Teaching staff
Head of the EP, Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics, United Kingdom (MA AL, United Kingdom)
Aliya (Saduovna) Zholdabayeva
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- PPI (Pavlodar pedagogical Institute), specialty: "English language", 1994, Honors Diploma;
- Master's Degree - University of Reading (UK), specialty: "English language and Applied Linguistics", 2014, Honors Diploma
Subjects taught:
- Stylistics and interpretation of literary text,
- English for special purposes C1-C2,
- Specialized professional foreign language.
Work experience: 26 years
List of scientific papers: more than 30
- Does a process model of motivation define the students’ attitudes in learning English language (as FL or L2?) Australian Journal of Education and Science No. 2 July -December , 2016, The University of Sydney, Pp. 339-345 (Scopus)
- To the issue of multilingual approach in the context of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Electronic journal of the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Kazan Federal University, no. 1 (74), 2017. Kazan. (Russian scientific citation indexRSCI).
- Gender features of personal characteristics of students-leaders. Bulletin of the KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Almaty., April 2017 (Higher attestation commission HAC)
- To what extent reading may facilitate the development of second language writing skills? Collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference at ENU named after L. Gumilev "Innovative and digital technologies in foreign language education", 2018
- To the issue of Formative Assessment in the context of Pavlodar state pedagogical Institute. "Modern paradigms of linguistic research: methods and approaches" Collection of materials of the X International scientific and practical conference, Bashkiria, Sterlitamak, 13-14-November, 2016, P. 239-246 (RSCI)
Field of research: Sociolinguistics, Language Theory, General linguistics, Country Studies, Linguo-country Studies.
Professional achievements: 5 educational and methodical manuals, more than 30 scientific articles, 2 monographs, 2 e-learning courses.
A Letter of appreciation from the Rector of PSPI Arshabekov N. R., 2015
A Letter of appreciation from the Rector of PSPU of Altynbek Nukhuly, 2019
Letters of appreciation from EEC Nazarbayev University for active participation in the Republican project of the MES of Kazakhstan-CPC-Professional Development Program (PDP), September 2017-December 2018.
Winner of the Presidential scholarship grant from the Center for International Programs "Bolashak" for Master's studies in the UK, April 2013-October 2014 (UK, University of Reading).
Winner of the European Erasmus+ Staff Academic Mobility grant, 18.03.2018-25.03.2018-lecturing and conducting practical classes at Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania, as part of the external academic mobility program.
I have more than 30 certificates of national and international significance for professional development.
Expert of THE NTC of the MES RK, member of the RAC of the NTC of the MES RK. Member of the jury for English in city and regional Olympiads for students in grades 9-11. English language coach in the framework of the program of the CPC of Nazarbayev University.
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Shomanova Gulnar was born 1963, 1984 graduated Almaty pedagogical institute of foreign language. Works as senior teacher of English at department of Foreign languages. Teaches students studying by all specialities. Has got courses of skills developing in Germany- «Deutschland im Vergleich: Dresden-Muenchen». Took participating in enhancement courses «»
Master of Philology, Senior Teacher
Akylbekova Ademau Kairgeldinovna
- akylbekovaak@ppi.kz
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In 1997 graduated from Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, specialty – “German Language”.
From 1999 to 2000 took a course in "Business German" at the Institute of Technology, Economics and Design, Wismar, Germany.
In 2006 completed the Master’s degree program of Innovative Eurasian University, specialty - “Philology”.
In 2001 – Teacher of the chair of Translation Studies of Pavlodar University.
In 2004 – Teacher of the chair of the German Language and Methodology of Teaching of PSPI.
In 2009 – Senior Teacher of the chair of Foreign Languages of PSPI.
In 2012 successfully completed a two-year distance learning course "Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages", Almaty - Munich, Goethe Institute.
- won a grant of Goethe-Institute International Scholarship Programs. Passed a language training in Düsseldorf, Germany, July - August 2007.
- coach of the Kazakh-German project "Improving Skills of Executives and Managers in the Sphere of Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan", International Professional Academy "Turan - Profi".
- management of scientific projects and organization of preparation of pupils of the secondary school №22 for city and regional competitions.
- 2001-2008 - Teacher of language courses at the Language Center of Goethe Institute, Pavlodar.
- 2010-2012 - Teacher of preparatory courses for entering the Master's and Doctoral programmes (PSPI).
- 2011-2012 - management of a two-year international student project "School in Development" (through Goethe Institute, Munich-Almaty).
- 2015 - advanced training seminar in Dusseldorf, Germany
- 2002-2020 - participation in seminars and webinars of the Goethe-Institut
Doctor PhD, associate professor
Alimova Sholpan Zhanbolatovna
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- Pavlodar pedagogical college named after B. Akhmetov, specialty “Foreign language” (2002);
- Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty “Foreign language: two foreign languages” (2005);
- Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Master of Philology (English), (2006);
- S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, specialty “Tourism” (2013);
- S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, Master of Tourism (2015);
- S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, PhD student of the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” (2021).
Subjects taught:
- Practice of speaking and writing skills;
- Foreign language;
- Linguistic and country studies;
- Practicum on the culture of speech communication.
Work experience: 18 years.
- 2005 – 2009 – teacher at the Department of Foreign Languages, PSPI.
- 2009 – 2023 – teacher-expert of EP “Foreign Language: two foreign languages, PPU.
- since 2023 – associate professor of EP “Foreign Language: two foreign languages”, PPU named after Alkey Margulan.
Field of research: methods of teaching foreign languages, foreign philology.
Professional achievements:
- 4 teaching aids, 2 massive open online courses, more than 70 scientific articles;
- more than 40 certificates of republican and international importance on advanced training;
- from 2007 to 2018 – a participant of the English Access Microscholarship Program, US government program;
- from 2020 to 2021 – a participant of UniCEN, US government program;
- from 2020 to 2021 – a participant of Pedagogical Universities Development Project, US government program;
- certificate of honor from the rector of PSPI Arshabekov N.R.;
- award medal “The Best Teacher – 2021” of the CIS;
- TKT University of Cambridge (1, 2, 3 modules).
- USA, Oregon – 2008;
- Russian Federation, Barnaul – 2015;
- Republic of Belarus, Mogilev – 2019;
- Russian Federation, Moscow – 2020.
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- 2019-2020- Master’s degree UCL (UK, London): MSc «Translation Studies», 2020
- 2001-2004 - S. Toraighyrov State University, Pavlodar, MA in Linguistics
- 2006-2008 - S. Toraighyrov State University, Pavlodar, bachelor’s degree in English Philology
- 1996-2000 - S. Toraighyrov State University, Pavlodar, «Teacher of German».
Taught disciplines:
- Foreign language (English),
- Foreign language (professionally oriented, English).
Work experience: over 15
Publications: over 20
Area of research: AVT, phraseology, language pedagogy, CLIL.
Professional achievements: 1 lecture course on Translation Studies for the groups with the Kazakh language of instruction, 4 manuals, over 20 research articles.
A creditable record in employment book for high quality training of students (2005, S. Toraighyrov State University, Pavlodar)
“Best teacher 2005” (S.Toraighyrov State University, Pavlodar)
“Bolashak” international scholarship holder:
- Internship at University of Reading (UK)
- Master’s Degree, September 2019 - 2020 (UCL, London, UK).
Training of undergraduates for Master’s degree entry examinations as well as training of both master’s students and undergraduates in the framework of IIDSP, “Serpin” programme respectively (2013-2019)
2016 - the language courses «Foreign language for Teaching Training Specialities», Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World languages, Almaty.
Language proficiency certificates- IELTS, ZMP
Professional development abroad:
- 2016- Vienna, language internship
- 2015 – Munich, language internship
- 2010 – Dresden, language internship
- 2005 – Hamburg, language internship
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Zhetpisbay Aliya Kozhamuratkyzy
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Pavlodar State Pedagogical University (Foreign language teacher)
Pavlodar university (Master of Philology)
InEU (candidate of philological sciences)
Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences
List of scientific works: of them for 2020 - 2022.
1. Formation of motivation of educational activity in teaching a foreign language. Филологические науки. Scientific discussion. Прага, Чех Республикасы. 08-01-2020. 15-18-беттер.
2. Ағылшын тілін оқытуда мәдениатаралық құзыреттілікті қалыптастыру құралы ретінде «тілдік портфолио» технологиясын қолдану әдістемесі. Қазақ Ұлттық Қыздар Педагогикалық Университетінің Хабаршысы. 2021;(1):146-156.
3. The Principles of Economy in Word-Formation in Functional Styles of English
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 12. Number2 June 2021, Pp. 424-435.
4. О создании образовательных программ прикладного бакалавриата в Республике Казахстан (к постановке проблемы). Вестник Торайгыров Университета, педагогическая серия, № 1, 2022, 290-305 стр.
5. Мультимедиялық технологиялардың көмегімен шет тілін қашықтықтан оқыту, Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы Көкшетау Университетінің хабаршысы, филология сериясы. № 2, 2022, 119-129
6. Қашықтықтан оқыту барысында танымдық белсенділікті дамытуда онлайн технологияларды пайдаланудың тиімді әдістері. Материалы Международной научно-практической интернет-конференции «Тенденции и перспективы развития науки и образования в условиях глобализации», Переяслав, Украина, 31 мая 2022 года, 149-152 стр.
7. Критериальное оценивание учебных достижений школьников в условиях обновленного содержения образования. Вестник КазНПУ имени Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», 3, 2022, 64-77 стр.
8. On the question of the internal morphology of a derived and complex word in modern literary English. Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Philology series, № 4, 2022, Pp.86-101.
9. Educational programs of applied bachelor’s degree: modern labor market requirements for personnel training. Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Pedagogics series, №4,2022, Pp. 95-106.
1. Epoch and personality: philology and pedagogy in the XXI century. Pavlodar. PGPU. 20-04-2018 -21-04-2018 . 36 hours Certificate.
2. Effective ways to master Latin spelling correctly. Pavlodar, InEU. 4.01.-9.01.2019 Certificate.
3. Automation of the educational process and the use of AIS Kundelik. Pavlodar, PGPU. 25.06.2019 Certificate.
4. Advanced training course "Modern linguodidactics at school and university" within the framework of the First International pedagogical readings "School teacher innovations in the modern world", Pavlodar, March 1-10, 2021, 72 p. Certificate.
5. "University 4.0. Digital Transformation", international online internship, Republican Institute of Higher Education, April 7-23, 2021, 72 hours. Certificate.
6. Advanced training course "Development of subject competencies of a teacher within the framework of the updated content of education in the discipline "Foreign language", Pavlodar, March 10 - February 24, 2021, 72 hours.
7. Course on the educational program of advanced training of teachers of higher educational institutions and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Methodology of applied research", Center of Pedagogical Excellence, September 1-16, 2022, 80 hours.
Field of research:
comparative linguistics, language theory, cognitive linguistics.
List of taught disciplines:
- Foreign language
- Foreign language (second),
- Practical course of the second foreign language,
- Fundamentals of linguistic theory,
- Introduction to Linguistics
- Basic research activities and academic writing
Senior Teacher
Zhmailo Tatyana Vladimirovna
- zmailotv@pspu.kz
- Address
- room
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In 2003 graduated from the college of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, majoring in “Foreign language: English”.
In 2006 graduated from Pavlodar State Teachers’ Training Institute, majoring in “Foreign language: two foreign languages”.
In 2010 graduated from Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz, majoring in “Economics”.
Tatyana started teaching English at the department after graduating from Pavlodar State Teachers’ Training Institute in 2006. She became a highly qualified expert in second language teaching. She is responsible for the academic work at the department. Students and teaching staff show their respect for Tanya Zhmailo for her being a very attentive, helpful colleague and a teacher.
Professional Achievements:
- In 2011, took an advanced training course “Developing and updating of content, scientific methods and information support of the educational process in higher education in the modernization of the education system in the country and new paradigms of pedagogical skills of young teacher of high school” (Pavlodar).
- In 2012, took an advanced training course at the National Institute for Management and the academic staff of the education system of Kazakhstan (Almaty).
- In 2013 took an advanced training course “Distance learning technologies” (Astana).
- In 2014 took an advanced training course on the program “New approaches in teaching and learning”, developed by the Centre of Excellence “Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools” and the Faculty of Education of the University of Cambridge, on the basis of the Regional Training Center for Pedagogical Staff.
- Participated in the competition of Excellence among young teachers of PSPI in the team of Philology Faculty (2nd team place).
- Moderated classes in the context of advanced training course for teachers who are able to teach their disciplines in English.
- Moderated advanced training course on the topic: “Communicative English” for administrative staff.
- Participated in meetings with representatives of the publishing houses of the Cambridge UK Gary Anderson; “Oxford University Press” Paul Seligson; Seminar on: “The Trouble With Academic Prose” under the direction of Mary Rosner (University of Louisville).
- Tutor the research work of students.
- 29.04.15 – 08.07.15 Webinars “Shaping the Way We Teach English”, with the support of the “Regional Office of English Language Programs” at the US Embassy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, hosted by Harry Liids, Pavlodar Regional Joint Universal Scientific Library named after S. Toraighyrov.
- 14.12.2015 – 09.01.2016 International Winter Scientific School-Seminar “Cognitive Linguistics and Conceptual Studies”, Russian Association of Linguists-Cognitologists, PSU named after S. Toraighyrov, International Distribution Laboratory for Cognitive Linguistics and Conceptual Research.
- 12.04. 2016 – 29.04.2016 Language courses led by PhD V. Bieikene and Master A. Myaskauskiene, Institute of Foreign Languages, University of Vytautas Magnus, Lithuania, PSPI.
- December 04-08, 2017 Training for teaching staff ped. specialties in the field of “Management in the field of education” under the program “Training by domestic and foreign specialists in pedagogical specialties based on the best international standards in the field of management and training”, Higher Education School of Nazarbayev University.
- April 20-21, 2018 Lecture workshop “Age and Personality: Philology and Pedagogy in the 21st century”, PSPU, Kazakhstan Association of Russian Language and Literature Teachers.
- 08-19.01.2019 Further education courses of teaching staff “Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education”, Orleu.
- 13-31.05.2019 Globalization and its effects on our lives» / «An Advanced English Course combining Language Learning and Political Education, Senior Experten Service.
- June 23-25, 2019 Automation of the educational process and the use of AIS Kundelik.
- 08.28-10.09.2019 “Leadership in education”, Nazarbayev University and the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 27.09.2019 The social network analysis in tourism, Kragujevac University, PSPU
Published work:
- Expressive means in journalistic style, International scientific-practical conference, “Experientia est optima magistra”, Belgorod, April 2015
- Aspects of Educational Communication at English Lessons, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Language education: issues of progression and continuity” Oct. 2016, p. 143-147.
- Some aspects of “appearance assessment” expression in the era of postmodernism, Russia, Belgorod, International scientific-practical conference “Experientia est optima magistra” April 11-12, 2018, p. 287-290.
- On the ontology of the evaluation function of human consciousness in a language, Russia, Tambov, Bulletin of the Tambov University. “Neophilology”, T. 4, No. 14, 2018
- Portrait description of characters and the forms of their behavior in the story “Kirghiz Temerbey” by Vsevolod Ivanov, Astana, International scientific-practical conference “Innovative and digital technologies in foreign philological education: theory and practice” November 13, 2018, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
- Aesthetic assessment of the appearance of a person in the English-language picture of the world, International Scientific Conference “XV Vinogradov Readings” Volume 3: Foreign Philology
- On the formation of emotional competence in a future English teacher, II International Scientific and Practical Conference “East - West: Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Teaching European and Oriental Languages” March 2019, Siberian State University of Railway Engineering, Novosibirsk
Master of Pedagogy, Senior Teacher
Zhumakeldina Baglan Kalymtaevna
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In 1998 graduated from Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, specialty – “German Language”.
In 2005 completed the Master’s degree program of Innovative Eurasian University, specialty - “Pedagogy”.
In 2001-2004 – Teacher of the chair of Translation Studies of Pavlodar University.
In 2004 – Teacher of the chair of the German Language and Methodology of Teaching of PSPI.
In 2009 – Senior Teacher of the chair of Foreign Languages of PSPI.
2011-2012 - management of a two-year international student project "School in Development" (through Goethe Institute, Munich-Almaty).
Won a grant of Goethe-Institute International Scholarship Programs. Passed a language training in Munich, Germany, July 2013.
Passed a language training in Bremen, Germany, July 2018.
List of scientific papers: more than 25
Subjects taught:
- Practical course of a second foreign language (А1, А2, В1, В2),
- Foreign language,
- Professionally oriented foreign language,
- Foreign language (second).
Master of Philology (English), Senior teacher
Karimova Assel Orynbaevna
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- Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty: "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (2005).
- Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty: "Philology (English)" (2006).
Subjects taught:
- Phraseology,
- Stylistics and interpretation of literary texts,
- English for special purposes,
- Specialized professional foreign language.
Work experience: 15 years
List of scientific papers: more than 30
Field of research: General and comparative linguistics.
Professional achievements:
- 3rd place in the republican competition of scientific works (2006).
- Diploma of the 2nd degree at the competition of students and young teachers for the contribution to the intellectual development of Kazakhstan "Zhas talap" (2011).
- A Letter of appreciation from the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2006).
- A Letter of appreciation from the "Nur Otan" party for the contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014).
Professor of PSPU, candidate of philological Sciences, associate Professor
Kulakhmetova Mergul Sabitovna
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- Abylay Khan World languages University Almaty, specialty: “Foreign languages”;
- postgraduate course: 10.02.19 - language theory;
Subjects taught:
- Scientific discourse,
- Stylistics,
- Professional-oriented English,
- Academic English,
- Theory and Practice of Intercultural Communication, etc.
Experience: more than 32 years
List of scientific papers: more than 60
- Монография «Ішкі сөйлеудің феномены: неміс және орыс тілді көркем мәтіндер негізінде», Pavlodar, 2016;
- The Formation of the Foundation of Academic Writing. International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 2016, vol. 11, no. 11. – Pp. 4194 –4204. Scopus
- Religious Discourse in Kazakh: Description and Structure. International Journal of Science and Research, Ponte, 2017. Vol.73, no.1. – Pp. 157–165.Scopus
- Intertext in D.Amantay’s novel “Flowers and Books”. International Journal of Science and Research, Ponte, 2017. Vol.73, no.2. – Pp. 27–45. Scopus
- Experimental Work on the Formation of Intercultural Communication Subject in the Educational Environment of Pedagogical Institution. Man in India, Serials Publications, January 2017. 97 (6): 411-431. Scopus
Field of research: linguistics, language theory, linguodidactics, foreign languages teaching methodology etc.
Professional achievements: 10 teaching AIDS, the most scientific articles in science, 1 monograph, 4 electronic textbooks, 4 certificates of registration of rights to copyright objects, acts of introduction of teaching AIDS in the educational process. Letters of thanks from the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, holders of grants from Goethe-Institute, DAAD, Austrian national school, Bolashak center for international programs, 2013 (Great Britain, Reading University); language development internships: Germany-2001,2009, 2013, 2017; Austria-2012, 2017; Italy-2013; Great Britain-2013 (Goethe Institute programs, Russia, Kyrgyzstan));
Expert and developer of NTС MES RK, expert «Okulyk», National expert of IAAR, Coacher of Almaty Goethe Institute.
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In 1985 she graduated from the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, specialty - "English with a specialty in German". Since 2016 - Senior Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages at PSPI. • Completed advanced training courses on "Modern pedagogical technologies", "Foreign language for teachers of pedagogical specialties", "Career counseling and coaching", "Coaching in the educational space", "Inclusive education", "Development of research activities of a teacher", "Management in the field of education", "Organization and conduct of the educational process in distance educational technology", "Implementation of CLIL in Higher Education". training of trainers on the educational program of additional professional education for graduate students of higher educational institutions. • Author of scientific articles, including "Methods of using ICT in the educational process", "The problem of assessing the educational achievements of students in English lessons", "Formative assessment as a form of assessing the educational achievements of students: new approaches", "Socio-political contacts of different peoples as factor of the formation and functioning of bilingualism and multilingualism", "Public-political Vocabulary in the Language of Modern Newspapers", "Innovative Potential of Youth's Creative Development in Professional Formation at the University", "Teacher's profile mobility: activity methodology or educational-profile communicative language", "Professional Mobility Methodology-an Indicator of Competitiveness"
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
Nygmetova Bibigul Dzhambulovna
- +7 777865 66 65
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- Pavlodar State Pedagogical University named after S.Toraigyrov (Foreign language teacher)
- Pavlodar university (Master of Philology)
- Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (candidate of philological sciences)
Qualification: Foreign language teacher
- Scholar of international advanced training programs (language and teaching methodology) through the Goethe Institute (2007, 2013, 2018)
- Appreciation Letter from Excellence center, 2019.
- Appreciation Letter from Excellence center, 2018.
- Appreciation Letter from Education management in Pavlodar region, 2018.
- Appreciation Letter from Innovative center of education development , Pavlodar, 2017.
- Appreciation Letter from Innovative center of education development , Pavlodar, 2016.
- Appreciation Letter from Education Management, Pavlodar, 2016.
- Appreciation Letter from PSPU rector – Pavlodar, 2014
- Appreciation Letter from PSPU rector – Pavlodar, 2009.
Scientific and educational and methodological activities:
The author of 62 articles
The author of 2 methodical means and 2 monographs:
- Meteorological metaphor in Russian and German, Pavlodar: PSPI, 2016. – p. 156// Monograph.
- Dialoge learning at the lessons of a foreign language // study guide. Pavlodar: PSPI, 2013. – p.90
- Working with text in a foreign language lesson // study guide. Pavlodar: PSPI, 2014. – p. 120
- New approaches in English learning. Pavlodar: PSPU, 2019. – p. 96// Monograph.
Advanced training or internship abroad:
- 2000-2001 – Schwerin-Wismar (Germany), training at the Technical University of Wismar, specialty “Economic German”
- 2004 – Omsk, Moscow (Russia), courses on foreign language teaching methodology
- 2007 – Mannheim-Dresden (Germany), language internship
- 2013 – Berlin (Germany), language internship
- 2018 – Schwabisch Hall (Germany), language internship
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Education: PSPI, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages", 2007, master's degree – PSPI, 2008
Work experience: more than 10 years
List of scientific articles: more than 20 scientific papers on English Philology, methods of teaching foreign languages.
Field of research: foreign Philology, comparative typology of languages, methods of teaching foreign languages.
Subjects taught:
- Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication
- Analytical reading
- Foreign language workshop (B1, B2)
- Language for special purposes (C1)
- Professional-oriented foreign language
Professional achievements: more than 20 scientific publications, diploma of the rector of PSPU (2018), diploma of the III degree of the Republican pedagogical contest "Pedagogical ideas" (2018), certificate of honor of the regional Department of education (2015), diplomas, certificates.
Master of Sociology, Senior Teacher
Meiramgul (Abayevna) Ramazanova
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Education: PPI (Pavlodar pedagogical Institute), specialty: "German language", 1994, Honors Diploma; Master's Degree - Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, specialty: "Sociology", 2007, Honors Diploma
Work experience: 26 years
List of scientific papers: more than 30 on German philology, methods of teaching foreign languages and sociology.
- Master's thesis on "Basic approaches to defining poverty criteria in Kazakhstan," 2007;
- The development of speech competence as an important component of the professional skills of the future teacher, scientific journal of the Institute Naberezhnye Chelny of Kazan Federal University, 2017;
- Dictionary of modern German as a reflection of the socio-cultural aspects of the migration process, scientific journal of Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov "Vestnik PSU," 2018;
- Der Einfluss der Globalisierung auf den lexikalischen Bestand der deutschen Sprache, International Scientific and Practical Conference «Experientia est optima magistra», 2018;
- Theatrical pedagogy in teaching a foreign language, scientific journal of Cheboksary University, 2017
- Teaching aid «Deutsch aktuell», 2020
Field of research: German Language Philology, Country Studies, Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages
Subjects taught:
- Practical course of the second foreign language (А1, А2, В1, В2)
- Foreign language
- Professional-oriented foreign language
Professional achievements::
- more than 30 scientific publications
- Multiple foreign internships in the field of methods and didactics of teaching foreign languages.
- Letters of appreciation from the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan for their contribution to the education and development of youth, 2016;
- Letters of appreciation from the Rector of PSPU for Contribution to the Education and Upbringing of Students;
- more than 30 certificates of national and international significance for professional development
Foreign internships: won grants of Goethe-Institute International Scholarship Programs
- Dresden, Munich, Germany, October – November, 2003
- Gottingen, Germany, July – August, 2012
- Hungary, Pec – June, 2018
- Moscow, - Oktober, 2019 (Winner of the All-Russian competition in German, 3rd place)
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In 2005 graduated from Pavlodar State Teachers’ Training Institute, majoring in “Physical Culture and sport ”.
In 2014 graduated Master’s degree from the S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, majoring in “Pedagogical scienses”(Graduated with honors).
In 2017 graduated from the S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University, majoring in “Translation Studies”.
Ruslan teaching Chinese at the department of Foreign Languages of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University in 2010-2018. At the 2015-2019 teaching Chinese at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Pavlodar. 2019 to present teaching Chinese at the department of Foreign Languages of Pavlodar State Teachers’ Training State University.
He became a highly qualified expert in second language teaching. He is responsible for the academic work at the department. Students and teaching staff show their respect for Ruslan Tabynbaev for his being a very attentive, helpful colleague and a teacher.
Professional Achievements:
- In 2010, took a Level 3 Chinese Profiency test certificate (Astana).
- In 2012, took an advanced training course at the Xian Foreign language Institute (People's Republic of China).
- In 2012, took a Level 4 Chinese Profiency test certificate (Astana).
- In 2019, took a Level 5 Chinese Profiency test certificate (Astana).
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In 2015, he graduated from Pavlodar State University with a degree in Translation.
In 2017, he graduated from Pavlodar State University with a master's degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. The internship was held in Omsk, Russia.
Since 2017 - teacher of PPU.
List of subjects
- Foreign language
- Practical grammar
- Theory and practice of translation
- Language for special purposes
- Professionally-oriented foreign language
- Practice speaking and writing
- Methodology and technology for preparing students for standardized tests.
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Education: Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, 1986-1991, specialist, Foreign Languages specialty
Work experience: PPU – 16 years
Scientific works: more than 30
- An article “Methods for authentic books usage in the process of teaching history in English”, Imperial College Press», London, SCOPUS, 2016;
- On the teaching of world history in English on the condition of imperfect language skills, КАРГУ, ККСОН, 2015;
- Outline the strategy for developing a multi-lingual program in the department of computer science at Pavlodar state pedagogical institute and analyse the difficulties involved// Национальная академия образования им. А. Алтынсарина, Астана, декабрь 2015, ККСОН;
- A teaching aid on home reading based on the literary works by S. Maugham, Pavlodar, PSPU, 2013
- To the question of changings in the system of higher education in Kazakhstan, Chuvashskaya Republic, Chuvashskiy State University, proceedings of the conference, 2018 and others
Scientific work with students: students under her supervising usually take 1-2-3 prizes in students’ scientific conferences (2010, 2012, 2016, 2018, 2019)
Scientific interests: Philology, Etimology, Country Stidies (Great Britain), Methodology of Teaching English, Start-ups.
Subjects taught:
- English Literature
- English for specific purposes
- Professionally-oriented English
- language courses in Great Britain (Sussex University), 2014;
- more than 30 published articles;
- a teaching aid on home reading. 2013;
- participation at International Educational Forum Bolashak, 2014, Cambridge (Great Britain);
- participation at International Educational Forum Bolashak, 2015, Brighton (Great Britain);
- An appeal commitee member, Olimpiad, 2017, Almaty;
- An appeal commitee member, Olimpiad, 2018, Almaty;
- Examination Board member, UNT, 2015-2016, Astana;
- Chairman of an appeal committee, UNT, 2020, Ekibastuz;
- Chairman of an appeal committee for Post-Graduate exams, 2018, Astana;
- City and Regional Olimpiad in English, Board member, Pavlodar, 2019;
- awarded with an honoured sign “For outstanding work and for the 55th Anniversary of PSPU”, 2017;
- The IELTS exam – 2014 (Pavlodar), 2014 (Brighton, Great Britain);
- Thank-you letter from National Testing Centre, MES PK, Astana, (2015),
- Thank-you letter from University Authorities (Pavlodar
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at PSU and PAU Contacts
Demessinova Galina Khatipovna
- +77015206266
- Phone
- st. Toraigyrova 58
- Address
- 302
- room
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• PPI (Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute), specialty: "English", 1979
• Postgraduate study of Moscow Order after V.I. Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of State Pedagogical Institute after Lenin, specialty 100204 - Germanic languages, 1986
Courses taught:
• Theory of the main foreign language
• Language for special purposes (C1-C2)
Work experience: 42 years.
List of scientific works: 73. Of them for 2017 - 2021.
- Сегментация текста оригинала при переводе с английского языка на казахский// Вестник ПГУ №4, 2017, Серия филологическая. – С.335-341.
- The Principles Of Economy In Word-Formation In Functional Styles Of English Arab World English Journal Rishat Arab //World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 12. Number2 June 2021 , p. 424-435 Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3895209 (соавторы Saurbayev R.Zh., Zhetpisbay A. Kulbayeva B.T., Vafeev R.A.).
- XX Century Translatology in Great Britain //«Қазіргі ғылыми парадигмадағы тіл, әдебиет және тарих»: Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференция материалдары. «Язык, литература и история в современной научной парадигме»: Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции/ Жалпы ред. басқ. Имамбаева Г.Е. – Павлодар: Инновац. Еврпаз. ун-т, 2018. – С. 10 – 14.
- Использование переводческих трансформаций в процессе перевода художественной литературы // МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международной научной конференции молодых ученых, студентов и школьников «ХIX Сатпаевские чтения», посвященной 120-летию академика К.И. Сатпаева. – ТОМ 10. – Павлодар, 2019. – С. 203-208 (соавтор Ажмуратова М.К.).
- Применение переводческих трансформаций при переводе художественных текстов / МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международной научной конференции молодых ученых, студентов и школьников «ХIX Сатпаевские чтения», посвященной 120-летию академика К.И. Сатпаева. – ТОМ 10. – Павлодар, 2019. – С. 208-214 (соавтор Арынова А.С.).
- Трансформации при переводе текстов нефтегазовой промышленности на примере книги «Asphalt emulsion technology» (Д.Р. Сальмон // МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международной научной конференции молодых ученых, студентов и школьников «ХIX Сатпаевские чтения», посвященной 120-летию академика К.И. Сатпаева. – ТОМ 10. – Павлодар, 2019. – С. 233-239 ( соавтор Кнутас К.В.).
- Development of translation in Kazakhstan in the years of independence // Материалы международной практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы переводоведения в Казахстане и странах зарубежного Востока в аспекте программы «Рухани жаңғыру». – Алматы, КазНУ им. Абая, 14 июня 2019 г.ХIX Сатпаевские чтения», посвященной 120-летию академика К.И. Сатпаева. – ТОМ 10. – Павлодар, 2019. – С. 233-239.
- Лингвострановедение Великобритании: учебное пособие для магистрантов дошкольного воспитания и обучения/ сост.: Р.Ж. Саурбаев, К.М. Текжанов, Н.Р. Омаров, Г.Х. Демесинова. – Павлодар: ППУ, 2021. – 146 с. ISBN 978-601-267-670-9
Research area: comparative historical, comparative and typological linguistics, translation theory.
Professional achievements:
1. Published 16 educational and teaching aids, 20 scientific articles, 36 abstracts of scientific reports, 1 dictionary.
2. Prepared 5 master degree students for the defense the master's theses.
3. Developed 5 EP of postgraduate education: "Foreign Philology" (Master's degree, PhD degree), "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" (Master's degree), "Translation Studies" (Master's degree, PhD degree) (2019 - 2020).
4. Has more than 20 diplomas and letters of thanks and certificates of intra-university, regional, republican and international significance.
5. Has 4 medals for contribution to the development of education, upbringing of the younger generation.
6. Has more than 40 certificates of national and international importance on professional development.
7. An expert of the NTC of MES RK, a member of the RAC of NTC of MES RK, a member of the AMA for the EP of foreign language education of MES RK.
teacher, master of pedagogical sciences
Kameesheva Yulia Olegovna
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2019 - bachelor of education in the specialty 5B011900 “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University.
2021 - Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty 7M01730 “Foreign language: two foreign languages”.
Professional achievements:
2020 - Certificate of a 20-hour virtual training on English language teaching methodology and content development of online classes conducted by U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan.
2021 - Certificate of a 80-hour virtual training on English language teaching methodology, content and curriculum conducted by U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan.
2021 - Certificate of completion of the training “Speaking skills for confident communication” from Macmillan Education.
2021 - Certificate of completion of the training “The real language of opinions” from Macmillan Education.
“Speech situations as one of the effective means of improving speaking skills”, National Movement “Bobek”, 2020
“Speech situations in communicative language teaching”, Bulletin of KazHJIU, 2021
“Speech situations as an effective means of improving English speaking skills”, collection of KazNPU, 2021
“Speech situations as one of the effective means of increasing the communicative orientation of the lesson”, collection of PPU, 2021.
“Educational speech
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Scientific degree: Candidate of pedagogical sciences of the Russian Federation
Scientific, academic title: -
Education: Russia, Omsk State Pedagogical Institute named after A.M. Gorky, specialty: "foreign languages", 1983; postgraduate study at AltSPA (RF), 13.00.08 - theory and methodology of professional education, 2013.
Teaching disciplines: “English language”, "English language (professional)"
Work experience: 43 years
List of scientific works: more than 60
1. Smart-resources in foreign language studies: A survey of Kazakhstan University students ”Scopus, Opción, Año 35, Regular No.90-2 (2019): 287-301 ISSN 1012-1587 / ISSNe: 2477-9385, Q- 3.Arts and Humanities - 73%, Social Sciences - 38% ;
2. Results of the study on assessing the teachers' ITC competence level. Man in India, ISSN 0025-1569. 2017 - Vol. 9. - Iss. 21. - P. 509 - 528. CiteScore - 0.02, Scopus;
3. Development of foreign language teachers ’professional preparation. All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation "Science and Society", Novosibirsk, November 21, 2017, RSCI;
4. The meaning of ethno pedagogical factors for personal student development. Science and society: All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation, 2019. - Part 2. - 200 p. ISBN 978-5-6041877-0-8, RSCI;
5. Certificate of state registration of rights to the copyright object No. 1360 dated June 8, 2017. Electronic textbook in English (for the specialty «Mechanical Engineering»);
6. Certificate of entering information into the State Register of Rights to Objects Protected by Copyright No. 909 dated December 11, 2018. Electronic training course «English for Agriculture Professionals E-learning course». https://copyright.kazpatent.kz
Research area: education
Professional achievements: defense of a thesis at AltSPA - 2013, obtaining the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences of the Russian Federation, 2014; 1 monograph, 6 electronic educational publications, 6 copyright certificates of registration of rights to an object of copyright, 5 educational and teaching aids, 7 acts of introduction of educational and electronic publications into the educational process of PSU named after S. Toraighyrov, more than 60 scientific articles; participation in methodological seminars for teachers of foreign languages of the city and region; TKT certificates, 1 and 2 modules, England, Cambridge; Letters of thanks from the rector of PSU named after S. Toraighyrov, Letter of thanks from the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2015.
Ramazanova Salidat Akhmetovna
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• higher education, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (2018);
• Master's degree, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" (2021);
Subjects taught:
• Practical English course;
• Practice of oral and written speech;
• Foreign language;
• Introduction to the pedagogical specialty.
Work experience: 5 years.
• 2018 – 2023 – teacher of the Higher College named afterMusakhana Kanapyanova, PGPU.
• from 2023 to the present – teacher-moderator of the OP "Foreign language: two foreign languages", A.Margulan Pedagogical University.
Field of scientific research: methods of teaching foreign languages, foreign philology.
Professional achievements:
| • more than 10 certificates of national and international significance on professional development; from 2020 to 2021 . – participant of Virtual training on English language teaching methodology, content and curriculum development conducted by U.S. Department; 2020 – participant of the project “English teaching Workshop with August Garnsey", sponsored by the American corner of Nur-Sultan;, • 2019 у. – a certificate of appreciation from the director of the college of PSPU Zh.R.Zhakenovа.;. •2023 г. - training participant of Scaffolding project from January through May от ARELTA и U.S.Embassy in Kazakhstan. /
Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, professor " Foreign language: two foreign languages»
Zhanar (Manatbekovna) Baigozhina
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Position Candidate of Pedagogical sciences, professor " Foreign language: two foreign languages»
Academic degree: Candidate of Pedagogical sciences
Education: Almaty Pedagogical Institute of foreign languages, specialty: "German and English languages ", 1992,
- Defended for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical sciences in KazNPU named after Abay;
-2010 The academic title of associate Professor was awarded by the decision of the Committee for control in the Sphere of Education and Scieence of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Work experience: 30 years
- List of scientific papers: - Communicative competence of teacher as a professionally significant phenomenon, Вестник-Евразийского гуманитарного института, Астана, №4,2018;
- - О повышении квалификации педагогов- Вестник ПГУ,Павлодар, №3,2018 ;
- - О профессиональной подготовке студентов сдвоенных педагогических специальностей- Вестник ПГУ,Павлодар, №4,2018 ;
- - On the professional competence formation in students as future choreography teachers (based on the art history materials of choreography of Kazakhstan)-СКОПУС- Revista ESPACIOS Vol.39 (# 21) 2018;
- - Изучения опыта внедрения иноязычного профессионального обучения в зарубежных странах и в Республике Казахстан- Вестник ПГУ,Павлодар, №1,2019;
- - Әлеуметтік педагог-құзыреттілігін қалыптастыратын білім ордасы- Наука и жизнь Казахстана№12/1,2019;
9. Особенности перевода терминов в сфере информационных технологий в современной филологии русского ианглийского языков- Вестник Кокшетауского Университета им. Ш.Уалиханова-серия филология № 4/1, 2020;
10. Socio-cultural development of students in the context of dialogue technology-World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues
Field of research: Pedagogy, Theory and practice of teaching foreign languages
Subjects taught:
Methods of teaching foreign languages
Professional foreign language
Professional achievements::
- more than 60 scientific publications , 3 monographs, more than teaching Aids
- Letters of appreciation from the Rector of PSPU for Contribution to the Education and Upbringing of Students;
- more than 30 certificates of national and international significance for professional development
- Certificate of honor of the Akim Pavlodar region countribution to the development of Education and Science in the region;
- Winner of the Competition “ The Best teacher of the University of the PK”-2014;
- Winner of the “ Bolashak” scholarship -2014
Foreign internships: won grants of Goethe-Institute International Scholarship Programs
German, Munich – 2007;
Sweden,Lund– 2014;
Istanbul European Institute – 2015;
Global Career Institute, Istanbul -2015;
Girne Amercican University, Cyprus-2015;
Omsk state Universiyu named after Dostoevsky-2015.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD),Expert-Teacher
Mekezhanova Asel Bissembaevna
- st .Toraigyrova 58
- Address
- 302
- room
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Academic/scientific degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
2000-2003 - Pavlodar State Pedagogical College named after. B. Akhmetov.
2003-2006 - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, specialty – “Foreign language: two foreign languages”.
2012-2014 - magistracy of the KarSU named after. ak. E.A. Buketov at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty 6M011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
2017-2020 - doctoral studies at Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov, specialty 6D011900 - Foreign language: two foreign languages.
Subjects taught:
• Language for Special Purposes (C1-C2)
Scientific interests: modern methods of foreign language education
Publications: 25 scientific articles, including 2 included in the Scopus database, 5 - KKSON, co-author of 3 teaching aids and 1 terminological dictionary. Received 1 copyright certificate
• Took a foreign internship in the Slovak Republic, Bratislava. Upon completion of the internship, certificates were received: on attending the course "Theoretical and Empirical Aspects of Language Teaching" (certificate issued by the Eurasian Academy, Bratislava, 27.04.2013 - 10.05.2013), on attending the international seminar "Teaching foreign trade and tourism" (issued Eurasian Academy, Bratislava, together with the Higher School of Tourism and International Trade, Prague, May 5, 2013).
• In 2019, completed a foreign scientific internship as part of a doctoral program at Charles University, Czech Republic.
Additional Information
• Holder of the TOEFL ITP certificate.
candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Higher School of Humanities
Kulbayeva Baglan Tasbulatovna
- kulbaevabt@pspu.kz
- Address
- room
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Academic degree, title: candidate of philological sciences, associate professor of the Higher School of Humanities
Education: in 1984 she graduated from the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, received the specialty "English teacher with an additional specialty" German language ""
Teaching disciplines: Foreign language. Professionally oriented foreign language. History of domestic and foreign methods of teaching foreign languages. Modern methodology of foreign language education.
Scientific interests: Language picture of the world. Intercultural communication.
Intercultural competence. Language competence.
Kulbayeva B.T. The theory of gaps. Tutorial. - Pavlodar. 2014 - 157p.
Kulbayeva B. Professional English. text book. (collection of texts for students of non-linguistic educational programs) - Pavlodar. - 2016. - 251p.
Addresse Communicative Tactics in Speech Omissions. - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 17 (7): 986-991, 2013;
Semipredicative attributive constructions as the index of structural semantic expansion of the sentence (on the data of the English language). - Life Science Journal 2014;11(10s). – зз 186-190;
Лингвокультуремы-соматизмы "көз", "бел" и "бауыр" как маркеры репрезентации фоновых знаний. - Вестник ПГУ Серия филологическая. -№2,2016.-с.149-157;
Коннотации как созначения лингвокультуремы в передаче культурной информации. - Вестник ПГУ Серия филологическая. -№2, 2016.-с.157-163;
К проблеме формирования прагматических значений слова. - Вестник Евразийского гуманитарного института №2. - 2017.-с.270-275;
Интертекст как вид прецедентного текста. - Доклады Казахской Академии образования. №2.-2017.-с.155-163;
The principles of Economy in Word-Formation Styles of English. - Arab World English Journal №2 June 2021.
New approaches in teaching and learning. - PSPI 11.01-22.01.2016.
New approaches and innovative educational practices. - PSPI 11.01.2016-22.01.2016.
Electronic texts of the technogenic world: what to teach and how to teach. - PSPI 11-03-2016 12-03-2016.
The eternal language of the eternal country.- Astana Nazarbayev University
Courses on the educational program for advanced training of teaching staff of universities within the framework of updating the content of education of secondary education in the Republic of Kazakhstan, developed by the CPM AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools". - Astana NIS 04-03-2019 15-03-2019.
Promoting effective practices of a culture of quality in higher education: benchmarking and searching for reserves. - Almaty KazUMOiMYa them. Abylaikhan 13-11-2019 14-11-2019.
Problems of organizing foreign language education in the conditions of DOT. -18.09.2020-15.04.2021 - - Almaty KazUWRandWL named after Abylaikhan.
Experience in the vocational education system:
In the course of work in this field, the goal is to implement a competency-based approach in the training of future teachers of foreign languages. As part of enhancing the cognitive activity of students, increasing the efficiency of the learning process, numerous methods and techniques have been used, taking into account the renewal of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Much attention is paid to scientific activities with students and undergraduates, who tested their research at scientific conferences and scientific journals.
Baisarinova Aigerim Nurkanatkyzy
- Address
- room
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- PPI (Pavlodar pedagogical Institute), specialty: "English language", 2016 Honors Diploma;
· Master's Degree 2018, Innovative University of Eurasia, specialty: “Pedagogy and psychology”
· PhD Degree 2022. Eurasian national University, specialty: Social pedagogy
Subjects taught: Practice of oral and written speech; Foreign language;
Work experience: 5 years
Field of research: Foreign language. Pedagogy. Social pedagogy
Internships: Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russian Federation
master of arts in philology, teacher-expert of the educational program "foreign language: two foreign languages" of the higher school of humanities.
Daurbekov Adam Mustafaevich
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In 2012 graduated from Innovative Eurasian University (Pavlodar) with a degree in Foreign language: two foreign languages.
In 2015 graduated with honors from the master program of Innovative Eurasian University (Pavlodar) with a degree in philology. He defended his master's thesis on the topic «Communicative adaptation of foreigners in Kazakhstan environment. Psycholinguistic experiment». As part of the training, he took a foreign internship in the Russian Federation.
Since 2016 - teacher of the educational program "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of A. Margulan Pavlodar Pedagogical University.
Subjects taught:
• environment-oriented and business communication
• practical grammar
• foreign language
More information
- 2009-2013 – Bachelor of Education (Foreign language) is conferred specialty 5В011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages", Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (2013);
- 2013-2015 – Master of Humanities in specialty 6M020500 "Philology", Innovative University of Eurasia (2021);
- Diploma of professional retraining "Journalism", Private institution educational organization of higher education "Omsk Humanitarian Academy" (2022)
Subjects taught:
- Practice of oral and written speech (B1 level);
- Practice of oral and written speech (B2 level);
Work experience: 7 years.
- 2017-2019 – Lecturer at the Department of Languages, Literature and Journalism, Innovative University of Eurasia
- 2020-2022 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Languages, Literature and Journalism, Innovative University of Eurasia
- 2022-2023 – English language teacher, KGP at the B.Akhmetov Pedagogical Higher College
- from 2023 to the present – exper-teacher of the EP "Foreign Language: Two foreign languages", A.Margulan Pedagogical University.
Field of scientific research: methods of teaching foreign languages, foreign philology.
Professional achievements: linguistics
- more than 20 certificates of Republican and international recognition of qualification;
- c 2019 on current time-members of the Association of professional translators and transition companies
- Author of "Магистранттарға арналған ағылшын тілі". / Karimova K. K., Atygaeva Zh.E. / / Pavlodar: izd-Vo Ineu, 2019. - 94 P.
PhD, Doctor of Philosophy,Associate professor
Dr. Aigul B. Akhmetova
More information
- B.A. in Foreign language (English-German): two foreign languages, “Kainar” University (Almaty) (2005);
- M.A. in “Philology (English)”, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (2006);
- B.A. in Economics, Innovative Eurasian University (2015);
- PhD, Doctoral School of Educational Sciences, University of Szeged (Szeged, Hungary), (2022).
- A study of reading attitude and reading achievement of young learners in middle school. Heliyon, 2022 8(7), 1–11pp.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e09946 (Impact Factor: 3.776, Q1)
- Reading strategies and reading achievements in the middle school: Kazakhstani young learners. SAGE Open. 2022 12(3), 1–15pp.https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440221113843 (Impact Factor: 2,032, Q2)
- Assessing and validating young Kazakhstanis’ reading skills in English, the impact of classroom climate, and their engagement on reading skills. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics 12(2) 2022, 280-292 pp. https://doi.org/10.17509/ijal.v12i2
https://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/IJAL/issue/view/2709 (Q2)
- English proficiency reading skills at the age of 12 in Pavlodar region, Kazakhstan. Торайғыров университеті хабаршысы. Филологиялық сериясы (Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Philology Series), 2020(4), 45-53.
- Көркем шығарма тіліндегі ырықсыз етістің функционалдық сипаты [The functional nature of the passive voice in the language of literary fiction]. Торайғыров университеті хабаршысы. Филологиялық сериясы (Bulletin of Toraighyrov University. Philology Series), 2020(3), – С. 264-277.
- Development of reading skills and motivation in learning English as a function of young learners’ previous language background: Kazakhstani context. ҚазҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы (Eurasian Journal of Philology: Science and Education), №1(181)/2021, – С. 152-161.
- Young learners’ reading-writing skills in English as FL in Kazakhstan Л.Н. Гумилев атындағы ЕҰУ Хабаршысы. Филология сериясы ISSN: 2616678Х, eISSN: 2663-1288, (Bulletin of Philology Series), № 3(140)/2022. - С. 167-180
Teaching courses:
- Language and intercultural communication;
- Practical course of oral and written speech (С1-С2);
- English as a FL for professional communication;
- Modern trends in teaching English as a foreign language TESOL.
Work experience: 18 years
- 2005 till 2009 – a teacher of the Department of Foreign Language, PSPI.
- 2009 till 2023 – a teacher-researcher of Educational Programme “Foreign language: two foreign languages”, PPU.
- From 2023 till present - an associate professor of Educational Programme “Foreign language: two foreign languages” of Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan
Research area: methodology of teaching foreign languages, foreign philology, assessment, statistics, reading literacy.
Professional achievements:
- A supervisor of Start UP project – 2023 (ID Bracelets)
- 2 teaching manuals, more than 70 research manuscripts and papers;
- more than 35 Republican and international certificates of professional development;
- scholarship holder of «Bolashak» (2014);
- scholarship holder of «Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship»,Tempus Public Foundation (2017);
- Certificates of honor from the Rector of PSPI for contribution to teaching and education of students (2012, 2016);
- IELTS certificates (2015, 2016).
- Sweden, Lund – 2014 (Bolashak);
- Hungary, Szeged – 2017 (Stipendium Hungaricum)
- Hungary, Budapest – 2018 (ONK Conference);
- Hungary, Pécs – 2019 (ONK);
- Portugal, Porto – 2022 (JURE/EARLI - Jacobs Foundation);
- Greece, Thessaloniki – 2023 (JURE/EARLI).
Kussainov Daniyar Zhaksylykovich
- 329
- Phone
- 58 Toraighyrova str.
- Address
- 301в
- room
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2013 - bachelor's degree, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Major - Foreign Language: Two foreign languages
In 2015 completed his Master's degree at Astana University in the scientific and pedagogical direction of the specialty "Foreign language: Two foreign languages".
2015 – 2018 - Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov. Major – «Automation and control».
Since 2018 held various positions in Pavlodar Pedagogical University.
2018-2019 – Department of Marketing and Career; Lecturer of the Foundation Department at Pavlodar Pedagogical University
2019-2021 – Vice-Dean for Educational Work and Social Affairs of the Higher School of Natural Sciences
2023-н.вр. – teacher, Higher College named after Kanapiyanov
2024-н.вр. – teacher, EP "Foreign language: two foreign languages", PPU.
List of disciplines taught:
- Practicing speaking and writing skills
Scientific publications: 6