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Scientific activity

 The research work of teaching staff is reflected in the publications of scientific papers, monographs of teachers, corresponding to the national policy of the state in the sphere of education, science and innovative development.

The main directions of research work cover the following areas: ‘The system of methodological training of biology teachers in pedagogical university and school’ (Tulindinova G.K., Korogod N.P., Geldymamedova E.A., Gavrilova T.V.); ‘Study of morphofunctional indicators of students of Pavlodar region’ and ‘Monitoring of adaptation capabilities of students of pedagogical specialities depending on their individual-typological features in the process of training’ (Darzhuman G.K., Kabieva S.J.).

Support of scientific - research work of the faculty was supported by the project within the framework of ‘Grant financing of scientific research at the expense of the republican budget’: Virtual laboratory and educational and experimental plot as means of formation of subject competence in biology of students of rural schools presented’ (Zhumabekova B.K., Karimova B.E., Kozhanova A.E.) and “Training of universal STEM-education teacher with the use of mass open online courses” (Shakeneva D.K.-K.). In addition, Professor Zhumabekova B.K. provides scientific guidance in the grant project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, IRN AP19677807 ‘Assessment of the current state and dynamics of plant communities of Bayanaul National Park under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors’.

The citation index (H-index) of publications: Associate Professor Kabieva S.Zh. has 5; Professor Zhumabekova B.K. has 3; Professors Aliasova V.N., Abimuldina S.T., Darzhuman G.K., Gabdulhaeva B.B., Associate Professor Korogod N.P. and Associate Professor Asylbekova G.E. have 2; Candidate of Biological Sciences Tulindinova G.K. has 1.

The intra-university PPU project on scientific-research work is realised by:   Aliyasova V.N., Asylbekova G.E. - ‘Realisation of the project “Paleogenetic analysis of skeletal remains of ”Panthera spelaea (cave lion) from the collection of PPU museum’; Asylbekova G.E., Aliyasova V.N., ‘Assessment of accumulation of chemical elements in the dental tissue of ancient and modern man’ and funded intra-university start-up project on the theme ‘Development of web application “Pro” at the expense of the university budget’, Baimurzina B.Zh.

The scientific results of the faculty of Biology are reflected in publications and author's patents. Performance of research work on the theme: ‘Development of technology of industrial production of medicinal and preventive drink on the basis of biologically active association of microorganisms of tea mushroom’ allowed to get Professor Zhumabekova B.K. 6 patents for invention.

C 2019-2024 teachers prepared and published:

- 5 monographs (2020 -2; 2021 -2 ; 2022 - 1, 2023 - 2),

- 32 textbooks and teaching aids (2019 - 5; 2021 -11; 2022 - 14, 2023 - 8).

- The total number of publications is 437: 2019 - 94; 2020. -129; 2021 -51 ; 2022 - 86, 2023 - 77. C 2019-2023 academic year 66 patents for inventions were received by the teachers of the OP Biology: 2019 - 11; 2020. -17; 2021 -17; 2022 - 9, 2023 - 12 patents.

The practical result of the research work of the teaching staff serving the Biology Programme is the presence of publications in journals with non-zero impact factor. From 2019-2024 the teachers have published 19 publications in foreign editions included in the Scopus or Thomson Reuters database.

The efficiency and effectiveness of the EP development is confirmed by the fact that students show high results in various research competitions, Olympiads, etc.

There are also achievements of gifted students: silver medal (2nd place) in the Republican Subject Olympiad on speciality 5В011300 - Biology (2019) of student Saparbekova B, prize-winners of the X Republican competition of research works ‘Zhas ғalym’ of students Eskermesova A. (1st place), Rakhmanova A. (2nd place), Saparbekova B (3rd place) - the head of associate professor Korogod N.P.., (2019), 3 team place in the XIII Republican Student Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the speciality ‘Biology’ (Suleimenova Sh, Alimbekov A.), as well as personal superiority Suleimenova Sh. - 3rd place (hand. teacher Baimurzina B.Zh.), 28-30 April 2021, nominee of the book ‘Leader of the XXI century’, winner of the Republican Olympiad, volunteer and active member of the public youth movement Samekova Rusana in the international competition ‘Leader of the XXI century: the best STUDENT 2021’, organised by the National Innovation Research Centre ‘Bilim-orkenieti’ and the ‘Academy of the best students’ in honour of the 30th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States, became the winner and was awarded the badge ‘Member of the Academy of the best students’. Also Rusana participated in the largest national youth programme ‘ELBASY MEDALI’, out of 11 thousand participants for high results Rusana was awarded the Yelbasy medal, prize-winning places (1st and 2nd place) 2 teams of PPU (headed by Karimova B.E.) in the annual national project ‘Bird of the Year’ among 12 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, organised by KazNPU named after Abay (Almaty, March 2021).

Work with students, schoolchildren: On 20 April 2022, the final of the republican contest ‘Best Scientific Research in Biology’ was organised. In the nomination ‘The best scientific research work in biology of school and college students’, organised by the Higher School of Natural Sciences in the framework of the week of student science. On 20 April 2022, the final of the Republican contest ‘The Best Scientific Research in Biology’ in the nomination ‘The Best Scientific Research Work in Biology of Students of Higher Education Institutions’ took place. The contest was organised by the faculty of the educational programme ‘Biology’ of the Higher School of Natural Sciences within the framework of the week of student science. The jury determined the winners of the competition: 1st place - Ersain A.D., 4th year student; 2nd place - Zhanaykhan M.B., 2nd year student; 3rd place - Puzach A.V. and 2nd year student; Litvintseva A.D., 2nd year student.