Teaching staff
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Yerkibayeva Meruert Kuandykovna
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Full name |
Yerkibayeva Meruert Kuandykovna |
Position, academic degree |
K. H. N., associate professor of the highest School of memory of Pavlodar Pedagogical University |
Kolba2020@bk.ru |
Education |
Higher, in 2001-Pavlodar State University im. Toraigyrova on specialty "teacher of chemistry" |
Professional experience |
Scientific and pedagogical activity from 2007 |
Courses taught |
Inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry |
Publications |
More than 35 publications, including 2 educational and methodological articles |
Educational and methodical literature |
Case-method, as part of improving the memory of students (monograph), PGPU, 2020-107 C |
Awards |
"The horde of teachers - 60 years" |
Senior lecturer of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Master of Geography
Omarov Murabek Kapbasovich
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Full name |
Omarov Murabek Kapbasovich |
Position, academic degree |
Head of the Department of geography and chemistry, Higher School of memory |
omarovmk@pspu.kz |
Education |
Higher education |
Professional experience |
Scientific and pedagogical activity from 2007 |
Courses taught |
Public land surveying, physical geography, cartography with GIS basics, geoecology and other areas |
Publications |
More than 30 publications, including 2 educational and methodological Articles, 1 monograph, 15 publications, 1 article in scientific journals, recommended KKSON Mon RK, 3 articles in scientific journals, recommended VAC of the Russian Federation, 20 articles in materials of international conferences. |
Educational and methodical literature |
1. cartography and topography-Pavlodar: PMPI, 2013. - 210 P. 2. geoecology of the steppe Steppe (Pavlodar region) (monograph) - Pavlodar: PGPI, 2017. - 162 PP. |
Awards |
Jubilee Medal "horde of teachers - 55 years", Jubilee Medal 60 years PPU im A. Margulana. |
Senior Lecturer, Master of Cultural Studies
Elemesov Alibek Kablahatovich
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Full name |
Yelemesov Alibek Kablakhatovich |
Position, academic degree |
Lecturer-expert of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Master of Cultural Studies |
alibek-ele@mail.ru |
Education |
Higher education |
Professional experience |
Scientific and pedagogical activity since 2006 |
Courses taught |
"Geography of the population", "Physical geography of Kazakhstan", "Economic and social geography of the world", "Economic and social geography of Kazakhstan", "General geography", "Physical geography", etc. |
Publications |
Author of about 40 scientific articles, including 3 articles journal indexed by Scopus and Web of Science databases, 2 articles journal KKSON, 1 article journal RSCI, 1 author's certificate, 4 teaching aids, 5 collections |
Educational and methodical literature |
1.Dasturli kazak ethnografiyasy (educational and methodical manual, 1-2 t.). (Authorlarmen birge). Pavlodar: "Kereku", 2 bolimnen turady 2008 zh. – 260 b., 345 b. 2. Pavlodar oblysyn 2008 J. arnalgan tarikhi atalyp otiletin zhane eske alynatyn kunterdin kutyzbesi (Kurastyrushy) Pavlodar: "ECO", 2008. – 112 b. 3. "Historical heritage in 3 volumes". (Volume 2) (as part of the authors). Pavlodar: "Kereku", 2008. – 325 p. "Kazangap bi Satybaldyly". (kurastyrushy.) Pavlodar: "Kereku", 2008.-173 b. 4. Khalkynyn batyr uldary (Kereku-Bayan onirinin batyrlary boyynsha makalalar men materialdar zhinagi) Pavlodar: Kereku, 2008.-182 b. 5."Kazakhstan tarikhy pani boyynsha electronic oku courses" electronic Electronic oku kuraly, Astana 2011 zh. 6. Gylym-zertteu zhumystarynyn negizderi. Okytushylarga arnalgan oku-adistemelik nuskau Pavlodar: PMPI, 2015 – 46 b. 7. Tarihi geography. Oku-adistemelik keshen. Elemesov A.K.,– Pavlodar, PMPI, 2016 – 159 b. |
Awards |
Tarihi geography. Oku-adistemelik keshen. Elemesov A.K.,– Pavlodar, PMPI, 2016 – 159 b. Medal 55th anniversary of PGPU 2017 Certificate of Honor of the Department of Education of Pavlodar, 2018 PPU rectors of Algys khaty, 2022, |
Director of OP Chemistry and Geography, PhD Associate Professor of the Higher School of Natural Sciences
Mukanova Roza Zhumkenovna
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Full name |
Mukanova Roza Zhumkenovna |
Position, academic degree |
academic degree candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Higher School of Natural Sciences of Pavlodar Pedagogical University. Alkey Margulan |
Kolba2020@bk.ru |
Education |
Scientific and pedagogical activity since 1992 |
Professional experience |
Courses" physical chemistry","Colloidal chemistry |
Publications |
Courses" physical chemistry","Colloidal chemistry" |
Educational and methodical literature |
More than 50 publications, including in scientific publications recommended by the committee for control in education and science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan -16; in journals with a non-zero impact factor Thomson Reuters, Scopus, CRCnetBASE, Science Direct, Springer, Web of Science, ResearcherID, etc. -2; in international journals and materials of scientific conferences - 34, educational, teaching aids -5, patents-2, copyright certificates -1, h-index-2. |
Awards |
2017 letter of thanks from the Akim of Pavlodar region 2017 letter of thanks from the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 55th Anniversary Medal of PSPU 2018 letter of thanks from the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2021 Certificate of honor of the Department of Education of Pavlodar 2022 International Association of young scientists, national movement "Bobek"letter of thanks 2022 medal" Eren enbegi ushin" 2022 Anniversary Medal of the 60th anniversary of PPU. A. Margulan lycacia |
Teacher of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Master of Natural Sciences in Ecology
Serzhan Madina Erlankyzy
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Full name |
Serzhan Madina Erlankyzy |
Position, academic degree |
Teacher of the Higher School of Natural Sciences, Master of Natural Sciences in Ecology |
Education |
2011-2015-PSPI, specialty-5B011600-Geography 2015-2017-BSPU named after M. Akmulla, scientific direction -Geoecology (Master's degree) |
Professional experience |
Scientific and pedagogical activity since 2015. |
Courses taught |
Methods of teaching geography, cartography with the basics of geoformatics, guided tours, geography of international tourism and others. |
Publications |
In total, there are more than 10 articles in the materials of international conferences and others. |
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Шоманова Жанат Кайроллиновна
- zshomah@yandex.kz
- Address
- room
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Шоманова Жанат Кайроллиновна |
Position, academic degree |
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor |
zshomah@yandex.kz |
Education |
1979 - Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov, Bachelor's degree, specialty – chemistry. 1991 – awarded the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences (Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov) 2011 - awarded the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. |
Professional experience |
The total teaching experience is 44 years, the scientific and pedagogical work experience at the university is 44 years. 2009-2010 – was the head of the Department of Geography and Ecology of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute 2010 - present Professor at the Higher School of Natural Sciences Participation in international grant financing projects: 2015-2017 – Resource-saving technologies for the joint processing of solid fossil fuels and industrial and household waste into liquid motor fuels 2018-2020 - Environmental monitoring using neural networks to assess the state of the environment of Pavlodar 2020-2022 - Study of technogenesis at the facilities of industrial zones of Kazakhstan with the compilation of ecotechno-geochemical maps of the spread of pollutants 2022-2024 - Environmental monitoring of industrial zones of Pavlodar using neural networks |
Courses taught |
Chemistry of carbon and its compounds, Theory of electron displacements, Catalytic technologies for improving the ecology of industrial enterprises, Stereochemistry of organic compounds. |
Publications |
There are more than 150 publications in total, including 2 textbooks, 1 textbook, 4 patents, 6 Web of Science publications, 9 CiteScore publications in the Scopus database, 8 COXON publications, numerous publications in international conferences.
Educational and methodical literature |
Awards |
Award of the state grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The best teacher of the University of the Republic of Kazakhstan" - 2017 Numerous letters of thanks, certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Badge "For merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan" – 2021. |
Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences
Nosenko Yuri Gennadievich
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Position, academic degree |
Associate Professor, Candidate of Chemical Sciences |
nosenko1980@yandex.ru |
Education |
1998-2003 S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University. Faculty of Natural Sciences, specialty: Chemistry and Biology, qualification: teacher of Biology and Chemistry 2003-2006 Full-time postgraduate study at the D.V. Sokolsky Institute of Organic Catalysis and Electrochemistry, Almaty. Specialties "catalysis"; "petrochemistry". |
Professional experience |
Courses taught |
Chemical structure and functions, Chemistry of elements of the periodic system, Solving complicated problems in chemistry, Chemistry of carbon and its compounds, The art of chemical synthesis, Chemical technology, New approaches in teaching and learning, Modern technologies of higher education, Technology of processing of hydrocarbon raw materials |
Publications |
46 publications, including 5 articles in scientific journals in the scopus database, 2 articles (thomson) and 1- CCSON RK, 5-patents |
Educational and methodical literature |
- |
Awards |
A letter of thanks to Vkin, a Certificate of Honor from the Akim of Pavlodar region. |
Senior Lecturer, Master of Geography
Сарсембаева Динара Канатовна
- dinaraacko82@mail.ru
- Address
- room
More information
Position, academic degree |
Senior Lecturer, Master of Geography |
Education |
Higher education, in 2004 – Pavlodar State University named after Toraighyrova in the specialty "teacher of history and geography" 2006 - Master's degree of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute in the specialty "geography" 2017 - second higher of the Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute in the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" 2017.-Postgraduate course of Altai State Pedagogical University "Theory and methodology of vocational education" |
Professional experience |
The total teaching experience is 16 years, the scientific and pedagogical work experience at the university is 15 years, the teaching experience at school is 1 year. 2004 history teacher at secondary school No. 34 2005-present Senior Lecturer at the Higher School of Natural Sciences |
Courses taught |
General earth science, Cartography with the basics of topography, Physical geography, Concepts of modern natural science, Social and economic geography of Kazakhstan, Geoinformatics |
Publications |
In total, more than 12 publications, including 2 teaching aids, 5 publications of the RSCI; 3 articles in scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, 2 articles in the materials of international conferences. |
Educational and methodical literature |
Awards |
Letters of thanks and diplomas of the rector of the PSPI. |