Teaching staff
head of the educational program "Russian Language and Literature" of the Higher School of Humanities of Pavlodar Pedagogical University, candidate of philological sciences.
Abzuldinova Gulsum Kenzhebekovna
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1982-1987 - Faculty of Philology, Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute named after N.K. Krupskaya.
1987-2003 - Znamenskaya secondary school of Zhanasemeysky district, Ekibastuz secondary school No. 26 of Pavlodar region, teacher of Russian language and literature.
2004 - Pavlodar, PSU named after S. Toraigyrov as a teacher of the department of the practical course of the Russian and Kazakh languages, and then (in connection with the opening of pedagogical universities) she moved to PSPU at the department of Russian language and literature.
In 2007 she entered the second higher education in the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" and received a diploma of the corresponding sample.
In 2011 she defended her thesis in the Russian Federation, at the Tyumen State University and received the degree of candidate of philological sciences.
2018-2019 - Deputy Dean for Research and International Relations of the Faculty of Humanities, PSPU.
Since 2019 - Head of the Russian Language and Literature EP.
ResearchActivities: Cognitive Linguistics
Courses taught: "General Linguistics", "Theory of Speech Communication", "Methods of Teaching the Russian Language", "Workshop on Pedagogical Rhetoric and Expressive Reading", "Fundamentals of the Culture of Speech", "Russian Language", "Professional Russian Language".
List of major scientific works:
1. Article Zoomorphic model of metaphorization of zoological terms в журнале «Dacoromania», стр.81-89, междунар.база цитирования Web of Sciens и Скопус. Ссылка на сайт журнала http://www.dacoromania.inst-puscariu.ro/2020_1_cuprins1.html
2. Metodology of implementation of the projectbased approach to the Russian language learning// SCOPUSАНО ИД Научное Обозрение <russian-science_info@mail.ruMan In India, 97 (15) : 353-369 ©Serials Publications, 2018
3. Collection of articles on Turkology of RUDN University, link
4. Monograph "Metaphorization of the cognitive field" study "in Russian", PSPU, November 2019, 179 pp.
5. Teaching aid Collection of test items on the methodology of teaching the Russian language, Pavlodar, PSPU, 187s, 2017
6. Bulletin of KarSU, series Philology, №2 (98) / 2020, June 30, article "By the roads of science", pp.: 102-104
7. St. Petersburg Bulletin, On Kazakh, Russian and English phraseological units with the component "ayқ-leg-leg / foot" 2017, p. 34-39
8. VI KAPENOV READINGS, materials of the international scientific and practical conference, trilingualism and trilingual education - a necessary condition for the new century, 2018, p. 457- 463.
9. Article Polylingual competence of schoolboys in psycho-linguistic angle ..... / Polylingual competence of schoolchildren from a psycholinguistic perspective // Integration of education into ethnocultural education in the regions of Greater Altai and Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference, 2017, pp. 151-157.
10. Article Axiological fragment of the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian people // Integration of education into ethnocultural education of the regions of Greater Altai and Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference, 2017, pp. 138-146.
11. Article Axiological fragment of the linguistic picture of the world of the Russian people // Integration of education into ethnocultural education of the regions of Greater Altai and Kazakhstan. Materials of the international scientific-practical conference, 2017, pp. 138-146.
12. PSU Bulletin, article "The place of the concept in cognitive linguistics", 2019, pp.20-26
13. Participation in the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "Languages and Literature in a Multicultural Space", March 27, 2020, FGBOU VO AltSU, Barnaul, Certificate
1. Advanced training courses in Astana, JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" on new educational programs, 2017, Certificate
2. Advanced training courses in Astana, JSC "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" on new educational programs, 2019, Certificate
4. Certificate for participation in an international seminar on the content of judicial acts, 2018
5. Open seminar-lecture hall "Epoch and personality: Philology and pedagogy in the XXI century", KazPRYL Almaty, Pavlodar PSPU, 2018
6. Course "Automation of the educational process and the use of AIS Kundelik", RK, Astana, LLP "Kundelik (Kundelik)", 2019
7. International Seminar "Horizons of Modern Linguistics: Trends and Scientific Dialogue" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of E.D. Suleimenova, RK, Almaty, KazNU named after al-Farabi, 2020
8. Advanced training courses "Modern linguodidactics at school and university", March 1 - March 10, 2021, PPU.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Higher School of Humanities
Temirgazina Zifa Kakbaevna
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Member of the dissertation councils for the defense of candidate's theses at the North Kazakhstan University named after him. Kozybayev-2002-2004, at the L. Gumilyov ENU-2005-2006, Dissertation council for the defense of doctoral dissertations at the L. Gumilyov ENU-2008-2010.
Member of the Expert Council on Philology and Art History of the Committee for Control and Certification in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2006-2007.
Delegate of the 1st Congress of Philologists of Kazakhstan in 2013 in Astana.
Member of the Dissertation Council for the defense of PhD dissertations at Karaganda State University. Buketova from 2019 to the present.
Chairman, member of the organizing committee of a number of international and national scientific conferences.
Responsible editor of collective monographs and collections: "Problems of interethnic communication" (Pavlodar, 2003), "Ways of introducing multilingual education in secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Pavlodar, 2007), "Selected works on Linguistics" in 2 vols. (Pavlodar, 2010); "Gender Linguistics" (2013), "Linguistic Axiology" (2014), "Pragmalinguistics" (2014).
Research interests: syntax of the Russian language, pragmalinguistics, linguoaxiology, semiotics
Training of highly qualified scientific personnel: supervisor of 20 PhD theses, including 10 theses in Russian universities; scientific consultant of 1 Doctor of Science.Членство в международных редколлегиях журналов, входящих в базы Scopus, РИНЦ, Перечень КОКСОН МОН РК:
- Member of the international Editorial Board of the journal " Vestnik RUDN. Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics", included in the Scopus database, (Russian Federation, Moscow) Member of the international editorial Board of "speech Genres", included in the database of Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on the platform Web of Science (Russia, Saratov state University n. a. N.G. Chernyshevsky)
- Member of the international editorial Board of the journal "Neophilologica", included in the database of Russian science citation index and in the List of higher attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (Russia, Tambov state University. Derzhavin)
- Member of the Editorial Board of the journal " Vestnik KarSU. Philology Series", which is included in the List of COXON MES RK, (RK, Karaganda State University. Buketova)
Courses taught:
For bachelors: "Syntax of the modern Russian language", " General Linguistics»
For undergraduates: "Theory and practice of pedagogical discourse", "Linguistic pragmatics", " Linguistic axiology»
For doctoral students: "Academic writing", "Semiotics", "Philosophy of Language".
List of major scientific works
1. "Naive anatomy" in the Kazakh language world picture in comparison with English and Russian / / XLinguae, Vol. 13 Issue 2, 2020, p. 3-16. DOI: 10.18355/XL. 2020. 13. 02. 01 (co-author) (Scopus)
2. Metaphorical-metonymic interpretation of the heart in the Kazakh and Tuvan languages: interaction of language, anatomy and culture. Novye issledovaniya Tuva. 2020, No. 4. pp. 261-271. DOI: www.doi.org/10.25178/nit.2020.4.18 (et al.) (Scopus, Web of Sciences)
3. Modern Kazakh Russian Studies: Professor E. D. Suleimenova (for the 75th anniversary) // Bulletin of the Peoples ' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics. 2020. Vol. 11. no. 2. pp. 151-160. doi:10.22363/2313-2299-2020-11-2-151-160 (et al.) (Scopus)
4. Semiotics of the "pandemic" discourse: "Newspeak" of the quarantine era. 2020. No. 6. pp. 30-38. https://doi.org/10.20339/PhS.6-20.030 (co-author) (Web of Sciences)
5. Outbreak, surge or wave: How and what we say about coronavirus Neophilology. 2020. Vol. 6. No. 24. P. 645-652 DOI 10.20310/2587-6953-2020-6-24-645-652
6. Harmony and disharmony: Acoustic opposition in the early lyrics of Alexander Blok // Bulletin of the RUDN. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics. 2021. Vol. 12. no 1. pp. 137-152. DOI: 10.22363/2313-2299-2021-12-1-137-152 (in coauthors) (Scopus)
7. Transculturality and its manifestation in the poetics of lyrical texts / / Vestnik RUDN. Polylinguiality and transcultural practices. 2021. No. 18(1). pp. 29-43. DOI 10.22363/2618-897X-2021-18-1-29-43.
Professional development
1. Advanced training courses "Modern linguodidactics in school and university", March 1 - March 10, 2021, PPU, 72 hours.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Higher School of Humanities
Suyunova G
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- 1977-1981 - studies at the Faculty of Philology with a degree in Russian Language and Literature, diploma with honors.- 1993-1996 - study in graduate school KazNPU them. Abay (Almaty).
- 1996 - defense of a thesis for the degree of candidate of philological sciences, specialty 10.02.19 - Comparative, typological and comparative-historical linguistics;
- 2010, ENU im. LN Gumilyov - defended a dissertation for the title of Doctor of Philology, specialty 10.02.19 - Comparative, typological and comparative-historical linguistics;
2. Teaching disciplines
Prof. G.S. Suyunova since 1987 has been conducting lectures and practical classes on the sections of the course "Modern Russian": the syntax of the modern Russian language, word formation and morphology of the Russian language, general linguistics, stylistics; contrastive grammar, contrastive linguistics. For undergraduates she conducted classes in the following disciplines: "Einolinguistics", "Linguoculturology", "Interethnic communication".3. Work experience
In 1982 she began work at the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute as a laboratory assistant at the Department of the Russian Language; since 1987 - lecturer, senior lecturer of the Russian language department of the PPI; 1996 - 2004 - Associate Professor of the Department of the Practical Course of the Kazakh and Russian Languages, Department of Russian Philology, PSU named after S. Toraigyrova; 2004-2006 - Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, PSPI; 2006-2007 - Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, PSPI; 2007-2009 - Head of the Department of General and Indo-European Linguistics, InEU; from January to August 2009 - Researcher, Research Center of Linguistics, PSPI; from September 2009 to August 2012 - head. Department of Russian Language and Literature, PSPI; from September 1, 2012 - Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at PSPI. At the moment he is a professor at the Higher School of Humanities PPU.4. List of major scientific works
Prof. Suyunova G.S. has over 160 scientific publications in domestic and foreign editions.1) Publications in domestic periodicals
1. Modern trends in the study of philological urbanism // Bulletin of PSU im. S. Toraigyrova. Series Philology. 2016, No. 2 pp. 23-29. (Co-author Andryushchenko O.K.).
2.Working with the text at the lessons of the Russian language as a way of forming linguoculturological competence // Bulletin of PSU im. S. Toraigyrova
2018, No. 2 (co-author Andryushchenko O.K.).
3. On the possibilities of presenting urban identity in the urbanimicon // Bulletin of the ENU. L. Gumilyov No. 3 (124) / 2018
2) Publications in foreign periodicals
1. On the criteria for the classification of urbanonyms of Pavlodar. //. "Scientific result". Ser. Questions of applied and theoretical linguistics. Yekaterinburg, 2016, Vol. 1. No. 1 (7). S. 59-65.
2.The Interrupted Intercourse in the Election Communication: Pragmatic Aspect // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 11, 4040-4053 (SCOPE).
3. Regional urban studies as a promising trend in Kazakhstan linguistics // PRZEGLĄD WSCHODNIOEUROPEJSKI VIII / 1 2017: 229–238. (Poland, SKOPUS).
4. European and Russian experience of linguistic urban studies as a theoretical basis for Kazakhstani research // PRZEGLĄD WSCHODNIOEUROPEJSKI IX / 2 2018: 215–223. Poland (SKOPUS)
5. The symbol-based interplay in the nomination process (based on the example of pavlodar-related urbonyms // The scientific heritage (Budapest, Hungary) No 26 (2018) Р.51-55
6. The transformation of identity in ecological education // E3S Web of Conferences. - December. -. Vol. 12. - P. 1-8 (0.8 a.l.) (SCOPE) - M.G. Golubchikova, G. Suyunova, M.K. Kairova, M. R. Arpentieva
7. The language game in the nominations of Pavlodar-related urbonyms "//" The Scienti fi c Journal of the Modern Education and Research Institute "(Brussels, Belgium) February 2019 p. 53-57
3) Publications in the proceedings of international conferences
1. The complex analysis of nominations of pavlodar banks // International scientific and practical conference. "Experientia es t optima magistra" (BelNIU, RF, 2018, April)
2. The System of Urbonyms and Urban Identity: Problem Statement // Lecture Notes in Management Science 2018 8th ESE International Conference on Sports, Health and Management (ESE-SHM 2018) June 11-13, 2018, Paris, France P. 127- 133 (co-author Kairova M.K.).
3. Non-letter elements in the nominations of Pavlodar urban names // Culturology, art history and philology: modern views and scientific research / collection of articles. materials XV int. scientific and practical confer. September 2018 S. 67-75.
4. Comparison as a linguistic method: new objects, new scales // Int. scientific and practical conference "Azerbaijani language yesterday and today: the 125th anniversary of Bekir Kurbanzadeh". Baku State University. September 2018 S. 210-212.
5. Cultural aspect as a differential factor of interethnic and intercultural communication // Russian language and literature in the Turkic-speaking world: modern concepts and technologies / Volga Federal University
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Higher School of Humanities, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Аndryushhenko Olga Konstantinovna
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Professional experience: 2006-2013 - Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature; 2014-2019 - head. Department of Russian Language and Literature; from November 2019 to the present - Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Graduate School of the Humanities.
Pedagogical experience - 14 years, scientific and pedagogical experience - 14 years.
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Humanities PPU.
Starchenko Galina Nikolaevna
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Research interests: teaching methods of literature, teaching methods of the Russian language, history of Russian literature.
Teaching experience - 38 years, scientific and pedagogical experience - 15 years.
Topic of Ph.D. thesis: "Functional and communicative aspect in the work on a literary text when teaching the Russian language (grades 5-7 gymnasium schools) in the specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Russian language in the system of primary, secondary and higher education ) - 2011, Almaty, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
Information about honorary titles: the title "The best teacher in the field of higher professional education" (Association of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019), "Excellence in education" (Association of teachers of Kazakhstan ", 2020).
Courses taught: "Methods of teaching the Russian language and literature at the university", "Methods of teaching literature", "History of Russian literature in the first half of the XX century", "History of Russian literature in the second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century", "Modern Russian literature", " Communication-oriented innovations in philology ”.
Further training: a seminar on Thomson Reuters resources for scientific research (PSPI, 2016, certificate), refresher courses "New approaches and innovative educational practices" (PSPU, 2016, certificate), refresher courses "And we will keep you, Russian speech, great Russian word "(St. Petersburg, 2017, certificate), seminar" Era and personality: philology and pedagogy in the XXI century "(PSPU, 2018, certificate), seminar" Modern opportunities for distance learning "(PSPU, 2018, certificate ), course "Automation of the educational process and the use of AIS Kundelik" (LLP "Kundelik (Kundelik)", 2019, certificate).
Author of 136 publications, including 70 publications over the past 5 years: the educational and methodological manual "Regional component in teaching Russian language and literature" (Pavlodar, 2018), 3 publications in journals recommended by the KKSON MES RK, 8 publications in foreign journals, 2 publications in collections of scientific articles, 49 publications in collections of materials of International scientific conferences, 7 publications (together with students) in collections of materials of intra-university student conferences.
a candidate of philological sciences, a senior lecturer of human sciences at the advanced school.
Tokatova Lyudmila Erbulatovna
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1996 – 2000 – Specialty "Russian language and literature", qualification – "A teacher of Russian language and literature",
2000 – 2002 - Specialty "Philology: Russian literature", academic degree–"Master`s degree in philology",
2002- 2007 - Specialty "Literary theory. A textual study", academic degree – PhD of Philology
Labour activity
2000 – 2003 гг. - a trainee- lecturer of the Russian philology Department in the PSU named after S.Toraygyrov.
2003 – 2004 гг. - lecturerof the theory and methodology of Russian language and literature department in PSU named after S.Toraygyrov.
2004 – 2005 гг. - lecturer of the Russian and Foreign literature department in the PSPI.
2005 – 2007 гг. - senior lecturer of Russian language and literature department in the PSPI.
2007 – 2008 гг. - Vice-Dean of the Scientific research and international collaboration in the PSPI.
2008 – 2009 гг. - head of division for organization of Scientific research in the PSPI.
2009 – 2012 гг. - associate professor of Russian language and literature in PSPI.
2012 – 2014 гг. - head of the Russian language and literature department in the PSPI.
According to the rating of 2014, ranked second place on the list of heads of departments in PSPI.
C 2014 г. - associate professor of Russian language and literature.
С 2019 г. – associateprofessorofhigher school of human sciences.
Scientific interests: the theory of literature and textuality, Russian writers of Kazakhstan, foreign literature
Read courses:
«History of antique and foreign literature before XIXc.», «History of foreign literatureof XIX-XX cc.», «The theory of literature and textuality», «The theory of literature and an interpretation of a text», «News ways of teaching and learning».
The list of the main scientific works
1. TokatovaL.E. ThecrisisofhumanisticmindinanovelbyC.Aitmatov«Plaha». // ChinghizAitmatov and modern world: information package of the international conference / M.. Lomonosov Moscow st.un.,Inst. of Asia and Africa. – ООО «4 Print», 2019. – P. 259-265.
2.TokatovaL.E., Belousova Y.A..Theconceptualdominantsinthestories«Allbythemselves»and«Thevillagers»byV.M. Shukshin// The human sciences: humanistic studies. «Philologicalsciences»series. - 2020. - Book 14. № 3. - P. 24-34.
3.TokatovaL.E., BelousovaY.А. TheanalysisoftheconceptsusingthetoolsoftheRussiannationalcorpus (basedonthecomedybyN.V. Gogol«Thegovernmentinspector». // Textinthesystem of teaching Russian language and literature: materials ofthe scientific-practical conference VIII International / Res. ed. E.А. Zhuravleva, L.G. Yusupova. –Yekaterinburg: Ed-nUGGU, 2020. - P. 143-149.
4.TokatovaL.E., BelousovaE.A. Russiannationalcorpusinliteraryresearch: practicaluse// The bulletin of Karaganda’s university. PHILOLOGYseries. 2020. - № 3(99). – P. 73-84.
5. AnanalysisoftheliterarytextusingtheinstrumentsofRussianNationalcorpus(basedonanalyzing«Chudik»byV.M. Shukshin) // SCHOOL – TEACHER – INNOVATIONSINTHEMODERNWORLD: informationpackageoftheinternationalscientific- practicalconferencefortheFirstInternationalPedagogicalreadings, dedicatedtothe 100thbirthdayoftheremarkableteacher-innovator, activist, theDistinguishedteacherofKazakhstan, theheroofSocialistlabor, candidateofpedagogicalsciencesNurtazinaRafikaBekenovna. - –Pavlodar: PPU, 2021. – P. 391-394.
Refresher courses
1. Refresher course “Modern pedagogical technologies in the higher education institutions under the programme of the renewed education», January 2019,NCPK «Orleu», 72h.
2. Refresher course in the summer entrepreneurial school «Ybyrai Camp», «Module 1. Entrepreneurship for everyoneдлявсех», «Module 2. Online teaching, online teaching tools, interactive methods», July 27th -August 7th2020, «Ybyrai Camp», 36 h.
3.Refresher course «Modern language education in school and university», March 1st – March 10th 2021, PPU, 72h.
Ph. D., Associate Professor of the Higher School of Humanities
Kairova Meruert Kalievna
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2001-2008 Teacher of the Department "Kazakh language and Journalism", Innovative Eurasian University, Pavlodar
2008-2010 Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Kazakh Philology", Innovative Eurasian University( InEU), Pavlodar
2010-2014 Associate Professor of the Department of "Russian Language and Literature", Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
2014-2016 Associate Professor of the Department of "Theoretical and Applied Linguistics" of the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana)
2016-2018-Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Philology for Research, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University
2018-2019 Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Pavlodar State PedagogicalUniversity
2019-2020 Head of the Department of Science and Postgraduate Education, Associate Professor of the Department of "Russian Language and Literature", Pavlodar State Pedagogical University
2020 Associate Professor of the Higher School of Humanities
Research interests: evaluative predicates, semantics and structure of evaluation, language picture of the world, national picture of the world, linguoculturology, linguoaxiology, national language consciousness, comparative linguistics; onomastics, language policy.
List of research projects in which she participated
2008 – winner of the grant of the akim of Pavlodar region in the nomination "Successful young teacher"
2008-2010 – the owner of the state scholarship of MES RK for young talented scientists
2014-2016 senior researcher in the research project under the budget program (055 "Scientific and/or scientific and technical activity", the sub-program 101 "Grant financing of scientific researches») "Development of the principles of the scientifically based nominative policy of Astana in the context of the formation of the Kazakhstan onomastic space»
Courses taught:
Russian Russian Russian Russian and Kazakh language Comparative grammar, Functional stylistics of the Russian language, Russian language, Professional Russian
List of major scientific works
1. Ethno-cultural educational space: implementation of the program "Rukhani zhangyru". Science and Life of Kazakhstan. – 2018. – №5(65). – P. 116-121.
2. On the problem of translation of terms of scientific and technical terms. Bulletin of the KSU named after Sh.Ualikhanov. - 2019. - No. 2. - p. 63-68. (Abishev K. K.)
3. Kazirgi kazak poeziyasyndagy aleumettik saryn. Science and Life of Kazakhstan. – 2018. – №6(66). – Pp. 304-309.
4. Metaphors in anatomical terminology. Space and Culture, India. ISSN 20528396. 2019, Volume 7:1 pp. 143-153. https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v7i1.528 (Temirgazina Z., Akashev, Y. Shakaman, A. Gahramani, Z. Kurmanova).
5. Transformation of identity in environmental education: personal, interpersonal and professional aspects. - Published online: December 04, 2019, DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201913504019 (Marina Golubchikova, Gulnara Suyunova, Maram Arpentyeva and Olga Kolomiets).
Professional development
1. Advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher education institutions " Modern pedagogical technologies "(240 hours), MES RK JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", date of issue 27.05.2017.
2. Basic course on the basics of entrepreneurship, including the basics and practice of the following topics: design thinking, lean startup, consumer research, business model, startup presentation to an investor, conducted by the MOST business incubator, August 28-29, 2017.
3. Advanced training courses in the summer business school "YbyraiCamp", " Module 1. Entrepreneurship for All", "Module 2. Online learning, online learning tools, interactive methods", July 27 - August 7, 2020, "YbyraiCamp", 36 hours.
4. Advanced training courses "Modern linguodidactics in school and university", March 1 - March 10, 2021, PPU, 72 hours.
Master of Russian Language and Literature, Senior Lecturer of the Higher School of Humanities PPU
Garanina Ekaterina Petrovna
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Research interests: history of Russian classical literature, contemporary Russian literature
Pedagogical experience - 21 years, scientific and pedagogical experience - 19 years.
Courses taught: "World literature (ancient Russian literature", "World literature (Russian literature of the 19th century)", "Comparative analysis of the text", "Communicative image of a teacher"
Advanced training: advanced training course "Modern linguodidactics at school and university" (March 1-10, 2021, PPU, Pavlodar); international online school "Russian language as an instrument of interethnic harmony" (March 2020, Astrakhan State Technical University, RF), seminar "Modern opportunities for distance learning" (03.11.2018, PPU, Pavlodar).
Teacher of the Higher School of Humanities
Abisheva Gulnara Kaidarovna
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Scientific and pedagogical experience-19 years.
Research interests: linguistics; onomastics, language policy.
Advanced training: advanced training courses in the direction of: "Philology" (23.11-22.12.2020 g., OmGU named after F.M.Dostoevsky); "Modern trends in the theory of language and literature" (29.11.- 08.12.2021, PPU, Pavlodar).
Master of Philology - Russian language; teacher of the Higher School of Humanities
Tezekbayev Alibek Dulatuly
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Research interests: theory of speech communication, pragmalinguistics.
Read courses: "Orthoepic and spelling norms of the modern Russian language", "Lexicology and phraseology of the modern Russian language", "Russian language" (in groups with the Kazakh language of instruction)