.) can be presented.)
The high level of organization of professional practice is evidenced by positive feedback and letters of thanks from the heads of practice bases.
Professional practice of students is a very important stage in the preparation of future specialists, because it is in the process of students receive the necessary skills and abilities of future professional activity. On how it will be organized, and how responsibly it will treat the students themselves, largely depends on the effectiveness of the practice, and hence their preparedness for the teaching profession.
Head of practice Baytanaevа Mayra Аmangaziev