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In September, 2013 the teachers of department took part in the Republican research and practice conference "Role of religion in modern sociocultural space" and got certificates.

There is an associate professor of Каrimоvа А.Е in October, 2013. completed course in-plant training in the Republican institute of in-plant training of leading and scientifically-pedagogical workers of the system of formation of Republic of Kazakhstan on the program of "Өрлеу" Аlmara and got a certificate.

In October, 2013 associate professors of Iljsova A.S., Амmanоvа А.S. and senior teacher Тisbаеvа А.К. passed a student international seminar training "Innovative approaches in regional economic development" within the framework of in-plant training.

There is associate professor Sаbdаnbekevа Z.А in October, 2013., страший teacher of Маkishеvа А.Т. took part in the seminar of "Отан тарихын оқыту мәселелері бойынша педагогикалық идеялар алмасу" by the conducted research and practice center "Ертис Дарыны" and got the certificate of participant.

In November, 2013 associate Professor PGPIАmаnоvа А.S. in Lisabon (Portugal) in a technical higher institute (ISEL) completed course in-plant training got a certificate.

In November, 2013 there is an associate professor of Sizdikova А.М , Sаbdanbekova Z.А. organized a theoretical methodical seminar for the teachers of schools of area of "Feature in teaching study" of a particular region; in December, 2013 the teachers of department took part in a scientifically-methodical seminar "issues of the day of national history" and got certificates.

There are associate professors of Каrimоvа А.Е in December, 2013 ., Sizdikova А.М., Аitkеnоv Z.Sh., Аmаnоvа А.S., teachers of Маkishеvа А.Т., Rаkishеvа G.К. and teacher of Каbulоvа P.М. Took part in the seminar of "Elsevier ScienceDirect and Scopus Training" and got the certificates of participants.

In March, 2014 associate professor Z. Аitkеnоv completed course educating of trainers on the program of the third (base) level within the framework of the level programs of in-plant training of pedagogical shots of Republic of казахстан and got the certificate of participant.

There are associate professors of Sабданбекова З.А in April, 2014., Каrиmоvа А.Е., АmаnоvаА.S., teacher ТоhmеtоvаG.М. took part in the scientifically-methodical online-seminar of "12 жылдық білім I take жағдайында жұмыс істеуге педагогикалық кадрларды дайындау" and got the certificate of participant.

In a period from June, 30 for July, 13, 2014 professor of Оtеpоvа G.Е. completed course in-plant training in the Варминско-мазурском university (Poland).

In December, 2013 Went out in light train aid "Collection of legislative acts on History of Kazakhstan and South-west Siberia" (Russian FEDERATION, Barnaul).

Functional duties between the members of department are up-diffused as follows: counsel of group HSh- 11 (RаkishеvаG.К.), group HSh- 12 (GаnаbеkоvаD.B.), group HSh- of 21 (Маkishеvа А.Т.), group HSh- 22 (Sizdikova А.М.), group HSh- of 31 (Маkishеvа А.Т.), group HSh - 32 (ТоhmetоvаG.М.), group HSh - 41 (SаbdаnbekоvаZ.А.), group HSh - 42 (Каrimоvа А.Е.), edvaizer is Каriмова of А.Е., educational methodical work - А.К.Тisbаеvа, research and international connection among students and teachers - Sizdikova А.М., vocational orientation work is RаkishеvаG.К., SМК, library co-ordinator is Маkishеvа А.Т.

Educational methodical works of department :

Department held session one time in a month (third Friday of month).

Questions are examined related to educational methodical, educator, scientific research, vocational orientation, skilled work, and also questions of progress of students.

On speciality 5В011400 "History" preparation of specialists on the Kazakh and Russian languages of educating is conducted from April, 2004, from the moment of formation of . Duration of license of АА 0000209 from May, 14, 2004 - permanent.

On a department there are the State obligatory standards of formation of Republic of Kazakhstan on speciality 5В011400 "History".

Working curricula are made according to the State obligatory standards of formation of Republic of Kazakhstan and ratified on Scientific advice of PGPI.

Correlation of lecture, seminar, individual employments and SRS corresponds to national Standard.

A department is almost fully provided with the model programs. The executable codes of educational disciplines are made in accordance with the model programs and correspond to the State obligatory standard of formation of РК and ratified to educational New Year by Advice of faculty.

On speciality 5В011400 "History" UMKS is formed, UMKD is formed, that plug in itself besides an executable code the supporting compendia of lectures, methodical pointing on seminar employments, methodical pointing on implementation of СРС with the variants of tasks and charts of implementation, materials for intermediate and final control, program of state examinations, program of through practices, methodical pointing to the diploma planning. On disciplines given lectures by teachers with a scientist degree and senior teachers.

Planning of the educational loading is conducted taking into account qualification of teachers in accordance with "Statute about the order of planning of the educational loading and other types of works of teachers of the Pavlodar state pedagogical college". Thus, executable work and partition of educational load correspond to qualification of teachers.

On a department there are a plan of work, annual reports, protocols of meeting of department, magazines of взаимопосещений, account of visited of students, individual plans of teachers, examination tests (tickets), plan of work of methodical seminar.

An educational methodical seminar examining the pressing questions of formation of higher and middle school works on a department, such as: design of educational process on the basis of state educational standard and variant programs on history, maintenance and structure of institution of higher learning historical education, range of problems maintenance of history, balance between local, regional and national history in the multinational state

Teachers the educational develops methodical manuals, conforming to the modern requirements upgrading of preparation of specialists. The 4 new special courses are worked out : Conception of steady development of Kazakhstan, religious Studies, History of world culture, History of deportation of people on territory of Kazakhstan.

Activity of cognizableness to the tendency Educating students methods innovative educating on time of means increase entered (h.n.к., associate professor Z.Sabdanbекоvа, Sizdikova А.М., А.Е. Кarimovа, brother teacher ТоhmетоvаcG.М., P.М.Каbulоvа). Level applies courses educating Sizdikova А.М., P.М.Каbulоvа teachers of Department finishing, students searches on to increase. Student дік work lecture, report, theme according to opinion exchanges, a circle is a table, library, the internet web-site дік work basis carried out will excel.

On a row with it students study on academic mobility.

Students of arriving 1 semesters 2013-2014 school year

last name, name, patronymic

Speciality, group


Institution of higher learning where studied


Hаrlаmоvа Nina Borisovna

History, 2 course


Tomsk is a state university (Tomsk)


Slepneva Wiktorj Igorevna

History, 3 course


Tomsk is a state university (Tomsk)


Маksimov Sergei Evgeneviч

History, 3 course


Tomsk is a state university (Tomsk)


Чuvashev Оlеg Аlеksandroviч

History, 4 course


Tomsk is a state university (Tomsk)

Students are sent to educating in 2 semesters 2013-2014 school year

last name, name, patronymic

Speciality, group


Institution of higher learning where studied


Isgan Аkаn Sаbrhаnul

History, 2 course

Philology and history

State university the name of М. of Utemisov Uralsk

Corresponding to rating to the system conducted for students 3 courses according to ОНСБ (VOUD) notice.

The time of


Не сдававшие

History of the Turkic peoples

Methods of teaching history

Theory and methods of social work

























The Department provides a discipline credit 94 form exams are taken in the form of tests. Credit form 100% of disciplines involved with test jobs.

All students are admitted to the session. Results of sessions for it is made a 1 course –98,4%, for 2 to the course – 98,9%, for 3 to the course – 97,9%, for 4 to the course – 100%. Graduating students getting "unsatisfactorily", at defence of final works, handing over of state examinations, not present. Student of group HSh- 42 Raxkovskaj К. is shut out on GАК so so a winter did not hand over a session.

Quality of implementation of final works is high enough, there are positive reviews and reviews on the final works, written with the leading teachers of PGU to the name S.Тоrаigrоvа, INEU, college of PGPI, and also by directors and teachers of high schools.

Chairman ГАК is a director PI of HES № 19 Таigulin Dаulet of Аmаnkeldieviч (April-May, 2014) in the reports gives a high enough estimation to quality of preparation of specialists. All diploma works are executed with the use of PWM. Actuality of subjects of diploma works does not cause doubts, afterwards diploma works of students can be used for realization of different sort of optional classes on history.

On a department conducted educational practices: arcival-museum, pedagogical, archaeological. All types of practices are planned and conducted in accordance with the charts of educational process, the executable codes of practices become firmly established annually учебно-методическим Advice of faculty. Organizational questions and aggregate results are examined on adjusting and final conferences with participation methodists and зав. by a department. The reports of students correspond to the programs of practices. From the analysis of results of productive practice evidently, that quality of preparation of specialists is high enough. Motion of practices and their results come into question on meeting of department.

All graduating students passed distribution employed. There is connection with graduating students. One of graduating students of previous school year not provided with work on speciality.

Fund of basic educational literature on speciality "History" in Russian language mainly conforms to the modern requirements of preparation of specialists, however obviously educational not enough literature in Kazakh language of educating. A volume of book fund of educational, учебно-методической and scientific literature is 6012 copy, including in Kazakh language 2547. Speciality "History" is mainly provided with учебно-методической and scientific literature on electronic and magnetic carriers. Material well-being of учебно-методической literature on magnetic and electronic carriers makes 14%. There is медиатека and multimedia lecture complex.


Кафедра истории и Ассамблеи народа Казахстана
Адрес: г. Павлодар, ул. Торайгырова 58, ауд. 301а
Телефон: 8 (718-2) 65-16-42