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Educational program "Social Pedagogy and pedagogical support in education"

Educational program "Social Pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" 

Head of the EP: Shavalieva Zulfiya Shavalievna

 The educational program 6B01811 - "social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" was developed in accordance with the state educational standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the professional standard of the teacher, the National Qualifications Framework, agreed with Dublin descriptors and the European Qualifications Framework.

The educational program is formed on the basis of a competency-based approach to design and has a modular format.

Training of future specialists is carried out on the basis of general secondary education, on the basis of technical and vocational education and higher education in the form of full-time (full-time, full-time distance) training in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

The educational program is focused on the expectations of employers and the needs of the region's economy. It relies on the general strategy for the innovative development of pedagogical education, which is reflected in the documents on the modernization of the higher professional education system of the country.

In addition, the EP is a tool for the development of self-realization and self-development needs based on accounting for individual characteristics and academic opportunities of students, ensuring integration into the European Higher Education Area.

Requirements for the basic content and structure of programs of academic disciplines of the specialty are presented in the form of a set of training cycles.

In accordance with the fact that the subject" self-knowledge "has lost its relevance in school programs, changes have been made to the educational program 5B012300" social pedagogy and self-knowledge "and since 2023, the educational program 6B01811" social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education " has been introduced.

The purpose of the educational program is to prepare Bachelors of the EP 6B01811 "social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" - who have the necessary competencies for professional activity and are able to carry out productive social and pedagogical activities in organizations of preschool, special and general secondary education, taking into account the principles of inclusion. Under the educational program of the educational institution 6B01811" social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education", students have a wide range of opportunities for mastering modern knowledge that allows them to acquire, develop and maintain fundamental professional competencies in the field of theory, practice and methods of teaching in preschool, school and special educational organizations.

 A graduate of the educational program –6b01811 "social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" has the right and opportunity in his professional activities to engage in the organization of the pedagogical process of all types and types in institutions of preschool, secondary, technical and vocational education, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental subordination.

The teaching staff of the educational program" Social Pedagogy and pedagogical support in education " is a structure with a unique, holistic system that unites scientists of various professional directions. The teaching staff of the educational program is distinguished by a high scientific potential. Today, leading doctors and candidates of Sciences, PhD Doctors, undergraduates of universities participate in the implementation of the educational program.

Within the framework of the strategy for the development of human resources of the educational program" Social Pedagogy and pedagogical support in education", the main task is to implement a consistent personnel policy, which includes systems for monitoring the effectiveness of teaching staff and the educational process, improving their skills, improving methodological skills and teaching ethics.

Scientific work is one of the priority areas for the development of the educational program. Teachers of the educational program have completed scientific internships in universities in Italy and Georgia. Teachers regularly participate in scientific seminars and conferences of various levels, publish scientific and scientific-methodological articles in various publications.

The research work of the educational program" Social Pedagogy and pedagogical support in education "is carried out in the research program of the University on the topic" development of professional training of social teachers in life long Learning".

The professional growth of teaching staff is reflected in research activities. For example, within the framework of the EP There is a PhD Alibaeva zh. E., who studied at the target Order of PPU in the specialty "6d012300 – social pedagogy", and the teacher-expert Tazhenova G. B. is a graduate of the doctoral specialty 6d012300 – "Social Pedagogy". G. I. Zhumazhanova continues her studies at the doctoral program of ENU named after L. N. Gumilyov in the specialty 6d012300 – "Social Pedagogy".

The personnel potential reflects the readiness of teachers to perform their functions, to carry out pedagogical activities both at the present time and in the long term, taking into account their age, scientific and pedagogical qualifications, practical experience, business activity, quality of activity.

The educational process in the training profile 6B01811 "social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" is provided by 13 teachers, including 1 doctor of science,4 candidates of Science, 2 PhD Doctors of philosophy, 6 Masters.

The main resource of the educational process is the teaching staff implemented by the EP. The educational program 6B01811 "social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" has a sufficient staff of teachers, the total number of which is determined taking into account the number of subjects, the standards of the academic load, the contingent of students.

The staff of teachers ensuring the implementation of 6b01811 "social pedagogy and pedagogical support in education" consists of highly qualified and competent employees with fairly extensive experience in scientific, pedagogical and practical activities.

Teachers of the EP improve their skills through advanced training courses, training seminars, trainings and internships in central universities of the country and beyond. Professional development of teaching staff abroad is carried out both under General programs and within the framework of individual visits to internships, seminars and trainings.

In 2022, teachers took the following courses:

Nurmagambetova B. A., Shavalieva Z. Sh. "students functional literacy within the framework of the "PISA" international study" at Istanbul University (Turkey); Mustafina Raushan Suyindykovna "communication: how to increase student participation" Almau-2022 Winter School; Alibayeva zh. E., Sarsembayeva E. Yu., Utilova a.m., Soltanbayeva B. F., Khalelova A. H., Mustafina R. S. "easy to learn: Neuropsychology in early childhood and school age" on the educational platform "sklad"; E. Yu.  Sarsembayeva "advanced training seminars Management in the higher education in the field of psychology and special pedagogy" Napoli, Italy; Nurgalieva A. K. "psychological and pedagogical support of students in the framework of Inclusive Education".

In 2023, Nurmagambetova B. A. research activities of the teacher "Action Recovery and Lesson Study" sklad, "in formal recognition of the completion of the internationallline-internship" Bullying-prevention strategies: promote an anti-bullying school climate sklad, "professional competence of a teacher working in an inclusive education" SKLAD, "international online internship completion of the international recognition of the International application internship" educational spaces international approaches and sustainable solutions for creating a prosperous educational environment sklad; Shavalieva Z. Sh., Alibaeva Z. E., Utilova a.m., Sarsembayeva E. Yu., "Management in education: organization and management of student centralized learning"; Nurmagambetova B. A., Alibaeva Z. E. Shavalieva Z. Sh., Sarsembaeva E. Yu. "international approaches to the Prevention of bullying"; Sarsembayeva E. Yu., Mustafina R. S. "Management in education: the life cycle of the educational program management", "for creating a prosperous educational environment"; Shavalieva Z. Sh., Alibaeva zh. e., utilova a.m., Mustafina R. S. "Educational spaces international approaches and sustainable solutions for creating a prosperous educational environment "SKLAD; Sarsembayeva E. Yu. Diagnostics from 0 to 18 years old "sklad", family crises, conflicts and infidelities (methods of diagnosis, counseling) National Research Institute of additional education and vocational training upo ANO; Alibaeva zh.E. "Teacher Education KZEMP" within the framework of the project "Strengthening the potential of pedagogical education".

Teaching staff also improve student centralized learning skills by attending student centralized learning courses, for example," Management in education: organization and management of student centralized learning", in syllabuses this is reflected in the constructive coordination of goals, tasks, active methods and assessment tasks.

Assoc. Professor E. Yu. Sarsembayeva took part in the training seminar" application of CLIL technology", which uses this technology in the process of teaching students.

Shavalieva Z. Sh., Alibaeva Z. E., in 2023 took part in the PC course "scaling Finnish educational programs" on the basis of the University. In 2024, most op teachers continue to participate in the course "scaling Finnish educational programs". One of the most important areas of the course is the use of active and interactive techniques in classes.

The teaching staff actively conducts and participates in seminars, for example, the teacher-researcher of the EP Alibaeva zh.E.organized and conducted a joint seminar with teachers of schools in Pavlodar. In December 2022, a seminar was held with the participation of students and social teacher of School No. 31 A. S. Bekseitova.