Scientific activity
The research database of educational programs “Russian language and literature” and “Russian language and literature in non-Russian schools” includes traditional research structure, that involves accumulated works of leading academics and a well-established institutional system of the research work and collaboration.
The general scientific direction of the educational programs “Russian language and literature and “Russian language and literature in non-Russian schools” is - “Russian language and literature’s linguistic communicative and pragmatic potential in the educational process”.
The total number of the academic literary works, published by the education program’s teachers in 2021, includes 39 works, containing 24,43 pages, including 30 national (6 magazines, that are recommended by KKSON) and 9 foreign publications (3 publications in impact-factor magazines). Teachers participated in 15 international scientific conferences, are qualified as educational programs’ experts (Tokatova L.E. is an expert from The Independent agency for Accreditation and Quality Assessment of Education «ARQA», till October 1st, 2025 г., Abzuldinova G.K. – IAAR expert).
As a part of the implementation of the educational program, there is a systematic training work: Garanina Y.P. had the pre-defense of her thesis at OSPU, doctor of Philology, professor Holger Kusse (Germany, the Dresden University of Technology, November 15th – December 11thm 2021) was invited as a part of academic mobility program. Professor Holger Kusse conducted “Current trends in the theory of language and literature” refresher courses for the teachers and lecturers of Kazakhstan.
As a part of the overall scientific direction, there is Doctor of Philology Z.K. Temergazina’s school of sciences. The school is known in Kazahkstan, neighbouring and other countries. Professor Z.K. Temergazina’s contribution to the training highly qualified scientific experts – candidates and doctors of science – was recognized by the Russian Academy of science’s diploma.
Deep theoretical and methodological understanding of the current problems in linguistics and literature studies is represented in academic works by the scientists, who participate in implementation of educational programs “Russian language and literature” and “Russian language and literature in non-Russian schools”.
Students participate in scientific activities of the departments. 5 students (magistrates) became runners-up at conferences, 15 students work in the science club “Communicative and pragmatic aspects of language research” (head – prof, Temergazina Z.K.)