

The academic department of music education began the existence as a part of "Pedagogics and Technique of Elementary Education" chair which was created in 1986. Kondrushina Tatyana Ivanova and Kokumbayeva Baghlan of Dzhiyenshayeva were the first teachers-musicians.

1990 can be considered as year of birth of independent department of music. PMNO chair was divided into two: Techniques of Elementary Education chair and chair "Pedagogics and musical and esthetic education" (the first manager of chair - the candidate of art criticism Kokumbayeva B. D.).

In 1995 the specialty "Music and Singing" opens. In 1996 the chair receives the name chair "Musical and esthetic education". The chair received the present name in December, 2000.

Since 2006 the head of the department is the cultural figure of RK, Candidate of art criticism, doctor of PhD, associate professor Zhanaykhan Erkin, and graduate of the Bulgarian conservatory and Sofisky of musical academy.

Veterans of the academic department: professor, the Doctor of Philosophy Kokumbayeva B. D. (works at chair since 1986), the associate professor, the doctor of PhD Denisova N. I. (works at chair since 1988), the associate professor, the doctor of PhD Lichman E.Yu. (Works at chair since 1989), Ven. Bayzhanova S.Sh (works at chair since 1993), the Art. Of Ven. Itemgenov B. U. (works at chair since 1994)

Young scientists: candidate of philosophical sciences Smirnova N. E., graduate of chair of 1988, candidate of pedagogical sciences Azamat T., graduate of chair of 2003, Art. Ven. master Sagitova Zh.S., graduate of chair of 1999, master of pedagogics Tulekova R. A., graduate of chair of 2004.


Main directions of research activity of chair:

Traditional musical culture ( Kokumbayeva B. D., Cand.Phil.Sci. Smirnova N. E., Azamat T., Art. Of Ven. Sagitov Zh.S.)

Art and musical culture of Pavlodar Priirtyshyi (doctor of PhD Zhanaykhan E., doctor of PhD Denisova N. I., Ven. Bayzhanova S.SH.)

Art life of Kazakhstan (doctor of PhD Lichman E.Yu., Art. of Ven. Itemgenov B. U., Ven. Shayza T., Kanayeva T.K.)

Actual problems of music education (Art. of Ven. Sagitov Zh.S., Cand.Phil.Sci. Smirnova N. E., doctor of PhD Denisova N. I., Ven. Doroshenko T.M.)


Specialty 5B010600 - "Music education".

Specialization - the organizer of out-of-class work.


On a full-time department - 4 years, on the basis of secondary professional education - not less than 3 years; on the basis of higher education - not less than 2 years.


The content of preparation includes an educational minimum of knowledge in the field of social and humanitarian and public disciplines; musical and theoretical preparation (music history, theory of music, musical pedagogics, and technique of music education), performing preparation (choral conducting, vocal class, concert maker class, musical instruments: piano, dombra, cobyz, bayan).


Preschool institutions

Organizations of the general average and secondary professional education

Cultural and leisure centers

Cultural institutions and arts, musical studios


Адрес: г. Павлодар, ПГПИ, ул. Торайгырова, 58, ауд. 501в


Телефон: 65-16-17.


