Teaching staff
associate professor of higher Schools of natural science, head of the EP "Physics" and "Mathematics", candidate of physical and Mathematical Sciences, Doctor PhD,
Seitkhanova Ainur Kusbekovna
More information
- Higher: 1996-2000. - Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov. Specialty: teacher of physics.
- Postgraduate education: 2003-2006. Postgraduate studies, Institute of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Almaty
- 2011 - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, specialty 01.02.04. - Mechanics of deformable solids
- 2017. -Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty 6D060300 – Mechanics
Professional experience:
- 2002-2012. - Lecturer of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics at Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov
- 2012-2020 - Associate Professor of the Department of "Energy and Metallurgy" of the Innovative Eurasian University
- 2020-2021 Head of the Educational program "Mathematics and Physics" of Pavlodar Pedagogical University
- 2022 - present Associate Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences of Pavlodar Pedagogical University
Refresher courses:
- "Development of the subject competencies of the teacher within the updated content of education (in the educational fields of "Mathematics", "Physics"), Pavlodar State Pedagogical university, 21.01. - 05. 02. 2021
- "Innovative educational technologies in distance and blended learning" - Toraigyrov University from 18.01.-05.02.2021.
- "The importance of saving photovoltaic energy when using it" - Pavlodar Pedagogical University, 2021.
- "Topical issues of modern natural science education"- Pavlodar Pedagogical University, from 30.11-09.12. 2022
Research interests: Methods of teaching physics
- "Integral study of the impact of the updated content of university mathematics teacher training programs on the quality of education in secondary schools"- 2021
Publications: author of more than 200 publications:
- "Dynamic stability of wave processes of a round rod"/ Известия национальной академии наук Республики Казахстан Казахский национальный университет имени Аль-фараби, 2 (324) MARCH - APRIL 2019
- "Физика пәнін ағылшын тілінде оқыту"/ VІI global science and innovations: central ASIA 2019» (GSI-VIІ). Конференция 28 сентября 2019 год, г. Нур-Султан (Астана), Казахстан.
- -"Сonditions of extreme stress state"/ Алматы, КазНТУ им. Сатпаева,
- Алматы Вестник НАН РК. Сер. Геологические и технические науки, 2019.-№5 C.202-206 20.10.2019 (Scopus)
- - "Проблемы использования интегрированных курсов
- физики и математики в средней общеобразовательной школе"/ Материалы IV международной научно-практической конференции «наука и образование в современном мире: вызовы ХХI века»
- 29-31октября 2019 г., Нур-Султан (Казахстан)
- - "Сыни тұрғысынан ойлау технологиясын физика сабағында қолдану"/ Павлодар, ИННОВАЦИОННЫЙ ЕВРАЗИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ, Павлодар
- Материалы V Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. C.227-230 24.04.2020
- - "Некоторые аспекты при изучении физики и математики на английском языке"/ Павлодар, ИННОВАЦИОННЫЙ
- Павлодар
- Материалы V Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. C.249-250 24.04.2020
- - "Механика. Молекулалық физика "(Учебное пособие)
- - Тұтас орта механикалық моделдері (Учебное пособие)
- - "SOLUTION OF PRIVATE TASKS OF CYLINDRICAL SHEAR WAVES (in the case of the distribution of constant values γ-α + 2> 0 and α = β)"/ «Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая» № 6, 2020 г.
- - "Износоустойчивый магнезиальносиликатный огнеупор для футеровки тепловых агрегатов"/«Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии» № 2, 2017 г.
- -" Investigation of the Structural, Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Plasma Electrolytic Hardened Chromium-Nickel Steel"/Lubricants. Lubricants is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal of tribology. (Scopus Q2) Lubricants 2021, 9(11), 108
- -" Құрылымы әртүрлі теңдеулер мен теңсіздіктерді шешудің типтік кластар әдісі"/ Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда университетiнiң ХАБАРШЫСЫ, №3 (58) 2021
- -" Диагностика мотивации учащихся как средство формирования предметной компетенции посредством физических экспериментов"/ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Scientific Horizon in The Context of Social Crises» (February6-8, 2021). Tokyo, Japan:Otsuki Press, 2021
- -" Применение физических экспериментов как средство формирования предметной компетенции учащихся"/ ІI Международное книжное издание стран Содружество Независимых Государств «ЛУЧШИЙ МОЛОДОЙ УЧЕНЫЙ – 2020»: II международная книжная коллекция научных работ молодых ученых – Нур-Султан, 2020 г.-" Математика мұғалімдерін даярлайтын жоғары білім беру
- бағдарламаларының мектептерде оқыту
- сапасына әсері"/ ВЕСТНИК КазНПУ им. Абая, серия «Педагогические науки», №4 (72), 2021.
- -" Physico-mechanical properties, structure, and phase composition of (BeO + TiO2)-ceramics containing TiO2 nanoparticles (0.1–2.0 wt.%)"/ Materials Science-Poland, 39(4), 2021, pp. 626-638 http://www.materialsscience.pwr.wroc.pl/ DOI: 10.2478/msp-2022-0003 (скопус Q3, 48%)
- -"Электр және магнетизм "(Учебные пособие)
- -"Қазақстандағы және Ұлыбританиядағы жоғары сыныптарға арналған физика пәнінің оқу жоспарларының мазмұнын"/ Вестник Торайгыров университета/Педагогическая серия Издается с 1997 года ISSN 2710-2661 № 4 (2022) Павлодар
Teacher-expert of the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Abisheva Indira Shaihyskakovna
- 58 Toraigyrov str., room 401в
- Address
- room
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Work experience: 18 years at the university
- in 2004 she graduated from Pavlodar State University named after. S. Toraigyrov, specialty 0301 - "Mathematics and Physics", having received the qualification of a teacher of mathematics and physics.
- 2004-2005 - Graduated from the PSPI master's program, specialty 6N010 - Physics. Received an academic degree in physics.
- 2017-2019 - graduated from the magistracy of ENU named after L. Gumilyov, specialty 6M010900 - "Mathematics". Received a master's degree in pedagogy with a degree in mathematics.
Academic experience:
Subjects taught: Geometry
Scientific activity: published more than 10 scientific articles
Field of scientific research:
- Preparation of a universal STEM teacher - education.
Awards, achievements:
Letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Board - Rector of NJSC "Pavlodar Pedagogical University", 2022
Additional information:
Advanced training courses
- Cognitive-communicative technology of bilingual teaching of natural sciences, 72 hours, NJSC "Pavlodar Pedagogical University", 2022.
- Actual issues of modern science education, Pavlodar Pedagogical University NJSC, 2022
- Current issues of modern natural science education, NAO "Pavlodar Pedagogical University", 2022.
Professor of the higher school of natural sciences, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor (KKSON).
Alpysov Akan Kanapiyauly
- +77051209179
- Phone
- Address
- room
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In 1982-1987, in Almaty, in KazNPU named after him.Abaya received a diploma from the faculty of physics and mathematics, majoring in Mathematics and physics.
Work activities:
1987-1994 - teacher of mathematics and physics in schools of the Irtysh region.
1994-2001 - teacher of mathematics and physics in secondary schools No. 39, 4 and the B. Akhmetov pedagogical College.
2001-2004-assistant, senior lecturer of the Department of mathematics and computer science of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University.
From April 2004 to the present-associate Professor, Professor of the Higher school of natural Sciences of Pavlodar pedagogical University.
In 2006, he defended his PhD thesis in the specialty 13.00.02 - " theory and methods of education and upbringing "(mathematics) in Almaty.
February 26, 2011 decision of Committee on control in education and science, Ministry of education and science of RK awarded the academic title of docent (associate Professor), Department of pedagogy.
In 2016, the winner of the state grant "Best University teacher-2016".
Author of 98 scientific and methodological works, including 14 textbooks and teaching AIDS, 2 monographs.
Together with teaching activities, he directs research work, diploma and master's work of students, undergraduates, and undergraduates.
senior teacher of higher school of natural sciences.
Aisha Anafina Yermekovna
- улица Торайгырова 58, корпус № 5
- Address
- 107
- room
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In 1999 finished Pavlodar State University after S. Toraigyrov on speciality 010540 “Mathematics”, got qualification of mathematics teacher.
In 2006-2009 graduate of absentee form of education at Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (PSPI) on the contractual basis (13.00.02 Theory and methodology of education and training).
The theme of research is “Maintenance and methodical features of forming the culture of mathematical speech of students of pedagogical institutions of higher learning in the process of educating mathematical analysis” (Scientific leader is an academician of RAE, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Dalinger V.A., Omsk State Pedagogical University).
From 2014 study at PSPI on the speciality 5B011900 “Foreign language: two foreign languages” on the base of higher professional training.
Work experience:
In 2002-2004 worked as an assistant of Higher Mathematics Department at Pavlodar State University after S. Toraigyrov.
From 2004 and at present is a senior teacher of Computer Studies Department and a dean assistant of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Faculty.
Courses of in-plant training:
“Study of foreign language: English” , PSPI, Pavlodar city, 2013.
“Distant educational technologies”, Pavlodar, 2013.
“New approaches in teaching and educating” worked out by the Center of pedagogical mastery of “Nazarbaev Intellectual School” and by the faculty of education of Cambridge University on the base of Regional center of in-plant training and transfer of PSPI technologies, 2014.
List of published works: more than 6 scientific articles, a manual.
The field of scientific research:
- Methodology of Informatics teaching;
- Informatics
Taught disciplines: Informatics, Working out of web sites, Computer graphic arts.
associate professor of Higher School of natural science, doctor PhD
Eltinova Laura Amanzholovna
More information
Higher: 1999-2004 GG. Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova. Specialty: Mathematics and physics.
Postlevuzovskoe education (Master's degree): 2004-2005. Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrova. Speciality: Physics
Master of physics. In December 2015, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the research of the Faculty of Philosophy (PhD) on specialty 6D060400 – Physics.
Topic of the dissertation: study of the distribution of acoustic waves and Lamba waves in anisotropic environments by the matricant method
Postlevuzovskoe education (doctoral studies): 2011-2015. Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilyov. Specification: 6d060400-Physics.
Work activity:
01.09.2016-associate professor of the Department of mathematics and physics of PSPU
01.09.2007-31.08.2016 senior lecturer of the Department of physics of PSPI
01.09.2004-29.08.2007 head of the Department of physics of PSPI
Scientific interests:
Electrodynamics of anisotropic media
Publication (selected):
Publications in foreign countries included in the international database of scientific journals and have an undeniable impact factor.
1. Tleukenov S.K., Yeltinova L.A., Zhakiyev N.K. An analytical solution of the reflection and refraction problems for coupled waves in elastic and piezoelectric media // 2013 IEEE Int. Ultras. Symp. Proc. (Joint UFFC, EFTF and PFM Symp.). New York: IEEE, 2013. – P. 1025-1028.
2. Tleukenov S.K., YeltinovaL.A., ZhakiyevN.K. Matrix Method for Obtaining Rayleigh Wave Equations for Anisotropic Media with Hexagonal Syngony. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics. Moskow:AS, 2013.-Vol. 77, №12, P. 1468–1471
More information
Work experience
- The total experience is 29 years.
- at the university – 19 years,
- PaU (InEU) – 9 years,
- PGPI (PPU) – 10 years
- 1988-1993 – KazSTU, "Mechanical Engineering Faculty"
- Specialty: Mechanical Engineer foundry production.
- 1998-2003 – S.Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. Specialty: teacher of mathematics and physics
Professional experience:
- 1993-2003 – Teacher of mathematics and physics at the H.Shayakhmetov Secondary School.
- 2003-2012 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of "Physics" of Pavlodar University (PaU), Innovative Eurasian University (InEU).
- From 31.08.2012 – to date - Senior Lecturer, lecturer expert of the Higher School of conomics, Pavlodar
Pedagogical University
Subjects taught
- Mechanics, Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics, Electricity and Magnetism, Physics of the atom and Atomic nucleus Astronomy.
Scientific activity
Author more than 15 publications:
- 1."Information Technologies in teaching physics". Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "institutionalization of education and organization of innovative educational institutions of higher pedagogical schools", PGPI, Pavlodar, 2014, STR.232-235.
- 2."the effectiveness of modular learning technology in Physics". Materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XIV Satpayev meetings", 2014, STR. 137-141.
- 3.the concept of new innovative technology. New innovation technology proposals. Materials of the international scientific and Practical Conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "XIII Satpayev meetings", 2013
Refresher courses:
- «Өрлеу» біліктілікті арттыру ұлттық орталығы.Қазақстан Республикасының ЖОО педагогикалық мамандықтарының біліктілігін арттыру.
- Алматы, 07-21 маусым 2015 ж
- Расширенные ИКТ компетенции ППС в условиях информатизации образования. ПГПИ, с 08-02-2016 по 19-02-2016
- THE SYSTEM OF PHYSICS & MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN THE GERMAN UNIVERSITIES Павлодар мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты с 16-05-2016 по 10-06-2016
- Обучение основным навыкам работы со студенческой молодёжью по недопущению вовлечения в религиозный экстремизм и деструктивные организации. ПГПИ, 18 января 2017 г.
- The importanke of the energy storage beside using photovoltaic power. Associate professor at University of Pannonina. Павлодар мемлекеттік педагогикалық унивеситеті 24-11-2021.
- Актуальные вопросы современного естественно – научного образования ППУ с 30.11.2022-9.12.2022
Professor of the higher school of Natural Sciences, PhD, associate Professor of the USSR
Kadkalova Tamara
More information
- Kyzyl-Orda state pedagogical Institute named after N. V. Gogol, 1958-1963,
- postgraduate Study at the research Institute of content and methods of teaching at the APN of the USSR,
Moscow, 1972-1975.
Work activity:
Work experience: 51 years (at the University)
Research interests: Improving methods of teaching algebraic and geometric disciplines in higher Education in the context of credit technology of education and the transition of schools to updated content
Publications related to the research topic:
1. Some aspects of credit technology training journal Statistics, accounting and audit № 1 (18) 2005. Aaea
2. models of distance learning and educational and methodological support for students in the distance form "Actual problems of economic development and training of specialists with economic education in the CIS countries". Abstracts of the VI international scientific and practical conference Taraz: Almaty Academy of Economics and statistics, 2005;
3. Organization of training in the conditions of credit and distance learning Scientific information and analytical journal Pedagogical Bulletin of Kazakhstan, PSPI, 2012, no. 3;
4. Using digital educational tools in the process of training mathematics teachers Collection of scientific articles From the International scientific and practical conference Using digital learning tools and robotics in General and professional education: experience, problems, prospects, Barnaul, 2015
5. Digital educational resources-as a means of activating thinking in the study of mathematical disciplines Materials of the international scientific and practical conference of young scientists, undergraduates, students and schoolchildren "X1U Satpayev readings" Pavlodar, PSU, 2016, vol. 22
6. opportunities to familiarize school students with hyperbolic geometry in the framework of the updated content Republican Scientific and Pedagogical Center BILIM-Education Educationinternational competition "Pedagogical innovations" February 1-5, 2018 Astana
A total of 70 publications, including teaching AIDS:
1. Kadkalova T. I., Soltan E. E. Differential geometry and topology. Educational and methodical manual.- Pavlodar: PGPI, 2007 72S.
2. Kadkalova T. I. Linear algebra and analytical geometry. Educational and methodical manual.- Pavlodar: PGPI, 2013 186S.
3 Kadkalova T. and Linear spaces and operators Training manual.- Pavlodar: PGPI, 2014 92S.
4. Kadkalova T. and Algebraic systems Educational and methodical manual.- Pavlodar: PGPI, 2016 91S.
5. Kadkalova T. and Algebra 2. Theory of comparisons Educational and methodical manual.- Pavlodar: PGPI, 2019 73S.
PhD, Associate Professor
Mukanova Zhazira Gafurovna
- 65-16-26
- Phone
- Zhazira-60@ppi.kz
- Address
- room
More information
- 1977-1981 – Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute, specialty "Mathematics". Qualified as a mathematics teacher.
- 1981-1985 – internship and postgraduate studies at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
- 2008 – defended the thesis of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences at KazNPU named after Abaya.
- 2012 - awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of KKSON - Associate Professor.
Academic experience:
- 1985-2014 - Assistant, senior lecturer, associate professor of PSPI, S. Toraighyrov PSU, KazNPU named after Abaya.
- 1999-2000, 2004-2005, 2010 - 2012 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Information Systems of S. Toraighyrov PSU.
- 2012-2014 - Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of PSPI
- 2012- to this day – Associate Professor, Professor of the Departments of Computer Science, Mathematics, Mathematics and Physics.
Advanced training courses:
- In 2013 - as part of the advanced training program for university teachers, RCPC "Orleu" was trained in language training at NILE (Norwich, England)
- 2014 - was trained at the CPC and TT PSPI on the first level of three-level courses for teachers in order to apply the knowledge gained in the practice of teaching students.
- 2015 - completed these courses at the NIS CPM in Astana.
- 2020 – diploma of the second higher education in the specialty 5B11900 - "Foreign language, two foreign languages"
- 2021 - Advanced training course "Development of subject competencies of a teacher within the updated content of education (subject area "Mathematics")", Pavlodar Pedagogical University, 12.04.2021-26.04.2021 (72 hours).
- 2022 - Advanced training courses "Topical issues of modern natural science education". PPU named after A.Margulan. Pavlodar, 30.11-09.12.2022 (72 hours).
List of published works:
- Mukanova Zh.G., Kuttimuratova F.S. Bilim mazmunyn zhanartuda math sabagynda zhana adis-tasilderdi tiimdi paidalan. XX Satbaev okulary. S. Toraigyrov atyndagy PMU, 2020, 323-327.
- Mukanova Zh.G., Kydyrbaeva, A. B., Akishev T.B. The use of computer mathematics systems in the course of secondary school. //Bulletin of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Physical and mathematical sciences. Almaty: KazNPU, 2022. pp. 350-353.
- Mekteptegi mathematics kursynda function ugymyn engizu. Functions of Geogebra bagdarlamasynn komegimen okytu erekshelikteri.
- Mukanova Zh., A. Saitkenova. Mekteptegi matematika kursynda function ugymyn engizu. Functions of Geogebra bagdarlamasynn komegimen okytu erekshelikteri. II International Scientific and Practical Conference “Diversity and inclusivity in the scientific field”. January 26-28, 2023, Warsaw, Poland.
Field of scientific research:
• Logical structures of educational material in the teaching of mathematical disciplines in the training of teachers of mathematics
Subjects taught:
Mathematical analysis, Complex analysis, Features of teaching mathematics in a multilingual environment, Classical inequalities and problem solving, Solving partial differential equations by operational calculus, Modern e-learning systems for teaching mathematics,
- 2017 – Certificate of appreciation of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
- 2017 – letter of thanks from the Head of the Innovation Center for Education Development of the Department of Education of the Pavlodar region.
- 2022 – medal "Ustazdar ordasy - 60 zhyl".
senior lecturer of “Mathematics and Physics” of Pavlodar Pedagogical University, master of mathematics.
Naimanova Asemgul Bakhtiyarovna
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In 1996, she graduated with honors from the faculty of physics and mathematics of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University with a degree in Mathematics and computer engineering. In 2013, she graduated with honors from S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University with a degree in Mathematics and defended her master's thesis under the supervision of doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor M. E. ISIN.
Work activity:
He has been working at Pavlodar state pedagogical University for more than 15 years.
He has more than 45 published works, including 2 teaching AIDS. She completed a research internship in 2013 at Omsk state University named after f.Dostoevsky's. Classes are conducted at a good scientific and methodological level with the use of innovative teaching methods, as well as using information and communication tools to ensure the educational process.
In order to improve their skills in organizing and conducting classes in the subjects they read, they constantly participate in seminars and courses, such as "New approaches and innovative educational practices", "Mathematical literacy-the basis for the development of exact Sciences and technologies", "Organization and conduct of the educational process on distance learning technology in sdomoodle", "technology of criteria-based assessment in the educational process", etc.
She has participated in various international and national scientific conferences. In 2014 and 2015, she participated in the International Turkic Congress of mathematicians in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan).
He is the group's curator. For success in educating students, she was awarded a certificate of Honor by the mayor of Pavlodar and letters of thanks from the rector of the Institute.
Professor of the EP “Mathematics and Physics” of Pavlodar pedagogical University, candidate of pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor.
Naymanov Bakhtiyar Aspandiyarovich
More information
In 1970, he graduated from the faculty of physics and mathematics of the Pavlodar state pedagogical Institute with a degree in Mathematics.
In February 1993, he successfully defended his PhD thesis in Moscow under the guidance of a well-known scientist, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor A. G. Mordkovich.
in 2002, he was awarded the academic title of associate Professor. He is a Professor at S. Toraighyrov PSU and PPU.
Work activities:
From September 1, 1972 to the present, he has been working at the Pavlodar state pedagogical University for 46 years. For many years, he was the Dean of the faculty of physics and mathematics, as well as the correspondence faculty.
Since January 4, 2012, he has been working as a Professor at the Department of mathematics and physics.
Currently, he has published more than 70 scientific papers, including 8 teaching AIDS.
Bakhtiyar Aspandiyarova actively participates in public life of the University. He is a member of the Advisory body "Hildastr Alisy". Until January 2018, he was a member of the Academic Council of the Institute, and was a member of the competition, certification and disciplinary Commission.
For special services in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was awarded the badges " excellent student of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "(2000), " Honorary worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan "(2007), "for services to the development of science" (2013) and the medals "Oblys aldynda sinirgen enbegi usin"(2012), "Y. Altynsarin" (2017). on the Eve of the anniversary of the University, a book about Bakhtiar Aspandiyarovich called "Ustaz Zholy" was released from the series "Onegeli tulgalar".
More information
- Higher: 1997-2001. - Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov. Specialty: teacher of physics.
- Postgraduate education (magistracy): 2001- 2003. Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov Specialty: physics.
Professional experience:
- 2003-2004. - Lecturer of the Department of General and Theoretical Physics at Pavlodar State University named after S.Toraigyrov From 1.04.2004 - to the present day - senior lecturer at Pavlodar Pedagogical University
Refresher courses:
- Новые подходы и инновационные образовательные практики Павлодар мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты с 11-01-2016 по 22-01-2016
- THE SYSTEM OF PHYSICS & MATHEMATICS EDUCATION IN THE GERMAN UNIVERSITIES Павлодар мемлекеттік педагогикалық институты с 16-05-2016 по 10-06-2016
- Современные педагогические технологии в ВУЗах АО Национальный центр повышения квалификации "Өрлеу" с 09-09-2019 по 25-10-2019
- По образовательной программе повышения квалификации ППС Вузов, осуществляющих подготовку педагогических кадров, в рамках обновленного содержания среднего образования РК, разработанной ЦПМ АОО НИШ АОО Назарбаев Интеллектуальные школы с 02-03-2020 по 20-03-2020
- Разработка новых и инновационных образовательных программ BTS Education октябрь – ноябрь 2022
- Актуальные вопросы современного естественно – научного образования ППУ с 30.11.2022-9.12.2022
Research interests: Methods of teaching physics
Grants: Физикадан тәжірибеге бағытталған есептер жинағын құрастыру және сабақтарда қолдану – 2016
Publications: author of more than 20 publications
- Мектепте тәжірибеге бағытталған есептерді қолдану ерекшелігі - «ҚР-ның педагогикалық білімін жүйелі жаңғырту: мәселелері, шешу жолдары» атты Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары, 2016
- Физика сабақтарында тәжірибеге бағытталған есептерді қолдану - Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы естественнонаучного знания и образования» посвященная юбилею академика АПН Казахстана, доктора педагогических наук Алиновой Мансии Шарапатовны. ПМПИ, 2016
- Физикадан тәжірибеге бағытталған есептерді сабақта қолдану мысалы - Жаратылыстану ғылымы мен білімнің өзекті мәселелері атты ғылыми – практикалық конференциясының материалдары, ПМПУ, 2017
- «Гидростатика және аэростатика» тақырыптары бойынша мектеп оқушыларына арналған тәжірибеге бағытталған есептерді қолдану - Международная научная конференция молодых ученых, магистрантов, студентов и школьников «ХVI Сатпаевские чтения», ПГУ им. С.Торайгырова, 2016
- Физикадан тәжірибеге бағытталған есептер жинағы // Сборник практикоориентированных задач по физике - ПМПИ, 2016
- Тәлімгерлердің физика пәні бойынша есеп шығару ептіліктерін дамытуда физикалық есептерді шығарудың маңыздылығы - Международная научно-практическая конференция «Актуальные проблемы естественнонаучного знания» посвященная 90-летию открытия памятника природы «Гусиный перелет»
- «Мектеп эксперимент техникасы» пәні боынша білім алушыларға арналған жұмыс дәптері - Павлодар, ПМПУ, 2020
- Рабочая тетрадь для обучающихся по предмету «Техника школьного эксперимента» Павлодар, ППУ, 2022
Teacher-expert of the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Bokaeva Munira Saduakasovna
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Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, PhD
Assemgul Kissabekova
- (вн. 327)
- Phone
- kisabekovaaa@pspu.kz
- улица Торайгырова 58, корпус № 5
- Address
- 107
- room
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- 2004. - S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University. Specialty: Mathematics and Physics
- 2004-2005. - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Master's Degree in Mathematics
- 2015-2017. - S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University. Master's Degree in Physics
- 2014-2016. - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute. Second higher education: Foreign language (eng)
- 2018-2021 – L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University - doctoral studies in the specialty “Technical physics”.
- In 2021, a PhD degree was awarded in the specialty "Technical Physics"
- 2019 – internship at the Institute of Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland)
- 2019-2020 – internship at the University of Tartu (Estonia) under the grant of the European Union and the Government of Estonia Dora Plus.
- 2022г. – Cognitive-communicative technology of bilingual teaching of natural sciences, Altynsarin National Academy of Education
- 2022 – Educational Leadership (150ч), Nazarbayev University
Innovative Eurasian University:
• 2004-2013 - lecturer, senior lecturer of the department "Physics"
Pavlodar Pedagogical University:
• 2013-2018 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Physics
• 2021-present - Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Scientific profile in Scopus:
Kissabekova, A. - сведения об авторе - Scopus
Scientific profile in Web of Science:
Assemgul Kissabekova | Publons
Area of scientific research:
• Luminescent materials
• Information technologies in teaching physics
Participation in scientific projects:
- 2019-2021 Grant obtained from Estonian Research Council - Personal research funding: Team grant PRG619 "Effects of doping and nanostructuring on radiation resistance of spinelstructured optical compounds".
- 2019-2022 Estonian-Polish Joint Research Project under the Agreement on Scientific Cooperation between the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Polish Academy of Sciences "Promising Bi-doped phosphors for white LEDs".
- 2022-2023 "Research of phosphor materials for white LEDs"
Teaching disciplines: Mechanics, Molecular physics and thermodynamics, Additional chapters of general physics, Actual problems and research methods in physics, etc.
Awards: no
docent, PhD in Physics.
Assylbayev Ruslan Namysovich
- +7 771 559 32 82
- Phone
- Address
- room
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Researcher ID Web of Science: https://publons.com/researcher/3713971/ruslan-assylbayev/
Author ID in Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57092676000
In 2005, he graduated from the Bachelor's degree of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physics and Computer Science.
In 2007, he graduated from the magistracy of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Physics.
In 2013-2016, he studied at the doctoral program of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, majoring in Physics. During his doctoral studies, he completed a one-year internship at the Laboratory of Physics of ionic crystals, Institute of Physics, University of Tartu (Tartu), The Republic of Estonia.
In 2016, on December 28, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic "Features of radiation processes in ion irradiated calcium fluoride".
Academic experience:
In 2005-2007, he worked at the college of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of physics and computer science.
In 2007-2013 he worked at the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute at the Department of Mathematics and Physics as a senior lecturer.
Since 2016, he has been working as an associate professor at the Higher School of Natural Sciences at Pavlodar Pedagogical University.
Advanced training courses:
- Advanced training courses "Teaching according to the programs of the updated content of secondary education". KazNPU named after. Abay, Almaty, 8.01-12.01.2018 (36 hours).
- Advanced Training Course" modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of Education". JSC "National Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", Pavlodar, 14.05-9.06.2018 (240 hours)
- English courses for Upper-Intermediate. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, 18.06.2018-31.08.2018 (260 hours)
- Special Seminar "XII Summer School of physics and technology" named after Akadamik M. M. Abdildin. S. Toraigyrov Pavlodar State University, 09.07.2019-14.07.2019 (72 hours)
- Advanced training courses on the topic "Improving the professional competence of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions in the context of the transition of the Kazakh alphabet to the Latin script". Joint Stock Company" National Center for advanced training "Orleu". Nur-Sultan, 14.10.2019-8.11.2019 (240 hours)
- 6. Scientific seminar on "The importance of the energy storage beside using photovoltaic power". Pavlodar Pedagogical University, date of issue: 11/24/2021 (72 hours).
- Advanced training courses "Topical issues of modern natural science education". PPU named after A.Margulan. Pavlodar, 30.11-09.12.2022 (72 hours).
List of published works:
Asylbayev R.N. has publications in scientific journals of the republican and international level. Participates in international scientific conferences and symposiums on the topic of research.
Main publications:
1. Assylbayev R., Akilbekov A., Dauletbekova A., Lushchik A., Shablonin E., Vasil’chenko E. Radiation damage caused by swift heavy ions in CaF2 single crystals // Radiation measurements. – 2016. – Vol. 90. – P. 18-22.
2. Assylbayev R., Lushchik A., Lushchik Ch., Kudryavtseva I., Shablonin E., Vasil’chenko E., Akilbekov A., Zdorovets M. Structural defects caused by swift ions in fluorite single crystals // Optical materials. –2018. – Vol. 75. – P. 196-203.
3. Assylbayev R., Akilbekov A., Baubekova G., Chernenko K., Zdorovetz M., Feldbach E., Shablonin E., Lushchik A. Defect-related luminescence of MgO single crystals irradiated with swift 132Xe ions // Optical materials. –2022. – Vol. 127. – P. 112308.
Field of scientific research:
Radiation solid state physics.
In 2021, he won a grant in the amount of 8 million tenge in a competition for grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects on the topic "Research of radiation processes in wide-gap dielectric single crystals of calcium fluoride and magnesium oxide irradiated with high-energy ions".
Subjects taught: Solid state physics, Computer technologies in scientific research and education, Topical issues of modern physics, Workshop on solving Olympiad problems in physics, Computer modeling of physical processes.
1. Letter of thanks from the Rector of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, 2011.
2. Certificate of Honor from the akim of Pavlodar region, 12/16/2021.
Associate Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, PhD
Alexander Zakutaev
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Academic degree:
- PhD in Physics
Work experience:
- general – 26 years
- at the university – 7 years
- Omsk State University, MSc in Physics
- Tomsk Polytechnic University, PhD in Physics
- Tomsk Polytechnic University, MSc in Management
Academic experience:
- Junior Researcher, Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Tomsk Polytechnic University (1989-1991)
- Researcher, Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Tomsk Polytechnic University (1994-2000)
- Head of Department, Research Institute of Nuclear Physics at Tomsk Polytechnic University (2000-2008)
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Tomsk State Pedagogical University (2002-2003)
- Teacher of the Department of Mathematics and Physics, Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute (2015-2018)
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Pavlodar State Pedagogical University (2018-2019)
- Docent of the Department of Mathematics and Physics (2019-2021)
- Associate Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Pavlodar Pedagogical University (since 2021)
Teaching disciplines:
- Actual Problems and Research Methods in Physics
- Scientific Methods
- Actual Problems of Modern Physics
- Organization and Planning of Scientific Research in Physics
- Functional Literacy
- Additional Chapters of Theoretical Physics
- History and Methodology of Physics
- Disciplines of General Physics
- more than 30 publications
- 4 Certificates of Invention
Web of Science profile:
Alexander Zakutaev | Web of Science
Awards and Prizes:
- Second Prize in the competition for the best scientific work, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Tomsk Polytechnic University (1996)
- Second Prize of the Russian Academy of Higher Education in the competition for the best scientific work among young scientists (2001)
Refresher Courses:
- The Course on the Educational Program for Advanced Training of Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions as Part of Updating the Content of Secondary Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Center for Pedagogical Excellence of the Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools AEO, 2020.
- Importance of Energy Storage Beside Using Photovoltaic Power, Pavlodar Pedagogical University, 2021
- Actual Issues of Modern Natural Science Education, Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Institute of Additional Education, 2022
Master's degree, Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Zhapakova Aigerim Akylbekovna
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- 2006 – 2010 - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, specialty - 5B010900 "Mathematics".
- 2010 - 2012 – Master's degree of the PSPI, specialty – 6M010900 "Mathematics", qualification: Master of Pedagogical Sciences in mathematics.
Additional education:
- 2011 – Scientific internship at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of St. Kliment Ohridsky Sofia University. Bulgaria, Sofia.
Professional activity:
- 2010 – 2011 academic year – Specialized school "Zhas daryn" for gifted children of the city of Pavlodar. Position: Mathematics teacher (part-time)
- 2012-2014 (February)- Chernoretskaya secondary school No. 1 of Pavlodar district. Position: math teacher.
- 2014 (February-August) - PSPI, Regional Center for Advanced Training and Technology Transfer. Position: expert.
- 2014 (September)- PSPI, Department of Mathematics and Physics. Position: Teacher
- since 2019 – Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Advanced training courses:
- Workshop for teachers of secondary schools and colleges of the city of Pavlodar "Mathematical literacy is the basis for the development of exact sciences and technologies" PSPI, 2014. (8 hours)
- Training seminar on the topic "Leadership development strategies" PSPI, 2015. (18hours)
- "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of the updated content of education". JSC "Orleu", 2019 (72 hours)
- Automation of the educational process and the use of AIS "Kundelik". 2019. (45 hours)
- Topical issues of modern natural science education. PPU, 2022 (72 hours)
List of published works: 5 articles, 1 manual.
Field of scientific research: non-standard problems in mathematics
Subjects taught: Algebra, Practical Math problem solving