Teaching staff
Head of the educational program, сandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Member of the Eurasian Union of Designers
Kurabayeva Farida Almyrzinovna
- 65-16-70, internal 395
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- Toraighyrov Street
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- 401а
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Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.08 "Theory and methodology of vocational education",
Pavlodar University: teacher-psychologist, practical psychologist; Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry: engineer-technologist of sewing products
Academic experience
From 2004 to the present, Pavlodar Pedagogical University: head of the educational program, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Economics, Head of the Department of Vocational Training, senior lecturer; 2002-2004 S.Toraighyrov PSU, assistant; 1983-2002 Secondary School of Pavlodar region: teacher of service work; Pavlodar Garment Factory: technologist
Subjects taught:
Design of educational programs, Methods of teaching artistic work, Methods of vocational training, Methods of teaching graphics and design, Organization of additional education for children. Professional psychology and pedagogy
Publications: more than 80 publications.
Students: "healthy work for girls: teacher for 7 classes of public educational school"; "artistic labor for girls: a textbook for the 7th grade of a comprehensive school" (in the case of authors)
Textbooks: "Fundamentals of sewing production technology", "Technology of node processing and assembly of sewing products", "Technology of finishing sewing products", "Technology of sewing production", "Materials science of textile production", "Assortment and properties of materials for the manufacture of sewing products".
Scientific publication: "Multimedia technologies as a means of teaching in higher education".
"Artistic work. Collection of short-term plans. Grade 8"; "Artistic work. Collection of short-term plans. 6th grade (as part of the authors)" and others.
Professional development:
Advanced training course "Leadership in Education". Nazarbayev University.2022
Training seminar "Development of new and innovative educational programs (72 hours). NAO PPU, BTS – Education. 2022
Advanced training course "Examination of school textbooks and teaching materials based on international experience" (72 hours). Republican Scientific and Practical Center for the examination of the content of education. G. Nur-Sultan. 2021
Advanced training course "Methodology of textbook development and improvement of professional skills of authors" (72 hours). Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Almaty. 2021
Educational program of advanced training of teaching staff of higher educational institutions engaged in the training of teaching staff, within the framework of updating the content of secondary education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (80 hours) of the CPE AOO "NIS". 2019
Recognition (major achievements, diplomas, letters of thanks):
Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2022)
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.08 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education". Professor.
Alinova Mansiya Sharapatovna
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Teaching disciplines: Theory and methodology of educational work, labor technology and entrepreneurship, the basics of research and business, etc.
Education: Kazakh State University, Faculty of Physics, specialty "Optics and Spectroscopy. qualification “Physicist. Physics teacher for schools with teaching in German”.
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel
- Defended master's theses (14 "Vocational training", 2 "Physics");
- Courses "Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education" Topic: "DEVELOPMENT OF RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF A TEACHER (ACTION RESEARCH, LESSON STUDY)" Venue: Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute I. Altynsarin (2017);
- Master class for students of RIPKSO RK "Orleu" (Almaty);
- Republican development courses “Innovations in the activities of the teacher add. education "(Pavlodar, 2018);
- Business coach in Pavlodar region ("Start your Business", "Monocities", "Employment Roadmap 2020").
Special trainings:
- RIPKSO RK "Orleu2014, 2019" NTSPK ORLEU JSC (Almaty).
- Germany (Dresden Technical University), (Academy of Economics, Kiel), Consulting GMBH Hamburg, IHK (National Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein);
- Research assistant at the Physics Department of Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov;
- internship at the Research Institute of Higher Schools (APN USSR, Moscow);
- postgraduate studies (dissertation defense and the academic title of candidate of pedagogical sciences in the specialty 13.00.01 Theory and history of pedagogy, academic title "Associate Professor of Pedagogy");
- doctoral studies (KarSU named after E. Bukev (2008-2010, academic degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.08 Theory and methodology of vocational education).
Publications: Total number 191, of which: monographs 4, textbooks and teaching aids 20, total articles 51, of which KKSON 41, 1 RSCI, international conferences -116, 19 of them near and far abroad.
Recognition (main achievements, certificates, letters of thanks):
- Member of the International Association for Professional Education (USA);
- Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan (Almaty);
- The best teacher of the university 2010;
- Honor Gold medal named after S. Toraigyrov (2011). badges of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2017),“ Ұstazdar ordasy 55 ”(2017),“ Y. Altynsarin "(2014).
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.08 "Theory and Methods of Professional Education". Professor.
Burdina Elena Ivanovna
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Position: Professor
Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
- higher. S.Krupskaya Pedagogical Institute, specialty - "teacher of Russian language and literature", 1979;
- academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, V.I.Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, specialty -13.00.01 General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy;
- academic degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov, specialty – 13.00.08 "Theory and methodology of vocational education"
List of scientific works: more than 200 scientific works, including 14 educational and methodical manuals, 2 electronic textbooks, 1 monograph and a Russian-Kazakh dictionary of ethnopsychology and ethnopedagogy
Field of research: "Psychological and pedagogical support of professional training in the system of multilevel education"
Professional achievements:
2006 – awarded the badge "S. Altynsarin".
2007 – Winner of the III Altynsarin Prize for the best scientific research and work in the field of pedagogy. Since 2007 Elena Ivanovna is a member of the joint Dissertation Doctoral Council OD 14.50.05 at the E. Buketov KarSU.
2008 – awarded the title of "Best University teacher".
2009 – was elected an academician of MANPO (International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Moscow) and an academician of APNK (Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, Almaty), took advanced training courses at the Academy of Informatization and Communication (Germany, Leipzig), "Methodology and methodology of comparative Pedagogy" (Kazakhstan, Pavlodar).
2012 – awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Akim of Pavlodar region.
2019 – completed the advanced training course "Methods and technologies of social work with various categories of the population"
2020 – completed the advanced training course "Critical thinking for the development of subject competencies in pedagogy and psychology"
2021 – completed the advanced training course "Modern trends in inclusive education"
2022 – senior researcher of the project "Psychological and pedagogical support of early professional self-determination of students in the system of basic secondary education" within the grant funding of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2022-2024
Under the leadership of Burdina E.I., 15 candidate dissertations and 6 doctoral (PhD) dissertations were defended.
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Education brief:
- 1985-1990 - Moscow Technological Institute (higher). Specialty: Technology of garments. Qualification: Process Engineer.
- 2004-2005 - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (Master's degree). Specialty: Professional training. Qualification: Master of Professional Education.
- 2004-2006 - Lecturer at the Department of Professional Education of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
- 2007-2020 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Professional Education, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute
- Since 2020 - the head of educational programs «Fine Arts and Drawing», «Professional Training», «Artistic Work and Drawing», «Artistic Work, Graphics and Design», «Music Education».
Additional courses:
- materials processing technologies;
- arts and crafts;
- design and technology of garments.
Pedagogical work experience: 16 years.
List of published science works:
- more than 40 scientific papers;
- 5 acts of the introduction of research work in the educational process;
- 2 video lectures.
Research area:
- Kazakh arts and crafts;
- digital educational resources in the process of teaching arts and crafts, manufacturing technology of garments.
The teacher is an expert, master of professional studies
Jumatayeva Aiman Izaevna
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• 1977-1982 – Semipalatinsk Veterinary Institute, specializing in veterinary medicine.
1988-1989 – Moscow Veterinary Academy named after K. I. Scriabin, Faculty of Pedagogy, specialty veterinary medicine.
• 1999-2002 – Pavlodar University, majoring in pedagogy and psychology with the qualification of teacher-psychologist, practical psychologist.
• 2006-2007 – Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty 6N0120 vocational training with the qualification of Master of Vocational training with an academic degree of master.
Labor activity:
1991 – 1997 – Agricultural College, teacher of special disciplines.
2.05.2001 - 2.11.2001 - Pavlodar Regional Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state veterinary inspector.
8.11.2001 – 29.08.2003 – Pavlodar, secondary school No. 35, psychologist.
1.09.2003 - 01.04.2004 - S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Education Management.
01.09.2004-20.08.2006 S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Senior lecturer of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy.
01.09.2006 to the present - Pavlodar Pedagogical University, senior lecturer.
Subjects taught:
New approaches in teaching and learning;
Theory and methodology of teaching artistic work;
Methods of professional training;
Culture of home and food.
The total teaching experience is 30 years.
List of published works:
• more than 50 scientific papers;
• 1 tutorial.
Field of scientific research:
- Identification and development of giftedness of school-age children;
- Improving the competencies of a teacher of vocational training in the field of agriculture.
Expert teacher
Nurumov Baurzhan Ablayevich
- NurumovB@pspu.kz
- Address
- 401
- room
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Lecturer-expert of the Higher School of Art and Sports of the Pavlodar Pedagogical University. A. Margulan
Doctor PhD (Kyrgyz Republic)
Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Professor of the Regional Academy of Management
Master in Psychology
Work experience:
1. Total is over 42 years, since 1981. After graduating from high school, by the decision of the District Department of Public Education of Pavlodar region, he was accepted as a teacher of primary classes of a comprehensive school. From 1982 to 1984 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army, which were included in the general teaching experience. After demobilization from the army, he studied at the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya at the Faculty of Art and Graphics (1984-1989), which also included in the general teaching experience.
2. University experience - 25 years.
Higher education:
1. Graduated from the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya, 1989
2. Postgraduate studies at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Russian Federation), 2013
3. Doctorate of the International University of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyz Republic), 2018.
By the decision of the Dissertation Council of the International University of Kyrgyzstan for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of PhD - the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) was awarded in the specialty 09-00-11 - Social Philosophy, 2018.
After graduating from a higher educational institution, according to the distribution of the Department of Education of the Pavlodar region, he worked as a methodologist in the RONO of the Uspensky district. Since 1991, he began teaching as a translator at the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Methods of Primary Education.
Nurumov Baurzhan Ablayevich reviews the scientific work of teachers, masters in the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission “Bulletin of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan”, publications in scientific journals of undergraduates of the International University of Kyrgyzstan of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Teaching disciplines: Drawing, Academic drawing, Painting, Academic painting, Information technologies in art education, Art-pedagogical technologies in art education.
Scientific activity: social philosophy, social pedagogy, aesthetic values, artistic and aesthetic development of the individual.
More than 160 scientific papers have been published, including in journals with an impact factor of 4; teaching aids - 12; monographs - 4.
- Textbook “Fine art. The curriculum of fine arts lessons" took the second place in the competition "II Republican pedagogical readings" Modernization of the system of continuous pedagogical education in the conditions of digital Kazakhstan: current problems and ways to solve them "- Taraz, TarSPU. 2019
- Manual for the secondary school “Fine Arts. A textbook for a general education school" took III place at the II International Pedagogical Competition "The Best Teacher - 2020". International Academy of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan, 2020
- Textbook in the Kazakh language “Oner beineleu tuyndylylaryn kalay kabyldauga bolady. Kazakhstannyn Beileneu Oneri” took the 1st place in the nomination “Best Scientific and Pedagogical Work” at the III International Competition “The Best Teacher 2021”, held by the International Academy of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan, 27.07.2021.
- Textbook in Russian “How to perceive works of art. Fine Arts of Kazakhstan” took II place in the nomination “The best lesson / lesson using ICT” at the III International Competition “The Best Teacher 2021”, held by the International Academy of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Nur-Sultan, 04.04.2021
- Under the scientific guidance of Nurumov B.A. research work of a student of the Higher School of Pedagogy Pinchuk L.A. "The program for the correction and development of psychomotor skills, sensory processes in students with mental retardation and mental retardation (Programme. Workbook)" took 1st place at the III International Pedagogical Competition "The best lesson / lesson using ICT". Nur-Sultan. 07.04.2021.
- Under the scientific guidance of Nurumov B.A. research work of a master student of the Higher School of Art and Sports Shkolnikova V.A. "Educating students' love and respect for the wild nature of Kazakhstan in the lessons of fine arts" took II place in the competition held by the International Academy of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 01/30/2022.
- Under the scientific guidance of Nurumov B.A. research work of the teacher of the art school of the city of Pavlodar Bambulyak A.N.. "Research on the development of aesthetic values in the visual activity of students" took II place in the competition held by the International Academy of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 01/30/2022.
- Textbook "Fine Arts" Textbook for a secondary school "marked in the competition" II Republican pedagogical readings "Modernization of the system of continuous pedagogical education in the conditions of digital Kazakhstan: current problems and ways to solve them" as one of the relevant works and took II place in this all-Kazakhstan competition among universities and educational institutions (Taraz, TarSPU. 2019) was published by the Republican Publishing House "Lantar Treid" with a circulation of 700 copies. Almaty, 2021.
- Textbook in the Kazakh language “Oner beineleu tuyndylylaryn kalay kabyldauga bolady. Kazakhstannyn beileneu oneri" as one of the best works "Best scientific and pedagogical work" at the III International Competition "Best Teacher 2021" (I place), by the decision of the Republican Publishing House "Lantar Treid" was published with a circulation of 500 copies. Almaty, 2021.
- Textbook in Russian “How to perceive works of art. Fine Arts of Kazakhstan" as one of the best works "The Best Scientific and Pedagogical Work" at the III International Competition "The Best Teacher 2021" (II place), by the decision of the Republican Publishing House "Lantar Treid" was published in a circulation of 500 copies. Almaty, 2021.
Awards and achievements: Diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Trade union of education of Pavlodar region. The republican scientific and methodological journal "ZIAT" is included in the encyclopedic database of teachers of Kazakhstan.
1. Awarded with the PSPI medal - "50th anniversary of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute", 2012.
2. Awarded with the PSPU medal - "55th anniversary of Pavlodar State Pedagogical University", 2017.
3. Awarded with the medal "Best Teacher" - Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019.
4. Awarded with the Gold Medal of Ya.A. Comenius" - Regional Academy of Management, 2020
5. Awarded the Order "The Best Teacher of Kazakhstan" - Association of Teachers of Kazakhstan, 2020
6. Awarded with the Order "The Best Teacher of the Commonwealth of Independent States" - Association of Legal Entities in the form of the Association "National Movement "Bobek", Congress of Scientists of Kazakhstan. 2021
7. Awarded with the Order of the "Best University Teacher" - National Innovative Research Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bilim-Orkenieti", 2022.
Participated in the International Courses of the American Center for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP) (Washington D.S., USA) "Peculiarities of democratization in Central Asia" for the English-speaking audience in Europe, USA, Canada. Thematic direction "The role of fine arts in the democratization of Kazakhstani society", March 2022.
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- 2018-2021 Shymkent, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, doctoral degree in the specialty - 6D01200 «Vocational training».
- 2012-2014 Shymkent, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Master of Pedagogical Sciences.sciences in the specialty - 6M01200 «Vocational training».
- 2007-2011 - Pavlodar, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute Bachelor in specialty - 5B01200 «Vocational Training».
Labor activity:
- • 2011-2012 State Institution «Pavlodar regional Office of psychological and pedagogical correction» translator and clerk
- 2012-2014 Shymkent, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, Researcher
- • 2014-2018 Pavlodar, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, teacher
- 2018-2021 Shymkent, M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University, doctoral studies
- Author of publications and articles in collections and journals of scientific and international conferences.
Subjects taught:
- Methods of teaching graphics and design,
- Graphics and design,
- Design and technology (for boys)
- «Artistic work. Collection of short-term plans. Grade 8»; «Artistic work. Collection of short-term plans. 6th grade (composed of authors)»
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2016-2020 Pavlodar Pedagogical University (higher education). Specialty: Fine arts and drawing. Qualification: Teacher of fine arts and drawing.
2020-2022 Toraigyrov University (Magistracy). Specialty: Pedagogy and psychology. Qualification: Master of Pedagogical Sciences.
Work experience:
2021-2024 A labor teacher at a special boarding school No. 4
2020-2021 Teacher at the Children's Art School in Pavlodar
Subjects taught:
-Academic drawing
-Academic painting
- Sculpture and plastic modeling
Teaching experience: 4 years
Scientific articles:
- An article published in the international scientific conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren. "XXl Satpayev Readings" 2021
- An article published in the international practical conference "Prospects for the development of higher education in the Republic of Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic
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- 2004-2008-Almaty, Academy of Design and Technology "Symbat". Bachelor's degree in Technology products and goods of textile and light industry.
- 2008-2010 Academy of Design and Technology "Symbat"; Master of Technology.
Total teaching experience: 9 years
Work experience:
- 2010-2013 Almaty, Academy of Design and Technology "Symbat", teacher.
- G. 2013-2021 Pavlodar Pedagogical University, senior lecturer.
- Author of publications and articles in collections and journals of scientific and international conferences.
Subjects taught:
- Multimedia technologies in professional training,
- History and theory of fine art,
- Modern forms of fine art,
- Design theory and practice,
- Composition,
- Fundamentals of composition and design.