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Head of educational program Higher pedagogical education senior lecturer
Alpysbai Nurbolat Alpysbaiuly
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Alpysbai Nurbolat Alpysbaiuly,born in 1986.Higher pedagogical education senior lecturer in " Economics, Law and Philosophy " of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, scientific - teaching experience - 7 years. In 2003 he entered the Pavlodar University, by majoring in "History, fundamentals of law and economics". In 2007 he graduated the Innovative University of Eurasia . In 2010 he was awarded an academic master's degree in "Economics" in Innovative University of Eurasia. In 2007-2008 worked at the Department "Social humanities " Pavlodar branch of Semipalatinsk State Medical Academy ( SSMA PF ) . Since 2008 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of "Economics , Law and Philosophy " of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute.
In 2010, the winner of the " Jas Talap " PSPI , in 2011, 2012 he was awarded the letters of thanks of rectors' of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute for " achievements in scientific research ."
On 21st of May in 2014, in the specialized dissertation councils ESPC IUK passed doctoral thesis on " Ways to improve the economic efficiency of technical and proffessional education (on materials of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan ) " for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) by specialty "Economics ".
Under the leadership of Alpysbai N.A. teams of students of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute in 2012 won the 3rd place, in 2013 won the 2nd place, in 2014 won 3rd place in the national Olympiads in " Foundations of Law and Economics" held in Zhetysu State University named after I.Zhansugurova ( Taldykorgan ) .
In June 2014, in the competition he was awarded as "The best young scientist of Pavlodar region" by mayor of Pavlodar region. Alpysbai N.A. was awarded a diploma of 1 degree "The best young graduate student ".
It should be noted scientific activity of Alpysbai N., which is expressed in the publication of articles . At the moment, the number of articles of Alpysbai N. - 23. Of these, 3 - in magazines recommended by Committee for Control of Education and Science of the RK, 3 - in magazines recommended by HAC of Kyrgyzstan, 2 - in journals included in the base of RISC , 7 articles in international journals and 8 articles in various conferences.
List of major works:
1. Alpysbai N.A. Priority directions for improving the efficiency of technical and proffessional education / N.A. Alpysbai . // Journal of Innovative University of Eurasia . - Pavlodar , 2010. №1 ( 37) . - p. 49-55 .
2. Alpysbai N.A. Technical and proffessional education in the context of concepts about the role of education / N.A. Alpysbai . // Journal of Innovative University of Eurasia . - Pavlodar , 2010. №2 ( 38) . - p. 212-216.
3. Alpysbai N.A. Social-economic studies of technical and proffessional education in Eurasia / N.A. Alpysbai .
// Problems of study and preservation of cultural and natural heritage of Eurasia: mat. Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2010. - p. 181-186 .
4. Alpysbai N.A. Simulation of the control system of technical and proffessional education in the region / N.A. Alpysbai, K.T.Kabdulina . // Readings of Shayahmetov - II: mat. Rep. Science – Theo. Conf. - Pavlodar , 2010. p. 284-288 .
5. Alpysbai N.A. Technical and professional education of Pavlodar region on the strategic development of education programs / N.A. Alpysbai, A.K. Kosybaev. // Irtysh basin: current status and challenges of sustainable development: mat. Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2011. - p. 171-177.
6. Alpysbai N.A. The relevance of innovative factors of development of economic and financial structure of independent Kazakhstan / N.A. Alpysbai. // Independent Kazakhstan: Past, Present and Prospects: mat. Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2011. - P. 65-70.
7. Alpysbai N.A. Stages of formation and prospects of economic growth of the Republic of Kazakhstan / N.A. Alpysbai. // Independent Kazakhstan: Past, Present and Prospects: mat. Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2011. - P. 70-76.
8. Alpysbai N.A. Priority directions for improving the efficiency of technical and proffessional education of independent Kazakhstan / N.A. Alpysbai. // The current legal policy: problems and tendencies of its development: mat. 3 Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2011. - p. 372-374.
9. Alpysbai N.A. Economic efficiency of technical and proffessional education. / N.A. Alpysbai. // Journal of Proceeding of the higher educational institutions. "Sociology. Economy. Policy. "TSNU. - Tyumen (Russia), 2012. p 73-77.
10. Alpysbai N.A. Technical and professional education of Pavlodar region on the strategic development of education programs / N.A. Alpysbai. // Problems of preservation and study of cultural and natural heritage of Irtysh: mat. 2 Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2012. - p. 186-190.
11. Alpysbai N.A. Ways to improve the economic efficiency of education / N.A. Alpysbai. // These research and development - 2013: mat. 9 Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Bulgaria, Sofia. 2013. P. 65-67.
12. Alpysbai N.A. Ways of increasing economic efficiency of education / N.A. Alpysbai. // Urgent problems of science and education in the globalizing world: mat. Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2013. - p. 155-157.
13. Alpysbai, N.A. Economic aspects of the training of specialized personnel in the countries of Central Asia / N.A. Alpysbai. // Competitive young scientist: mat.in higher educational school scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Pavlodar, 2013. - p. 105-108.
14. Alpysbai N.A. Economic aspects of training graduates in Central Asia / N.A. Alpysbai. // Days of Science - 2013: mat. 9 Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Czech Republic, Prague. 2013. P. 13-16.
15. Alpysbai, N.A. Actual problems of economic efficiency of technical and professional education in countries of Central Asia / N.A. Alpysbai. // Scientific space in Europe - 2013: mat. 9 Int. scientific - practical conference. Conf. - Poland, Warsaw. 2013. pp 6-8.
16. Alpysbai N.A. Technical and proffessional education: problems of economic efficiency / N.A. Alpysbai. // Socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural development of the regions: mat. Int. scientific - practical conference.dedicated to the. 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - TyumGNU. -Tyumen (Russia). 2013. pp 211-216.
17. Alpysbai N.A. The main priority directions in improving efficiency of technical and proffessional education / N.A. Alpysbai, A.A. Adiev. // Journal "Science and New Technologies» №3 2013. Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan. 2013. pp 121-123.
18. Alpysbai N.A. Simulation of the control system technical and proffessional education in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan / N.A. Alpysbai, A.A. Adiev. // Proceedings of Higher Educational School Magazine №3 2013. Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan. 2013. pp 129-130.
19. Alpysbai N.A. The effectiveness of the concept of economic efficiency of adaptation in technical and proffesional education in the post-Soviet space / N.A. Alpysbai, A.A. Adiev. // Journal of Social and Human Sciences №1-2 2013. Bishkek. Kyrgyzstan. 2013.
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Nigmetzhanov Kuanyshgali Galimbekovich
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Education: higher education, with honors, Karaganda State University (1980); postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University (1990-1992).
Year of defense: 2010 - dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Abaya, topic "Strategies of the dialogue of cultures in the context of globalization"
List of published major works:
Nigmetzhanov K.G. Issues of cultural identity in the dialogue of cultures "Modernization of the educational environment of the higher pedagogical school": materials of the International scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the PSPI and the 80th anniversary of Ph.D., Professor T.H. Shayakhmetov – Pavlodar: PSPI, 2017. 348-351 p.Subjects taught: Philosophy
Awards: medal "10 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", jubilee medals of PSPU (2012, 2017), awarded with diplomas of the university, state bodies and public organizations of various levels.
Additional information: completed advanced training courses at the National Republican Center for Advanced Training "Orleu", responsible for the educational and methodological seminar of the OP "Entrepreneurship in Education"
Professor of Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor (Associate Professor)
Ахметов Арман Серикович
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Education: Higher - Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, majoring in "History, Fundamentals of Law and Economics" (2001-2005)
Year of defense: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialty 6D020100 "Philosophy" (2013), Associate Professor (Associate Professor) in specialty 12.00.00 - Jurisprudence (2016)
List of published major works:
- Legal Culture and Civil Society in Kazakhstan. Monograph. Pavlodar: Scientific Publishing Center of PSPI, 2014. - 196 p.
- Legal Culture and Legal Education in Kazakhstan. Monograph. Pavlodar: Scientific Publishing Center of PSPI, 2016. - 180 p.
- The role of communication in development of legal culture (co-author: Daurbekov A.M.). Monograph. Pavlodar: Scientific and Publishing Center of PSPI, 2017. - 270 p.
- Legal culture and its role in legal education. Monograph. Pavlodar: TOO "New Style-NS", 2018. - 160 p.
- Legal culture and legal education in modern society. Monograph. Pavlodar: Editorial and Publishing Department of PPU named after Alkey Margulan, 2024. - 148 p.
Educational and methodological literature:
- Philosophy: textbook. Pavlodar: Scientific and Publishing Center of PSPI, 2015. - 284 p. (stamp of RUMS UMO KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Almaty)
- Philosophy: teaching aid. Pavlodar: PSPI, 2016. - 122 p.
- Theory of state and law: a teaching aid for students of the specialty 5B011500 "Fundamentals of Law and Economics". Pavlodar: PSPI, 2017. - 271 p.
- Theory of state and law: an electronic teaching aid. Pavlodar: Scientific and Publishing Center of PSPI, 2017. - 320 p.
- Theory of state and law. - 2nd revised and enlarged ed. Pavlodar: TOO "New Style-NS", 2018. - 241 p. (stamp of RUMS UMO KazNPU named after Abay, Almaty)
In total, more than 200 scientific papers, in the materials of international and republican scientific and practical conferences, in journals recommended by the Committee on Scientific and Practical Research of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, leading journals of the RSCI database (Russian Federation), as well as in international journals with a non-zero impact factor (international Scopus databases). There is an Hirsch index in the Scopus, RSCI, GoogleScholar databases.
Disciplines taught. «Philosophy», «Fundamentals of Law and Anti-Corruption Culture», «Theory of State and Law», «Problems of the Theory of State and Law»,
- Laureate of state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists" (2014, Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
- Laureate of the Prize of the First President - Leader of the Nation Foundation in the field of science and technology (2016)
- Laureate of the M.O. Auezov for young scientists for the best work in the field of humanities, Science Committee (2017, MES RK).
- Winner of the title "Best University Teacher - 2017" (2017, MES RK).
Additional information.
- Member of the commission of annual regional and city Olympiads and competitions of scientific projects among schoolchildren, held by the regional scientific and practical center «Ertis daryny», «Pavlodar daryny».
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1. Karaganda University named after academician E.A. Buketov "Jurisprudence" 2011-2014. "Bachelor of Law".
2. Central Kazakhstan Academy 2014-2017. "Master of Law".
Akylbek Satkenov
List of published major works:
1. Zhauap alu kezindegi tactikalyk combinationalar" ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERNITY: An international scientific journal. No.1 (35) - 2022. - Karaganda: RIO Bolashak-Baspa, 2022. – 219 p.;
2. Alcoholdik zhane temeki onimderin paidalan zhane onin akimshiliktik – kukyktyk rettelui. Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Conference "Contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the University (April 13-14, 2023). In 3 parts. Part 3. NAO "Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov". - Karaganda: Publishing house of the Map, 2023. – 512 p.;
3. KR esirtkige taueldi kameletke tolmagan zhastar arasyndagi ulttyk kauipsizdik kauptiligi. Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Conference "Contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the University (April 13-14, 2023). In 3 parts. Part 3. NAO "Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov". - Karaganda: Publishing house of the Map, 2023. – 512 p.;
4. KR zhastary arasyndagi kukyktyk tarbieh aspectileri. Proceedings of the Republican Scientific Conference "Contribution of youth science to the implementation of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the University (April 13-14, 2023). In 3 parts. Part 3. NAO "Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov". - Karaganda: Publishing house of the Map, 2023. – 512 p.;
5. Ziyatkerlik kapitaldar Internet resourcestardyn destructivti dini kyzmetti nasihattau salasy retinde. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical online Conference "Formation of intellectual capital in the context of digital transformation: experience, challenges, prospects", December 14, 2022 In 2 parts. Part 1. /Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, NAO "Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov" - Karaganda: Publishing house of NAO "Karaganda Technical University named after Abylkas Saginov", 2022. – 742 p.;
6. Aspects of legal education among the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bulletin of the Innovative Eurasian University. 2024. № 1 ISSN 2709-3077.
Subjects taught:
"Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture", "Sociology".
• "Mangilik eldin murtebeli mugalimi" diploma (2019, Astana).
• Diploma of the 3rd degree "Zhyldyn uzdik ustasy", (Astana.2019)
Additional information:
• Member of the Kazakhstan Union of Lawyers (Astana.2012)
• Member of the "Educational and Methodological Center for the development of Education in the Karaganda region"
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Education: higher education – Maqsut Narikbayev University (KAZGUU), specialty " Jurisprudence" (2016-2020)
Master's degree: Maqsut Narikbayev University (KAZGUU), specialty "Jurisprudence" awarded the degree of "Master of Law" (2020-2023
List of published main works:
- • A system of comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of the local police service // Current scientific research in the modern world. – 2021. – № 7-3(75). – Pp. 144-149.
- • "Theoretical foundations of the concept of the police service model" // collection of the international scientific and practical conference "Law Enforcement: yesterday, today, tomorrow", RUDN Law Institute, Moscow, 2023
Subjects taught:
- • "Sociology"
- • "Fundamentals of law and anti-corruption culture"
Additional information:
She took advanced training courses at Maqsut Narikbayev University "KAZGUU School of Pedagogical Excellence 2022", as well as "HR and Law".
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Education: Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University, specialty: "Fundamentals of Law and Economics" qualification "Teacher of Fundamentals of Law and Economics"
Master's degree: Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, specialty: "Fundamentals of Law and Economics", awarded the degree of "Master of Education"
Career: from 2004 to 2007, she worked as a teacher at the College of Economics and Law in Semipalatinsk.
From 2009 to 2018, he was a teacher at the Pavlodar Pedagogical College
Since 2018, the Pavlodar Pedagogical University named after Alkey Margulan has been operating
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Education: higher
1996-2001 He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology of Karaganda State University named after E. Boketov as a philosopher, teacher of philosophy.
Subjects taught:
Political science
Main published works:
1. Significance and role of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan
Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern historical science of Kazakhstan and education: methodology, practice and new opportunities," dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pavlodar-2019 Page 439-442.
2, Independence and spiritual modernization.
Materials of the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Trends and Prospects for the Development of Modern Science and Education in Kazakhstan." Pavlodar -2019. Page, 206-209.3.Педогогические аспекты формирования компетентности модели выпускника ВУЗа.//Наука, новые технологии и инновации №3. Бишкек 2019.Стр, 169-172.
4. to the issue of managing the formation of professional competencies of university students .//Bulletin of the MUK. № 1. Bishkek. 2019. Page 254-257.
5. Methodological approaches to managing the formation of special competencies in the vocational education system.
//Actual scientific research in the modern world. No. 2 (34) Part 7. Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. Ukraine-2020. Page, 177-183.
6, Technology for monitoring the formation of special competencies of students in the system of higher professional education. Current scientific research in the modern world. No. 2 (34) Part 7. Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. Ukraine-2019. Page 184-188.
7. pedagogical aspects of the formation of the competence model of a graduate of the university. (on the example of bachelor's and humanitarian education) Science, new technologies and innovations of Kyrgyzstan No. 1-2019.
8. Pedagogical monitoring and its role in the formation of professional competencies of university students. Scientific aspect 2020. No. 2s. 43-49. Bishkek.
9. Educational technology and distance learning. Grigory Skvorod University in Pereyaslavl. International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference. "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization." 29.11.2022.
10.Issues of shaping the worldview of schoolchildren. Grigory Skvorod University in Pereyaslavl. International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference. "Trends and prospects for the development of science and education in the context of globalization." 26.11.2021
11, Philosophical questions in the flame of poetic zhyrau. Kazakhstan School of Dialectical Logic: History and Modernity. Collection of materials of the international scientific-practical conference. Almaty-2023.
12. Famous philosophers. Educational and methodological manual. (K.F. Zagiparov)
13. Psychological and pedagogical support of professional self-determination of adolescents in the educational process system. Bulletin of KazNPU named after Abay, series "Pedagogical Sciences" 24.01.2023.
Repeatedly awarded letters of thanks and diplomas of the Rector of the University. (2015,2018,2019,2021).