Biological Sciences of Kazakhstan 2021 №2
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K.K. Aytlesov K.M. Aubakirova Z.A. Alikulov
The effect of copper ions on the growth and content of proline in wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.)
The article presents the results of the study of the influence of copper heavy metals on the germination and growth of wheat seeds (Triticum aestirum L.) of the variety Akmola 2. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions. As a source of copper, concentrations of the CuSO4 salt of 50 μmol, 100 μmol, 150 μmol, and 300 μmol were taken. The seeds were pre-primed in a solution of molybdate (75 mM Na2MoO4*2H2O) for uniform germination. The results of the influence of primed and non-primed seeds on some physiological indicators of growth and development in these concentrations of copper are discussed. The germination rate of seeds primed for heavy metal salts remains higher than that of seeds not primed. It is shown that in response to stress caused by copper metal salts, plants are responsible for the accumulation of a significant amount of proline in the leaves and roots that perform a protective function. The results obtained indicate the resistance of the wheat plant to the effects of heavy metals of copper, seeds primed with molybdate. Keywords:copper influence, seed priming, seed germination, proline, stability.
A.M. Kasymkhanov
Physical and geographical characteristics and ichthyofauna of local reservoirs of the East Kazakhstan region
The article presents the results of research work carried out in 2020 on the reservoirs of local significance of the East Kazakhstan region. Research works were carried out on the lakes Saryolen, Arasan and Batyrkhankol of the Kurchum district; the reservoir on the Kandysu River in the Tarbagatai district; reservoirs No. 2 and No. 3 on the Ulan River in the Ulan district; Lake Alimba on the territory of the city administration of Semey; Lake Dolonskoye in the Beskaragai district of the East Kazakhstan region. The physical and geographical characteristics of the studied reservoirs are described. The species composition of the ichthyofauna of reservoirs of local significance in the East Kazakhstan region is presented. The biological analysis of commercial fish species by age, length, weight, Fulton fatness coefficient, and sex ratio is also carried out. The results of the research work are summed up. Key words: ichthyofauna, population, lake, reservoir, ichthyology, biological analysis, reservoir.
Zh.R.Kabdolov, K.M.Tursunkhanov, A.M. Kasymkhanov, I.V. Pritykin, G.K. Kabdolova
Ichthyofauna of some reservoirs of local significance in Aksu district, Pavlodar region
In 2020, research works were carried out on seven reservoirs of local significance in Aksu district, Pavlodar region. These are Lake Komendant, Lake Krasnoe, Lake Lesnoe, Lake Topalevoe, Lake Kara Murza, Lake Baltazhar and the Karasu Channel. In these reservoirs, the ichthyological composition was studied, such fish species as pike (Esox lucius L., 1758), silver carp (C. gibelio (Bloch, 1782)), golden carp (Carassius carassius (L., 1758)), rotan (Perccottus glenii Dybowski), tench (Tinca tinca (L., 1758)), perch (Perca fluviatilis L. ,1758), roach (Rutilus rutilus (L., 1758)), carp (Cyprinus carpio L.,1758), and bream (Abramis brama (L., 1758)). The species of fish included in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as rare or endangered, are not marked in the research catches of the studied reservoirs. Keywords: Ichthyology, lake, channel, district, reservoir.
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V.T. Hayrapetyan
The daily activity of breech martes (Martes foina Erxleben, 1777) in different parts of the «Kachaghakaberd» national park
The work presents the peculiarities of the activity of the beech martens of "Kachaghakaberd" National Park in the territories of Martakert, Askeran, Shahumyan and Kashatagh regions of Artsakh in 2002-2020. The observations carried out by us showed that there are no marked deviations within the area. However, deviations are recorded at different times of the day and in different seasons of the year. Studies show that the breech martens are mostly active during dusk and night; however they may also be active during the mornings and throughout the day. Higher activity is observed during daylight hours in spring, which is due to the spring mating of animals and in winter, which, in our opinion, is due to the compensation of low activity because of the night frosts. Changes in the nature of the activity of these beasts are conditioned by large predators, climatic and anthropogenic factors. As a result of the observations we found out that in summer at the temperature of +33 - +35 oC and in winter at the temperature of -15 - -22 oC their activity is lost. In summer they are more frequently encountered when the temperature is +23 - +25 0C, meanwhile in winter, they are encountered if the temperature is not below -8 - -130C. One of the factors affecting the activity of Breech martens is the stress, resulted from the economic activities, that sometimes causes extinction.
Keywords: "Kachaghakaberd" National Park, area, beech martens, population, activity, climate |
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E.S. Gabdullin, D.Kh. Abrayeva
Analysis of the taxonomic composition of hydrobionts of several reservoirs of Aksu district, Pavlodar region
The Pavlodar region has an extensive fund of fishery reservoirs. Objects of research: hydrobionts and hydrobiocenoses of local reservoirs of Aksu district, Pavlodar region. 6 reservoirs were examined: Muldak Lake, Karasevoe Lake, Horseshoe Lake, Kureken Lake, Maten Lake and Zholpak Channel. 12 samples of zooplankton recorded in 10% formalin and 12 samples of macrozoobenthos recorded in 96% alcohol were collected. After analyzing the collected materials, it is possible to identify representatives of 9 taxa, three main groups (Rotifera, Copepoda, and Cladocera) from zooplankton in the surveyed reservoirs. Macrozoobenthos included species of the groups diptera larvae, mollusks, leeches, caddisfly larvae, mayfly larvae, dragonfly larvae, and hemiptera. On average, reservoirs correspond to reservoirs with an average trophic capacity on the scale of S. P. Kitaev. Keywords: Macrozoobenthos, lake, zooplankton, forage base, reservoir.
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G.V. Kaleyeva, B.B. Gabdulkhaeva
Using multimedia tools in Вiology lessons
The article is devoted to the possibility of using multimedia presentations in a biology lesson. Multimedia presentations are considered as modern means of teaching, which are the future pedagogical technologies. Being modern technical means of teaching, they contribute to improving the effectiveness of visibility in biology lessons and the qualitative assimilation of biological knowledge. The article briefly describes the importance of multimedia tools for teaching biology, types of electronic educational publications in biology. Demonstration of the mechanisms of working with multimedia tools in the classroom and in the extracurricular work of a biology teacher. The results of a pedagogical experiment on the problem of using multimedia tools in teaching biology are summarized. The use of multimedia tools in training is very promising, since multimedia allows you to use all the channels of information transmission in the learning process, as well as to maximize the use of all types of memory. The mechanisms of working with multimedia tools in the classroom and in extracurricular activities of a biology teacher are shown. The results of a pedagogical experiment on the problem of using multimedia tools in teaching biology are summarized. The methodological features of the use of multimedia tools in the biology lesson are described. Keywords: multimedia presentations, effectiveness of teaching, improving the quality of teaching, novelty, methods of biology.
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