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Educational program «Foreign languages: two foreign languages»

1. Implemented options

OP 8D01730 Foreign language: two foreign languages

Educational theory: Linguodidactics of Intercultural Education / Leadership in Education

Duration of study: 3 years

Degree awarded: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 8D01730 – Foreign language: two foreign languages

OP 7M01731 Foreign language: two foreign languages, scientific and pedagogical direction

Educational trajectory: Education Management / Intercultural Communication

Duration of study: 2 years

Form of study: based on postgraduate education

Awarded degree 7M01731 – Foreign language: two foreign languages, Master of Pedagogical Sciences

OP 6B01730 Foreign language; two foreign languages

Educational trajectory: English and German Language Teacher Training/ Advanced Studies

Duration of study: 4 years

Form of study: full-time on the basis of the CCA

Qualification: Teacher of English and German (Chinese) languages, advanced studies

OP 6B01730 Foreign language: two foreign languages

Educational trajectory: Translation Studies

Duration of study: 2 years

Form of study: full-time on the basis of VET (dual training)

Qualification: Teacher of English and German languages, advanced studies

OP 6B01730 Foreign language: two foreign languages

Educational trajectory: English and German Language Teacher Training / Translation Studies

Duration of study: 3 years

Form of study: full-time on the basis of a TVET

Qualification: Teacher of English and German languages/ Translation Studies

OP 6B01730 Foreign language: two foreign languages

Educational trajectory: English and German Language Teacher Training / Translation Studies

Duration of study: 2 years

Form of study: full-time on the basis of higher education

Qualification: Teacher of English and German languages/ Translation Studies

2. Cooperation, social partnership

The educational program "Foreign language: two foreign languages" actively cooperates with some educational institutions (support schools) in Pavlodar. This cooperation is carried out in the following areas:

- organizing and conducting all types of practices for students;

- organization of seminars, master classes and trainings for school leaders and teachers, in particular, a seminar on the topic was held in Gymnasium No. 3
"Teacher leadership as a factor in improving the quality of education" (September 2022), on the basis of Secondary School No. 7 - seminars for young teachers "Effective lesson planning" through the Department of Education of Pavlodar (October 2022), "Development of 4K skills in the classroom” (March 2023); training seminar for school leaders of the Pavlodar region "Managing changes in the organization of education" through the Department of Education of Pavlodar was held in November 2022 on the basis of Secondary school No. 25, a seminar for deputy school principals on career guidance "Atlas of new professions: Why? What? How?" in the PPU (February 2023);

- participation of teachers of the Educational Institution in the week of languages (Secondary School No. 11, February, 2023);

- attracting schoolchildren to participate in various events, for example, in Secondary School No. 24, a “Brain ring” was held with high school students (March 2022);

- conducting a survey for heads of educational institutions based on the results of students' internship, the level of their methodological and language training;

- annual involvement of teachers and school leaders in the discussion of CAD and syllabuses.

Cooperation with basic schools is a guarantee for attracting applicants to enter the Vocational School for the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages".

3. Practice bases

For high-quality training of specialists of the OP "Foreign language: two foreign languages", special attention is paid to the organization, conduct and effectiveness of practices.

Students of the educational program undergo internships, which are divided into educational (introductory), psychological and pedagogical, pedagogical, industrial and pre-graduate practice. The University concludes long-term contracts with educational institutions (practice bases) of the city of Pavlodar, where the material and technical base fully meets the requirements for conducting practical classes and industrial (professional) practices.

The main bases for passing all types of professional practice are secondary schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, in particular, students of the educational institution have the opportunity to practice at secondary schools №№ 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 11,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 36, 39, 41, 42, gymnasium No. 9, Lyceum for gifted children named after Y. Altynsarin, etc.

In order to form a teacher of a new formation and improve the quality of training, senior students (3-4) of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" undergo pedagogical and industrial practice at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Pavlodar. The internship at the NIS has a fruitful impact on the development of students' communicative, linguistic, and professional competence.

Advanced educational organizations such as BILIM-INNOVATION Boarding School for Gifted Boys and Girls, OMLIOD, Lyceum No. 10 for gifted children named after Abai, gymnasium No. 3 for gifted children of Pavlodar, etc. are involved in the graduates' industrial pedagogical practice.

The practice bases provide students with methodological, informational and advisory assistance and provide the opportunity to conduct graduate studies during their internship.

4. Full name of the head of the OP

Aliya Saduovna Zholdabayeva, Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (Great Britain), MA AL(UK).

5. General data on PPP

Teaching staff according to the staff schedule - 25

4 – part - timers

1- hourly (management of master's theses)

6 – Candidates of Sciences

2 – PhD doctors

14 – masters (2 - international master's degree "Bolashak")

Settling down – 32%

Professors of the OP – Ph.D. Kulakhmetova M.S., Ph.D. Baigozhina Zh.M.

Associate professors of the OP – Ph.D. Nygmetova B.D., Ph.D. Kulbaeva B.T., Ph.D. Zhetpisbai A. K., Ph.D. Bekturova A.B., Ph.D. Demesinova G.H.

PHD doctors – Akhmetova A.B., Alimova Sh.Zh.




