Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan 2022 №3
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Zhanbol Zhilbaev
S.Zh. Kabieva D.D. Eszhanova М.Zh. Baitemirova
Comparative analysis of the physical and psycho-physiological characteristics of young men of the humanitarian and technical departments
The article examines the physical and psycho -physiological characteristics of young men of the humanitarian and technical departments. Comparisons of humanitarian and technical mentality are shown. Using methods for determining anthropometric and psychophysiological characteristics, the author states that the technical and humanitarian mindset influences the choice of a future specialty. The main part of the article provides a description and possible reasons for the peculiarities of young men from different departments of a multidisciplinary college. Physiological differences are described. Characterized differences in temperament type, neuroticism, type of thinking and functional asymmetry of the brain. Also, it is considered how the mindset affects the emotional state of young men. Based on the analysis of the type of thinking, the article shows that the young men of the technical department are prone to logic. It is stated that the young men of the humanitarian department are more creative . In conclusion, the functional asymmetry of the brain of young men and its influence on their emotional state and type of thinking are briefly analyzed. Key words: technical mindset, humanitarian mindset, temperament type, neuroticism, functional asymmetry of the brain
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B.Z. Zhumadilov A.K. Zholdasbekova
Study of the Fabaceae family in the floristic zone of the Irtysh, its ecology and biology
Pioneering work on the topic of the Fabaceae family of the Yertis floristic district are summarized. The flora of the Yertis floristic district, along with the method of analysis of selective samples, was studied in detail using the route method. In the Yertis floristic district, 40 species of the Fabaceae family belonging to 14 genera were registered. Their representatives include representatives of legumes discovered during the study and presented in the literature on natural values. During field studies, the ecological characteristics of the species were studied. Analysis of life forms of representatives of the Fabaceae family shows that herbaceous plants are widespread here. An analysis of the taxonomic structure shows that the flora undergoes complex changes as a result of the xerophytization process. The nature of the process taking place among the representatives of the Fabaceae family allows one to assess it and trace the tendencies of changes in the future. Key words: flora, Yertis, species, genera, family, Fabaceae, legume
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R.V. Yanko
Influence of alimentary deprivation on morphofunctional state of the rat's pancreas
Summary Literature data on the effect of alimentary deprivation (AD) on the morphological and functional changes in the pancreas, especially its exocrine part, are rare. The study of morphological changes in the exo- and endocrine pancreas of rats, after exposure to AD, was the aim of our research. Experimental rats received a diet that was reduced in weight by 30%. Access to water was free. The duration of the experiment was 28 days. Rats were decapitated under light ether anesthesia. For histological studies of the pancreas, samples were taken from its central part (body). Morphometric measurements of the gland were carried out using the computer program "Image J". It was revealed that in the exocrine pancreas of adult rats that were on AD, the area of acinus and nucleus of exocrinocytes increased, the number of nucleolus increased, the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio and the height of the epithelium of the acinus increased. The increase in the activity of the endocrine pancreas, after exposure to AD, indicated by an increase in its following parameters: area (by 108%), number of Langerhans islets (by 34%), their size and number of endocrinocytes (by 55%). Also in the gland of these animals a decreased in the width of the layers of interlobular and interacinus connective tissue by 28%, which improves conditions for the course of metabolic processes. Thus, the effect of AD is accompanied by the appearance of morphological signs of an increased in the activity of both the exocrine and endocrine (to a greater extent) pancreas in adult rats. Key words: alimentary deprivation, pancreas, morphometry.
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K.M. Aubakirova G.A. Shalakhmetova S.A. Ashimov M.S. Kulatayeva S.Zh. Satkanov Z.A. Alikulov
Prospects for the use of halophytes of Salicornia in marine aquaponics
In Kazakhstan, fish consumption remains at a very low level, which may be due to the inaccessibility of high-quality fish products. One of the reliable sources of fish products are aquaculture facilities. Seawater can also be used effectively for aquaculture. Land-based marine aquaculture (mariculture) systems can be of great importance in meeting the demand for fish products. The development of aquaculture systems with salt water recirculation is limited by the lack of approaches to effectively purify saline wastewater in which a large amount of nitrogen compounds accumulates. The content of toxic ammonium nitrogen in water is an indicator of the degree of its pollution. Salt-accumulating halophyte soleros (Salicornia), due to its physiological characteristics, is a promising candidate for cultivation in artificial closed marine aquaponics. The high rate of ammonium uptake by soleros in a saline environment is a functional strategy for providing sufficient nitrogen while preventing salinization. Therefore, its integration into recirculation systems as a biofilter can solve the problem of disinfection of water with an increased content of nitrogen compounds. Due to the ability to grow on saline soils, soleros has developed a number of positive properties. Currently, about ninety biologically active substances have been isolated from soleros. Thus, the review presents the possibilities of using salicornia for integration into marine aquaponics in Kazakhstan, mainly due to its natural distribution on most of the Aral Sea coast. Key words: soleros, marine aquaponics, aquaculture, ammonium nitrogen, recycling.
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G.K. Khamitova
The role of the school yard area in the formation of students' research competencies within the framework of the author's program
This article concerns with the problem of the formation of students' research competencies and their application in real life. The idea of the author's program is substantiated, how to use the opportunities of the school yard area for the formation of students' research skills. The author reveals the structure of the explanatory note of the program, provides an overview of the scientific and methodological literature in this area. Special attention is paid to the organization forms and thematic range of research activities in the lessons of the elective course. The article describes methods of monitoring the dynamics of the level of formation of research competencies The paper provides a detailed analysis of the results of program approbation to identify the level of students' research competencies. In conclusion of the article, the author writes about the results of the implementation of the author's program. Key words: research competencies, research activity, ecology, ecological culture, students’age characteristics, author's program.
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Sh.E. Suleymenova N.P. Korogod E.Yu. Varlakova
The use of didactic games in the classroom as a means of increasing the effectiveness of learning
The study of the effectiveness of the use of didactic games with elements of trilingualism in biology lessons as a way to increase motivation to study biology is considered. Didactic games are aimed at solving the problems of teaching and raising children. The main component of the didactic game is educational activity, which is intertwined with gaming activities. Such active activity of students during the lesson is an effective way to increase motivation, as it develops interest in the subject, attracts the attention of students, the whole class is involved, including both passive and active guys.In a modern school, great attention is paid to the motivation of learning, because it is the presence of students' motivation for the subject awakens their desire for learning, comprehension and active action. Key words: Didactic games, trilingualism, motivation for learning activities, effectiveness of application.
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