Human Resources Office
The head of department
Veselova Tatyana Valentinovna
- 651633 (вн. 217)
- Phone
- Mira street, 60, buiding No. 1
- Address
- 126
- room
More information
- registration of personnel in organization;
- participation in work of certifying commissions;
- participation in commission work on definition work experience;
- conducting and storage established documentation on shots;
- acquaintance employees of higher educational school with administrative documents, concerning personnel questions;
- registration of reception, transfer and dismissal workers according to the Labour code of Republic Kazakhstan;
- filling and keeping work record book;
- conclusion labor contracts with workers;
- registration of annual holidays according to the confirmed schedules;
- providing safety and delivery in state archive documents confirming labor activity of workers;
- сontrol over labor discipline condition in divisions of institute and observance by workers rules of the internal labor schedule.
- To demand written explanation from workers concerning the infringements of labor discipline made by them, to prepare projects of orders on imposing summary punishments and encouragements.