Teaching staff
Assciated professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Karimova Anara Erkenovna
- 8(7182) 65-16-42
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- 5-301а
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Research Interest
Socio-economic history of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries. Study of the life and activities of historical figures of Pavlodar Priirtyshie.
In the system of higher education, Karimova A.E. has been working since September 2000, after completing his postgraduate studies at the Abai State University. Scientific and pedagogical activity began in 2000 at S. Toraigyrov PSU. In 2000 she successfully defended her thesis on the topic "History of the formation and development of the cooperative movement in Kazakhstan (1900 - 1917)" under the guidance of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A.G. Sarmurzin.
In 2002 - 2003 held the position of Associate Professor of the Department of Patriotic History of KazGosZhenPI. In September 2004 she was accepted as an associate professor at the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. From January 2005 to November 2009 she served as the scientific secretary of the institute. From November 1, 2007 she was the head of the postgraduate education department of the science department. In September 2008 was appointed Dean of the Faculty of History, Economics and Law. From September 2015 to November 2019 she was the head of the department of history and foreign countries, now the head of the educational program "History".
The area of scientific research Karimova A.E. is the socio-economic history of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, and for the last 7 years has been studying the life and activities of historical figures of Pavlodar Priirtyshie. She has prepared more than 40 reviews of special courses, guidelines for teachers of schools in the city and region, scientific projects, reviews of master's theses. She is the author of over 70 scientific and popular scientific publications, 1 study guide, 1 monograph, 3 study guides. Has 6 publications in foreign rating journals with a non-zero impact factor of the international database Thomson Reuters and SCOPUS (Canada, India). Has a Hirsch index -1 (SCOPUS).
For a number of years, Anara Erkenovna has been consulting scientific projects of schoolchildren who win prizes at the regional and republican levels.
A.E. Karimova actively conducts social activities, participating in the work of the Scientific and Expert Council of the ANC in the Pavlodar region, the Society of Local History of the Pavlodar region.
Scholarships and grants:
- • 2013 - 2015 - performer in a scientific project on the topic "Steppe zone of Kazakhstan and its role in the emergence and historical development of the Turkic states and nomadic civilization", implemented within the framework of grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- • 2015 - head of a research project funded from the PSPI Innovation Support Fund on the topic: "Man and war: scientific analysis of oral sources of the Great Patriotic War veterans of the Pavlodar region."
- • 2016 - the head of a scientific project funded from the PSPI Innovation Support Fund on the topic: "Scientific and methodological foundations of training specialists in a dual specialty in the context of pedagogical integration of higher and general secondary education (on the example of the specialty History-Religious Studies)."
- • 2017 - the executor of the project, financed from the PSPI Innovation Support Fund on the theme "Mangilik El: the origins of the formation and continuity of the statehood of the Great Steppe."
Based on the results of the implementation of the projects, practical recommendations were prepared and monographs, educational and methodological collections and manuals were introduced into scientific circulation, which was confirmed by acts of implementation in the scientific process.
Selected publications
- Karimova A.E., Sadikova A.M. A.S. Amanova, N.E. Kuzembayev, G.Zh. Kurmangazina, A.T. Makisheva The theoretical model of formation of professional competence of a dual specialty students (On example specialty "History, Religious Studies")// International journal of environmental & science education, 2016, vol. 11, no. 17, 10683-10693.
- G.E. Otepova, Karimova A.E., N.E. Kuzembayev, B. Kudaibergenuly and S.K. Zhetpysbaev On the legislation of the russian empire on the Agricultural and resettlement policy in Kazakhstan - Man in India, 96 (12): 5597-5608, 2017.
- G.E. Otepova, Karimova A.E., B.N. Abdrakhmanov, K.K. Battalov, Z.SH. Aitkenov History of Kazakhstan in the legislation of the Russian empire in the 18 th – Early 20 th centuries// Man in India, 97 (12): 191 – 201 - 2017.
- Тектінің тұяғы // Қазақ тарихы. – 2017 – желтоқсан - № 10 – 8 – 9 бб.
- Русско-казахско-английский терминологический словарь по религиоведению: учебно-методическое пособие / Сост. А.Е. Каримова, Н.Е. Кузембаев, А.С. Аманова, А.М. Садыкова, Г.Ж. Курмангазина, А.Т. Макишева. – Павлодар: ПМПИ, 2017. – 179 с.
- О некоторых апектах становления и развития кооперативных объединений в Казахстане во второй половине XIX – начале XX вв// Вестник ЕНУ им.Л.Н.Гумилева, серия «Исторические науки. Философия. Религиоведение». - №3 (124)/2018. – С.16 – 23
- Қазақ қайраткері Н. Нұрмақовтың қоныстандыру саясатына қатысты саяси ұстанымы// Электронный журнал «еdu.e –history.kz» - №1(17) – январь –март – 2019
- История развития сельского хозяйства Павлодарской области в 60-80 годах ХХ века// Вестник КазНПУ им.Абая, серия «Исторические и социально-политические науки», №4 (63), 2019 – С. 112 – 117
- Кооперативное движение в дореволюционном Казахстане: историографический аспект// Вестник КазНУ имени Аль-Фараби. Серия историческая. - №2 (97), июнь – С. 158 – 168
Anar Erkenovna has extensive experience in teaching new and modern history of Kazakhstan, modern history of Kazakhstan, source study, historiography, local history.
Courses offered
- Modern history of Kazakhstan
- New history of Kazakhstan
- Political processes on the territory of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the twentieth century
Local history
Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor
Abdrakhmanov Baurzhan Narimanovich
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия
Рухани жаңғыру және Мәнгілік Ел, religious studies, New history of Europe and America, New history of Asia and Africa, History of interethnic relations in Kazakhstan (identity), Source studies. Culturology, Interdisciplinary Approaches in Historical Science
In 1994 - Graduated from East Kazakhstan State University (EKSU) with a degree in History. In 1996 graduated from the magistracy of the EKSU with a degree in History.
Baurzhan Narimanovich's pedagogical activity began in 1994 - lecturer of the Department of Domestic History, EKSU. In 2002, a senior lecturer of the same department before defending and moving to Pavlodar. In 2003 he was accepted as an associate professor at the department of "New and Contemporary History" at Pavlodar State University (PSU) named after S. Toraigyrov.
In 2004, dean of the Faculty of History of Economics and Law of PSPI, until 2008, Associate Professor of the Department of "New and Contemporary History".
In 2008 he was accepted as an associate professor at PSU as an associate professor of the Department of History, Archeology and Ethnology.
From 2013 - 2014 - Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Humanities at IneU, Pavlodar. Since September 2014, he has been accepted as an associate professor at the JSC Financial Academy in Astana. Since April 2015, he has been acting as head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines.
Since 2016 he has been working as an associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Foreign Countries (currently - EP History).
Избранные публикации:
- G.E. Otepovа, A.E. Karimova, B.N. Abdrakhmanov, K. Battalov, Z. Aitkenov. HISTORY OF KAZAKHSTAN IN THE LEGISLATION OF THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE IN THE 18TH – EARLY 20TH CENTURIES http://www.serialsjournals.com/serialjournalmanager/pdf
- S. Razdykov, B. Abdrakhmanov, Z. Aitkenov, K. Battalov and A. ShabambaevaÌ The appearance of agrarian property in the nomadic society in central Asia in the 18th and the first half of the 19th centuries SaCI-ACCB Publishing - Space and Culture, India(ISSN20528396-India-Scopus), 882158
- Қазақ хандығы және қазіргі Қазақстан Рухани жаңғыру аясында Вестник ЕНУ им.Л.Н.Гумилева. Серия исторические науки, философия, религиоведение. Серия политические науки, регионоведение, востоковедение, тюркология Астана 2018.
- Алаштың ұлы - Мұхаметжан Тынышбаев Қазақ тарихы. Алматы 2019 г.
- Академик С.Бейсембаевтың «Ленин және Қазақстан» атты еңбегіне бүгінгі көзқарас. Қазақ тарихы. Алматы 2019 г.
- Life and scientific heritage of A.ZH.Mashanov Вестник КазНПУ Абая. Алматы 2020 г.
Courses offered
- New history of Europe and America
- Рухани жаңғыру және Мәнгілік Ел
- Culturology
- Religious studies
New history of Asia and Africa
Teacher, Master in Archeology and Ethnology
Aidarkenova Karina Baizhanovna
- +7(705) 593 13 77
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Biography Research and teaching activities of Karina Baizhanovna are focused on the historical and cultural processes in Kazakhstan. Karina Baizhanovna in 2018 at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical University received the specialty of a history teacher and in 2020 an academic master's degree in archeology and ethnology (with honors). Since 2020, he begins teaching at the NAO PPU. Works as a teacher at the Higher School of Humanities, EP "History".
Selected publications
Associate professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Aitkenov Ziyat Shaymanovich
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия
Қазақстанның тарихы, Дүниежүзі тарихы, Рухани жаңғыру және Мәңгілік Ел құндылықтары,
From 1992 to 1997 he studied at the South Kazakhstan Institute of the Arabic Language (Shymkent), specializing in “Arabic language and history”.
In 1997 he worked as a teacher of the Arabic language and history in secondary schools №22 and №26 in Ekibastuz.
In 1998-2000 - teacher of history in secondary schools №19 and №39 in Pavlodar.
Since 2001, he began his scientific and pedagogical activity at S. Toraigyrov PSU as a teacher in the Department of History, Archeology and Ethnology.
In 2002 he entered the postgraduate course of S. Toraigyrov PSU.
In April 2004 he was transferred to the Department of Ancient and Medieval History of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
In March 2006 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences at the Abai KazNPU on the topic "Academician S. Beisembaevtyk tarikhi enbekterinin өmirshendigi men uzindik erekshelikteri".
2007 to 2009 He worked as dean of the Faculty of History and Art at the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Altynsarin.
Currently - Associate Professor of the Higher School of Humanities at Pavlodar Pedagogical University.
Selected publications
- The Appearance of Agrarian Property in the Nomadic Society in Central Asia in the 18th and the First Half of the 19th Centuries. Раздыков С.З., Абдрахманов Б.Н., Айткенов З.Ш. Scopus Page |124 https://doi.org/10.20896/saci.v6i5.440 / Space and Culture, India 2019, c 125-135
- "История Казахстана в законодательстве Российской империи XVIII - начала XX вв./ History of Kazakhstan in the legislation of the Russian Empirein the 18th – early 20th centuries". Man In India (ISSN00251569-India-Scopus), верстка была, том 97, №3(4 ), 2017, Отепова Г.Е.,Каримова А.Е., Абдрахманов Б.Н., Батталов К.К., Айткенов З.Ш.
- · Академик С.Бейсембаевтың өмірі мен қоғамдық қызметі Монография ПМПУ 2018
- · Тарихтағы нар тұлға С.Бейсембаев. Вестник Семипалатинского государственного университета им Шакарима Семей 2018 №2 (82) с 331-337. Айткенов З.Ш., Раздыков С.З., Абдрахманов Б.Н.,
- · Павлодар облЫсЫНЫҢ ДІНАРАЛЫҚ ҚАТЫНАСТАР тарихы. Қазақ тарихы 2019. Раздыков С.З., Абдрахманов Б.Н., Айтенов З.Ш.
- · THE EVOLUTION OF ORGANIZING POLITICAL POWER IN KAZAKHSTAN TERRITORY FROM THE TURKIC EPOCH UNTIL THE BEGINNING OF THE 19TH CENTURY. Вестник Семипалатинского государственного университета им Шакарима Семей 2018 №2 (82) с 351-355. Раздыков С.З., Абдрахманов Б.Н., Айткенов З.Ш.
- · «Priirtyshye in the Kazakh – Russian relations: thefirst quarter of XV- XVIII centuries». Вестник Семипалатинского государственного университета им Шакарима Семей 2018. с 343-351. Раздыков С.З., Абдрахманов Б.Н., Айткенов З.Ш.
Courses offered
- History of Kazakhstan
- Рухани жаңғыру және Мәнгілік Ел
The World History
teacher, master of history
Dzhaldoksimova Gulzina Turarovna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия
History and culture of Kazakhstan; Archeology of Kazakhstan; Local history
Dzhaldoksimova G.T. has extensive experience in research work with historical, ethnographic and archaeological sources. Multiple participant in archaeological and ethnographic expeditions organized by PSPU to study the history and culture of the region.
Gulzina Turarovna in 2008 graduated from Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specializing in Bachelor of History.
In 2017 she graduated from Omsk State University named after I. FM Dostoevsky RF and received an academic master's degree in History (with honors).
From 2017 to the present, she is a postgraduate student of Omsk State University named after F. M. Dostoevsky RF in the direction of training "Historical sciences and archeology".
In the period from 2008-2015. her teaching activity was associated with educational institutions of the Pavlodar region.
Since 2018 begins research activities in the research laboratory of sacred geography at the Margulan Center of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University.
Since 2019 Gulzina Turarovna Master of History, teacher of the educational program "History" of the Higher School of Humanities of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University.
Scholarships and grants:
- Performer of the project "Creation of a sacred map of Pavlodar Priirtyshie" 2018
- Head of the project "Development and compilation of a map of objects of historical and cultural heritage of the state forest natural reserve" Ertis Ormany "2018;
- Curator of the regional historical and archaeological project "Margulan Study", the purpose of which is to organize research work in the field of history, archeology, ethnography and local history for schoolchildren and students of the region;
- Head of the project "Let's preserve the heritage of our ancestors together!" was implemented within the framework of the year of volunteer and the nationwide project "Birgemiz: Asyl Mura" 2020.
Selected publications
- Джалдоксимова Г.Т., К изучению этапов формирования казахских некрополей степного Прииртышья. Полевые исследования в Прииртышье, Верхнем Приобье и на Алтае в 2016 году: археология, этнография, устная история. Вып. 12 : // Материалы XII междунар. науч.-практ. конф., Омск, 24–25 марта 2017 г. / отв. ред. М. Л. Бережнова, С. Н. Корусенко, И. В. Толпеко. – Омск: Издатель-Полиграфист, 2017. – 236 с. ISBN 978-5-98236-083-0
- Джалдоксимова Г.Т., Тарихи тұлғалар, оқилар, мәдениет және ғылым қайраткерлері. Павлодар облысының қасиетті нысандар картасы. Карта сакральных объектов Павлодарской области. Map of Sacred Sites and Monuments Pavlodar Region.Научно-популярное издание. Павлодар 2018 г. ISBN 978-601-267-538-2
- Джалдоксимова Г.Т., К реконструкции расселения казахов Баянаула (по археологическим, этнографическим и историческим источникам) // Интеграция археологических и этнографических исследований: сборник научных трудов / гл. ред. Н. А. Томилов; отв. ред. М. А. Корусенко, С. Н. Корусенко, С. С. Тихонов. – Омск :Издательский дом «Наука», 2018. – 208 с. ISBN 978-5-98806-255-44.
- Джалдоксимова Г.Т., Рухани жаңғыру бағдарламасы аясында «Margulan study» жобасының 2019 жылғы зерттеулері. // «SCIENCE AND EDUCATION IN THE MODERN WORLD: CHALLENGES OF THE XXI CENTURY» материалыVI Международнойнауч-прак. конф. (ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЕ НАУКИ И АРХЕОЛОГИЯ)/ сост.: Е. Ешім,Е.Абиев –Нур-Султан, 2020 –84с. ISBN978-601-332-271-1
Courses offered
- Modern history of Kazakhstan
- Archeology
Methods of teaching history
More information
Research Interest/ Культурные различия
Kipchak studies: history and historiography, Medieval history of Kazakhstan, history of Turkic peoples, statehood of nomads and specificity of nomadic society
Kuzembaev Nurken Erbolovich in 2001 graduated with honors from the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov with a degree in History of Kazakhstan, then in 2003 he graduated with honors from the magistracy in specialty 520450 - History at the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov.
In 2009 he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of historical sciences in the specialty 07.00.09 "Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research" on the topic "History of the study of the Kipchak tribes in Russia (XVIII-XX centuries)" under the scientific supervision of the academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan , Doctor of History, Professor B.E. Kumekov at the Dissertation Council D.55.40.03 at the Institute of Oriental Studies named after R.B. Suleimenov of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In 2010 N.E. Kuzembaev was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov. Nurken Erbolovich actively implements his own scientific developments in the educational process, his monograph and textbook published by him became the basis for the creation of the training course "Historiography of Kipchak Studies in Russian Historical Science (XVIII-XX centuries)" for undergraduates of the Department of History.
In 2014, a joint monograph was published with the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the University of Szeged I. Zimoni on the topic "The Mongol conquest of Desht-i Kipchak." In the same year, together with Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor B.E. Kumekov wrote and published two textbooks on the problems of Kipchak studies "Kimek Kaganate: sources, historiography, society" and "Кимек кағанаты: деректер, тарихнама және коғам».
Since 2015 N.E. Kuzembaev Associate Professor of the Department of "History of Kazakhstan and Foreign Countries" of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (now the Graduate School of Humanities of Pavlodar Pedagogical University).
Scholarships and grants:
- • 2012-2014. scientific grant within the framework of the budget Program 055 "Scientific and / or scientific and technical activities", subprogram 101 "Grant financing of scientific research", on the topic: "Steppe zone of Kazakhstan and its role in the emergence and historical development of the Turkic states and nomadic civilization."
- • 2013-2014. scientific grant within the framework of the budget Program 055 "Scientific and / or scientific and technical activities", subprogram 101 "Grant financing of scientific research", on the topic: "Ethnopolitical problems in the post-Soviet space in the context of studying the socio-political status of the titular ethnic group of independent Kazakhstan."
- • 2013-2015. scientific grant within the framework of the budget Program 055 "Scientific and / or scientific and technical activities", subprogram 101 "Grant financing of scientific research", on the topic: "Kipchak studies: scientific and analytical review".
- • 2013 scholarship holder of the State scientific scholarship for talented young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- • In 2016, for the series of articles “History and historiography
- Kipchak studies”, he was awarded the state prize for
- outstanding achievement in the field of Turkology named after
- Kul-tegin.
- • 2016 intra-university project of PSPI "Mangilik El: the
- origins of the formation and development of the statehood of
- the Great Steppe."
Selected publications
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Кипчакские «дуруты», «тертробичи» и «тертеры» в истории Евразии // Central Eurasia in the Middle Ages. Studies in Honour of Peter B. Golden. Edited by Istvan Zimonyi and Osman Karatay. Wiesbaden: Harrassovitz Verlag, 2016. – 445 p. - С. 223-234.
- Karimova A.E., Kuzembayev N.E., Kurmangazina G.Zh., Amanova A.S., Tisbaeva A.K., Makisheva A.T. About the study of Kazakh culture: historical aspect // Walia. – 2016. - 32(S1). – p. 31-36
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Хан Котян и его потомки в истории Киевской Руси, Венгрии, Болгарии и Византии в первой половине XIII века // Великите Асеневци. Сборник с доклади от конференция, посветена на 830 години от въстанието на братята Петър и Асен, началото на второто Българско царство и обявяването на Тырново за столица на България и 780 години от легитимното възобновяване на Българската Патриаршия. Велико Тырново: Абагар, 2016. – 557 с. – С. 199-204.
- Кузембаев Н.Е. К постановке вопроса о роли и значении трудов современных болгарских ученых в кипчаковедении // Epohi. Journal of History. - Veliko Turnovo. - 2016. – P. 57-60
- Karimova A.E., Amanova A.S., Sadykova A.M., Kuzembaev N.E., Makisheva A.T., Kurmangazina G. Zh., Sakenov Janat. Theoretical model of professional competence development in dual-specialty students (On the example of the “History, Religious Studies” specialty) // INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL & SCIENCE EDUCATION 2016, VOL. 11, NO. 17, 10683-10693.
- Otepova G.E., Karimova A.E., Kuzembayev N.E., Kudaibergenuly B. and Zhetpysbaev S.K. On the legislation of the Russian empire on the agricultural and resettlement policy in Kazakhstan // Man In India, 96 (12): 5597-5608
- Omirbekova Zh., Kozina V., Yeleuhanova S., Kuzembaev N., Makasheva Zh., Dzhumabekov D. and Shayahmetov N. The history of interaction between the nature and nomads: the historiography of the problem of ethnoecology formation and development // Man In India, 97 (23) Part 2: 291-302
- Русско-казахско-английский терминологический словарь по религиоведению: учебно-методическое пособие / Сост. А.Е. Каримова, Н.Е. Кузембаев, А.С. Аманова, А.М. Садыкова, Г.Ж. Курмангазина, А.Т. Макишева. – Павлодар: ПМПИ, 2017. – 179 с.
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Социальная организация древнетюркского общества VI – VIII вв. // Epohi. Journal of History. Volume XXVI. - Veliko Turnovo. - 2018. – P. 99-106,
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Сюжеты о кипчако-монгольских взаимоотношениях в средневековых мусульманских источниках // Studia mediaevalia Europaea et orientalia: miscellanea in honorem professoris emeriti Victor Spinei oblate / ediderunt: George Bilavchi, Dan Aparaschivei. – Bucureşti: Editura Academiei Române, 2018. – 649 p. – pp. 407-420
- Кумеков Б.Е., Кузембаев Н.Е., Кумекова Р.Б. История и перспективы развития кипчаковедения. Научно-аналитический обзор // Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi. – XXIV. – 2018. - pp. 159-184
- Кузембаев Н.Е., Сабданбекова З.А., Джумабеков Д.А. Первый Тюркский каганат и Иран: к проблеме периодизации взаимоотношений // Қазақ тарихы. - №6(163). – 2018. - С. 10-12.
- Кузембаев Н.Е., Сабданбекова З.А., Джумабеков Д.А. Китайская империя и Первый Тюркский каганат (к проблеме периодизации взаимоотношений) // Қазақ тарихы. - №7. – 2018. - С. 22-23.
- Кузембаев Н.Е., Нуртаев Ж.Н. Взаимодействие кипчакской и монгольской культуры в Восточном Дешт-и Кипчаке после монгольского завоевания по историческим и археологическим источникам // Вестник СемГУ имени Шакарима №4 (84). – 2018. – С. 299-304.
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Научная школа академика Б.Е. Кумекова в кипчаковедении // Электронный научный журнал «edu.e-history.kz» № №2(14) 2018. На сайте: http://edu.e-history.kz/ru/publications/view/904
- Кузембаев Н.Е. История изучения кипчакских племен в России (XVIII – XX вв.): монография / Н.Е. Кузембаев. – 2-е изд. – Павлодар: ПГПУ, 2018. – 170 с.
- Сабданбекова З.Ә., Кузембаев Н.Е. Павлодар өңірінің экономикалық даму тарихынан // Еуразия гуманитарлық институты хабаршысы. – 2018. - №2. – 10-14.
- Кумеков Б.Е., Кузембаев Н.Е., Кумекова Р.Б. История и перспективы развития кипчаковедения. Научно-аналитический обзор. // Вестник ЕНУ имени Л.Н. Гумилева. Серия исторические науки, философия, религиоведение. – 2018. - №1. – С. 17-38.
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Социальная организация древнетюркского общества VI – VIII вв. // Epohi. Journal of History. Volume XXVI. - Veliko Turnovo. - 2018. – P. 99-106
- Кузембаев Н.Е. Ученый евразийского масштаба: к 80-летию выдающегося казахстанского востоковеда Б.Е. Кумекова // Отан тарихы. - №2 (90). – 2020. – С. 5-15.
- Кумеков Б., Кузембаев Н., Кумекова Р. Кипчаковедение в Евразии. История и перспективы развития (научно-аналитический обзор). Вестник КазНУ. Серия историческая, [S.l.], v. 90, n. 3, p. 94-105, oct. 2018. ISSN 2617-8893.
Nurken Erbolovich has extensive experience in teaching the medieval history of Kazakhstan and the history of the Turkic peoples. He also has experience in teaching modern history of Kazakhstan and source studies.
Courses offered
1. Modern history of Kazakhstan;
2. History of the Turkic peoples;
3. Source studies;
4. Medieval history of Kazakhstan;
5. Medieval history and religion of Kazakhstan;
6. Actual problems of the medieval history of Central Asia and Kazakhstan;
7. Methods of scientific research.
Senior Lecturer, Master of Cultural Studies
Kurmangazina Gulnara Zhanaberdinovna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия History and culture of Kazakhstan; cultural studies; religious studies; history, culture, religion of foreign countries Biography Research and teaching activities of Gulnara Zhanaberdinovna are focused on historical and cultural processes in Kazakhstan, regional history. Her particular interest is related to the issues of the activities of cultural institutions, the history of religions in Pavlodar region. Gulnara Zhanaberdinovna in 1999 at the Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov received the specialty of a history teacher and in 2005 an academic master's degree in the specialty "Culturology" (with honors) Over the years, her activities were associated with children's and educational institutions of the Pavlodar region. In 2005 he began teaching at PSU and in 2007 at PSPI, now Pavlodar State Pedagogical University. He works as a senior lecturer at the Higher School of Humanities, EP "History". In 2019, she was a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period of KTA in magistracy (chairman of the appeal commission).
Scholarships and grants: • Performer in the intra-university project "Scientific and methodological foundations of training specialists in a dual specialty in the context of pedagogical integration of higher and general secondary education (for example, the specialty" History-Religious Studies "), Department of History and Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan, PSPI Selected publications
Courses offered
associated professor, Candidate of Historical Sciences
Moldakimova Aliya Sarsenbaevna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия
Medieval studies, the genesis of feudalism in the countries of the West and the East, the study of sources on world history. Reformation and issues of transition to capitalism in European countries.
Research and teaching activities of Aliya Sarsenbaevna are focused on the historical and cultural processes of world history. Interest is aroused by historical processes aimed at changes in the socio-economic and political life of society.
In 1996 she graduated from the Kazakh State University named after Al Farabi with a degree in History with the assignment of qualifications - Historian, teacher of history and social studies with the right to teach in a foreign language.
In 2004 she defended her Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Protestant doctrine of J. Calvin and interfaith contradictions in Switzerland in the late Middle Ages."
Since 2000 - chief tutor, teacher of German at the Kazakh-Russian University (Astana).
In 2002 she was accepted as a teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines at the Branch of the Semipalatinsk Medical Academy (Pavlodar).
In 2004 he was a lecturer at the Department of History of InEU. In 2007, the head. Department of Philosophy, Economics and Law, PSPI.
2008 - 2018 - Associate Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, S. Toraigyrov PSU.
Since 2018 he has been working as an associate professor at the Higher School of Humanities at the History Department of the PSPU.
He is engaged in the preparation of students in the framework of scientific research work.
Selected publications
- Нидерланды накануне Реформации: политика, экономика, общество// ӨЛКЕТАНУ, №3-4. Павлодар, 2014. – С. 19-22.
- История конфессиональных отношений в Европе периода позднего средневековья. Павлодар, 2015.
- К вопросу понятия подданства в кочевом обществе// Материалы международной научно-теоретической конференции «Казахское ханство – Республика Казахстан: проблемы формирования, преемственности и развития государственности», Павлодар, 2015, – С. 61-66.
- Декоративно-прикладное искусство казахов: истоки и традиции// Педагогический вестник Казахстана - № 2. – Павлодар, 2019. – С. 193-200.
- Активность экологических движений Прииртышья 80-е годы ХХ века: классификация и методы. – Электронный научный журнал «edu.e-history.kz». - №1(21). – 2020.
Courses offered
- History of confessional relations in Europe in the Middle Ages
- Archival studies and museology
- History of the countries of Asia and Africa in the Middle Ages
- New history of Europe and America
- New history of Asia and Africa
- Recent history of the countries of Asia and Africa
- Culturology
History of national religions
Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences
Otepova Gulfira Elubaevna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия
Source study, History of Kazakhstan as part of the Russian Empire, Activities of the "Ush zhuz" party during the years of confrontation, Theoretical foundations for the study of legislative sources
In the system of higher education Otepova G.E. has been working since September 1985, after graduating from the Faculty of History of the Kazakh State University. S.M. Kirov. At various times she worked as a teacher, senior teacher, associate professor of the department of history, head of the postgraduate department of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova. In the period from 1999 to 2001 she worked as a deputy director for the educational part of the Pavlodar branch of KazGUU. Since April 2004 she worked as the head of the Department of Philosophy and Law. In 2013 she moved to the position of professor of the Department of History and ANC of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University. He is still in this position.
In October 2009 she defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 07.00.09 - historiography, source studies and methods of historical research.
Otepova G.E. has been engaged in scientific research work for about 15 years on the topic “Legislative acts of the Russian Empire as a historical source on the colonial history of Kazakhstan”. She has published more than 160 scientific papers and reports, of which about 80 on the topic of scientific research by G.E. Otepova. published 8 textbooks for students and undergraduates, 3 monographs in Russian, Kazakh and English, published collections of legislative documents of the Russian Empire of the 19th century on the history of Kazakhstan, a chronological index of legislative sources, developed author's special courses on the topic of scientific research, released electronic textbooks on a new history of Kazakhstan.
Otepova G.E. takes an active part in international and republican scientific-practical and scientific-theoretical conferences, congresses, symposia. A scientific school for the study of historical sources functions at the department under her leadership. She has 7 certificates of state registration of copyright for her scientific works, issued by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Otepova G.E. is an academician of the Academy of History and Social Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of the editorial board of the journal "Vestnik AltGPU" (Russia, Barnaul) and the scientific international journal "Scientific Works of Sworld" (Ukraine, Odessa). In 2019, she was selected as a member of the DS for the defense of doctoral dissertations in the specialty "History" at the ENU. L. Gumilyov.
For her contribution to the development of education, she was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2017, she became the owner of the title "Best University Teacher" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Scholarships and grants:
- • Winner of the international scholarship of the President "Bolashak" (2011)
- • Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the framework of the study of the scientific project "Legislative sources of the Russian Empire on the history of Kazakhstan: critical analysis and publication" (2012-2014)
• Grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the study of the scientific project "Archival materials on the history of the conquest of South Kazakhstan in the middle of the 19th century" (2015-2016)
Selected publications
- Otepova G., Karimova A., Abdrakhmanov B., Battalov K., Aitkenov Z. History of Kazakhstan in the legislation of the Russian Empire in the 18th-early 20th centuries // Man in India, 97 (07), 2017, serials Publication. - P 191-201.
- Otepova G., Karimova A., Kuzembayev N., Kudaiberdenov B., Zhetpysbaev S. On the legislation of the Russian empire on the agricultural and resettlement policy in Kazakhstan // Man in India, 96 (12), 2016, serials Publication. - P.5597-5608.
- Otepova G., Dukenbayeva Z, Koskeyeva А., Abisheva Z.,Sailaubayeva N. On The National Question in the Works of the Kazakh Intelligentsia // Kamla-Raj 2016. Anthropologist, 26 (1,2), 2016. – Р.40-45.
- Законодательство Российской империи по истории Казахстана (XIX в.). Сб.документов.В 3-х ч.Павлодар:ПГПИ,2015г.–1332с.
- История Казахстана и России в документах: Прииртышье и Приобье в XVIII- начало XX века. Сборник документов // под ред. Т.К. Щегловой, Г.Е. Отеповой, А.В. Контева. – Барнуал, Павлодар:АлтГПА, 2013 .
- Роль устной истории в изучении антропологических вопросов ВОВ:из опыта работы. Материалы XI конгресс антропологов и этнологов России:сб.статей.Екатеринбург.2-5июля 2015г.-323-324с.
- История Казахстана в законодательных источниках Российской империи.Монография. Павлодар:ПГПИ,2015.-293с.
- Новые архивные материалы о событиях 1916 года в Казахстане. Электронный научный журнал «edu.e-history.kz»,№ 2(06), 2016.
- Обзор русских источников по истории Казахстана XVIII-начала XX века. Вестник КарГУ. Серия «История. Философия». № 4 (92), 2018. С.38-45.
- Изучаем архивные фонды: реализация государственной программы «Архив-2025». Общественно-политический журнал «Наследие Великой степи». №1, 2019. С.80-86.
Courses offered
- History of Kazakhstan
- Legal bases of colonization of Kazakhstan
- Theoretical and methodological aspects of the study of legislative sources
- Source studies: modern approaches and practice
Historical knowledge and historical process
Associated , PhD
Sadykova Aigul Maratovna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest/ Культурные различия
The newest history of Kazakhstan, totalitarian society and religion in the Soviet period, the relationship between the state and religion in Kazakhstan in the XX century, cultural studies, religious studies
In 2005 she graduated from the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, received the qualification "teacher of history and geography."
In 2007 she was awarded an academic master's degree in the specialty "History".
In 2012-2015, she studied at the doctoral studies at KazNU named after I. Al-Farabi.
In 2016 she was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) with a degree in History. She defended her doctoral dissertation under the guidance of Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of KazNU named after Al-Farabi G.K. Kokebaeva, a foreign consultant was Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Kiel University named after Christian Albrecht L. Steindorf (Germany).
In 2013 and 2014, under the guidance of Professor Ludwig Steindorf, she completed a scientific internship at the Department of History of Eastern and Southeastern Europe of this University.
In 2018 she graduated from the second higher education in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" at Pavlodar State Pedagogical University. She began her teaching career in 2005 as a teacher at Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (now Pavlodar State Pedagogical University).
Currently works as an associate professor at the Higher School of Humanities, EP "History". At the moment, he is working on the preparation of a collection of documents covering the Muslim issue in the activities of the Anti-Religious Commission under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in the 20s of the XX century, which will allow a deeper and more detailed look and understand how the policy of the Soviet government in the field of religion was implemented, in particular in relation to the Muslim community.
Scholarships and grants:
- International scholarship "Bolashak" of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan for an internship at Vitautas Magnus University, Lithuania (2019)
- Erasmus + grant for mobility for lecturing at Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Poland (2019)
- International scholarship ITEC (India) for continuing education (2018), continuing education courses "Developing Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to meet the Sustainable Development Goals of United Nations", NITTTR, Chennai, India
- • Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Turkic intelligentsia in emigration (first half of the twentieth century)" within the framework of the program "Turkic world in the context of globalization: socio-economic and socio-cultural processes", performer (2014)
- • Project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Place and role of the Turkic civilization in the history of Eurasia", executor (2014-2016)
• Intra-university project "Scientific and methodological foundations of training specialists in a dual specialty in the context of pedagogical integration of higher and general secondary education (by the example of the specialty" History-Religious Studies "), co-director (2016)
Scientific internships:
• Christian Albrecht University of Kiel (CAU), Kiel, Germany (2013, 2014)
• State Archives of the Russian Federation (GARF), Russian State Archives of Social and Political History (RGASPI), Moscow, Russia (2014)
• Vitautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania (2020)
Selected publications
- “Кеңес өкіметінің екінші дүниежүзілік соғыс жылдарындағы дінге қатысты саясаты”, Edu.e-history.kz, №1 (21), 2020.
- “Кеңестік тоталитарлық қоғам және дін” (монография), Павлодар: ПМПУ, 2019. – 234 б.
- Das Verhältnis der Sowjetmacht zum Islam und zu den Muslimen in Kasachstan in den 1920er und 1930er Jahren// Religionsgeschichtliche Studien zum östlichen Europa. Festschrift für Ludwig Steindorff zum 65. Geburstag / Martina Thomsen (Hg.). Franz Steiner Verlag: Stuttgart, 2017. P. 241-252.
- “Ресей коммунистік (большевиктік) партиясының қарамағындағы Дінмен күрес жөніндегі комиссиясы және мұсылман мәселесі”, Edu.e-history.kz, № 1(09), 2017.
- “Theoretical model of professional competence development in dual-specialty students (On the example of the «History, Religious Studies» specialty)”, International Journal of environmental science education, Volume 11, Issue 17, 2016. P. 10683-10693.
- “Interpretation of the religious policy of autocracy in the XIX – early XX senturies under paradigm change”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 5S1. 2015. P. 516-521.
- “The evolution of religious policy of the Soviet power in the period of the Great Patriotic War”, Asian Social Science, Volume 11, Issue 13, 2015. P.235-239.
Courses offered
- History of interethnic relations in Kazakhstan
- History of national religions
- Culturology
History and enlightenment of the Kazakh intelligentsia in the late XIX - early XX centuries
Professor of the Graduate School of Humanities PSPU, candidate of historical sciences
Aimeken Merekeevna Syzdykova
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Research Interest
History of Kazakhstan, Ecological history, Local history
Aimeken Syzdykova received a history education and defended her Ph.D. thesis at the Karaganda State University. E.A. Buketova on the problems of nature management and environmental protection in the Irtshye. In 1997-2000 she worked as a history teacher in secondary school №18 in Pavlodar; in 2001-2004 she taught at PSU im. S. Toraigarova; since 2004 he has been working at Pavlodar State Pedagogical University.
Aimeken Merekeevna is engaged in the study of theoretical aspects of local history and regional studies. The range of interests includes the teaching of historical disciplines in English, the development of educational programs, etc. Currently, Aimeken Merekeevna is studying the social policy of the Soviet state in Kazakhstan and, in particular, in the Irtysh region.
Scholarships and grants: participant of the project "Legislative acts of the Russian Empire as a historical source on the history of Kazakhstan: scientific research and critical analysis" - grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2012-14)
Selected publications
- ·Активность экологических движений Прииртышья в 80-е годы хх века: классификация и методы//«edu.e-history.kz» № 1(21) 2020// http://edu.e-history.kz/
- ·Вопросы природопользования xix века в Казахстане в материалах законодательных актов российской империи// Вестник КазНУ. – 2016- №4 - С.76-81http://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/index.php
- ·Охрана окружающей среды на промышленных предприятиях СССР (на примере павлодарского промышленного объединения «Химпром»)//Вестник КазНУ.2016-№2-С.152-157http://bulletin-history.kaznu.kz/
- ·Методические приемы использования аутентичных источников в процессе преподавания всемирной истории на английском языке// British journal of Education and Scientific Studies. -2015.- №2(22). P.469-477
- ·Влияние геополитических условий XVIII-XIX веков на природопользование в Прииртышье// Вестник Евразийского национального университета. – 2014. - №5(102). С.150-154
- ·On the teaching of world history in English in an imperfect language skills// Вестник Карагандинского университета. 2015. №4. С.18-22 http://vestnik.ksu.kz/
- ·The politics of tsarism in Kazakhstan natural resources development in 18-19th centuries//Педагогический вестник Казахстана,2014, №1,-С.152-157 http://www.ppi.kz/doc/ped-vestnik-kazakhstana
Courses offered
- ·Historiography
- ·Local history
- ·History of nature and society
- ·History of the Middle Ages
Environmental history
Senior Lecturer
Tokhmetova Gulnar Masenovna
- 8 (7182) 65-16-42
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Tohmetova Gulnar Masenovna in 1989 graduated from the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya with a degree in history teacher, educational methodologist. After graduation, she worked at secondary school No. 22 in Pavlodar, from 1989 to January 2002. (school teaching experience 14 years)
In 2000 she received a second higher education, graduating from the Kainar University with a degree in jurisprudence.
From January 2002 to April 2004 she worked at S. Toraigyrov PSU as a senior lecturer of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History.
Since April 2004, senior lecturer at PSPU. Has experience in leading work in higher education institutions as a deputy dean. For many years he has been visiting UNT as a representative of the ministry (group leader, chairman of the appeal commission).
The main scientific interest is the topic "Deportation of peoples to Pavlodar region", she is the author of the monograph "Pages of history of deported peoples to the territory of Pavlodar region during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period."
Also a number of articles related to the history of deportation.
Selected publications
- Терминологический справочник к изучению дисциплин «История мировых религий» «Религиоведение». Павлодар 2006
- Учебно-методическое пособие «Игровые формы обучения как средство активизации познавательной деятельности на уроках Истории Казахстана» Павлодар 2009
- Учебно-методическое пособие «Школьное краеведение» Павлодар 2013
- Учебное пособие «История Павлодарского Прииртышья в советский период» Павлодар 2018
- Монография «Страницы истории депортированных народов на территорию Павлодарской области в годы Великой Отечественной войны и послевоенное время». Павлодар 2020
- On the material and living conditions of the German special settlers during the deportation (on the example of Pavlodar region) TERRA SEBVS. ACTA MVSEI SABESIENSIS (ISSN 2066 - 9143; EISSN 2344 - 5432).
Courses offered
- Methods of teaching history
- New approaches in teaching and learning
- Fundamentals of research and project activities of teachers and students
- Introduction to the teaching profession
- Religious studies
Rukhani zhangyru and Mangilik El