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Department of Academic Affairs

Директор департамента

Жакиенова Алия Амангельдиевна

The Department of Academic Affairs is an independent structural unit created in order to increase the efficiency of work on the implementation of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, to ensure the organization, coordination and control of the educational process, educational and methodological work at the university.


  • implementation of activities to fulfill the mission of the university to provide quality educational services in the field of secondary, higher and postgraduate education, the implementation of tasks to achieve the goals of the Development Strategy and the Development Program of Pavlodar Pedagogical University;
  • management and coordination of educational and methodological activities of the university;
  • planning, organization and control of the educational process;
  • registration and accounting of the contingent of students, registration of all educational achievements of students;
  • development of normative and administrative documentation governing the organization and provision of the educational process, aimed at increasing their efficiency;
  • control over the implementation of licensing and accreditation requirements for the educational activities of the university;
  • accounting and current regulation of the dynamics of the staff of the teaching staff and educational support personnel of higher schools;
  • implementation of interaction with structural divisions of the university, executive bodies in the field of education on issues related to the competence of the department;
  • generalization and analysis of the results of the educational process.

The structure of the Department of Academic Affairs has three divisions:

  • educational and methodical department
  • registrar's office
  • department of practice and employment

Department contacts:

st. Mir, 60, educational building No. 1, office No. 322

8 (7182) 65-16-58, int. 361

e-mail: s_smaile@mail.ru